Source code for pychemia.population.ljcluster

from __future__ import print_function
import math
import sys
import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial
from pychemia import Composition, Structure, pcm_log
from pychemia.analysis import ClusterAnalysis, ClusterMatch
from pychemia.code.lennardjones import lj_compact_evaluate
from pychemia.utils.mathematics import unit_vector, length_vectors, unit_vectors, rotate_towards_axis, length_vector
from pychemia.utils.periodic import covalent_radius, atomic_number
from pychemia.utils.serializer import generic_serializer
from pychemia.code import LennardJones
from pychemia.external.symmol import get_point_group
from ._population import Population
from ._distances import FingerPrints, StructureDistances

[docs]class LJCluster(Population): def __init__(self, name, composition=None, tag='global', target_forces=1E-3, value_tol=1E-2, distance_tol=0.1, minimal_density=70.0, refine=True, direct_evaluation=False): if composition is not None: self.composition = Composition(composition) else: self.composition = None Population.__init__(self, name=name, tag=tag, direct_evaluation=direct_evaluation) self.tag = tag self.target_forces = target_forces self.value_tol = value_tol self.distance_tol = distance_tol self.minimal_density = minimal_density self.refine = refine self.fingerprinter = FingerPrints(self.pcdb) self.distancer = StructureDistances(self.pcdb)
[docs] def add_random(self): """ Add one random structure to the population """ if self.composition is None: raise ValueError('No composition associated to this population') comp = self.composition.composition.copy() structure = Structure.random_cluster(composition=comp) return self.new_entry(structure), None
[docs] def check_duplicates(self, ids): ret = {} selection = self.ids_sorted(ids) values = np.array([self.value(i) for i in selection]) if len(values) == 0: return ret diffs = np.ediff1d(values) for i in range(len(diffs)): idiff = diffs[i] if idiff < self.value_tol: ident1 = selection[i] ident2 = selection[i + 1] pcm_log.debug('Testing distances between %s and %s' % (str(ident1), str(ident2))) distance = self.distance(ident1, ident2) if distance < self.distance_tol: pcm_log.debug('Distance %7.3f < %7.3f' % (distance, self.distance_tol)) ret[ident2] = ident1 if len(ret) > 0: pcm_log.debug('Number of duplicates %d' % len(ret)) return ret
[docs] def cross(self, ids): if len(ids) != 2: raise ValueError("Crossing only implemented between two clusters") entry0 = self.get_entry(ids[0]) entry1 = self.get_entry(ids[1]) pos0 = np.array(entry0['structure']['positions']).reshape((-1, 3)) pos1 = np.array(entry1['structure']['positions']).reshape((-1, 3)) cut = np.random.randint(1, len(pos0)) new_pos0 = np.concatenate((pos0[:cut], pos1[cut:])) new_pos1 = np.concatenate((pos1[:cut], pos0[cut:])) new_structure = Structure(positions=new_pos0, symbols=entry0['structure']['symbols'], periodicity=False) entry_id = self.new_entry(structure=new_structure) new_structure = Structure(positions=new_pos1, symbols=entry0['structure']['symbols'], periodicity=False) entry_jd = self.new_entry(structure=new_structure) return entry_id, entry_jd
[docs] def distance(self, entry_id, entry_jd, rcut=50): """ Return a measure of the distance between two clusters by computing a n-dimensional vector of the distances between each atom to the origin and :param rcut: :param entry_id: The id of one population entry :param entry_jd: The id of another population entry :return: (int) The distance between two clusters """ ids_pair = tuple(np.sort([entry_id, entry_jd])) distance_entry = self.distancer.get_distance(ids_pair) if distance_entry is None: fingerprints = {} for entry_ijd in [entry_id, entry_jd]: if self.fingerprinter.get_fingerprint(entry_ijd) is None: structure = self.get_structure(entry_ijd) analysis = ClusterAnalysis(structure) x, ys = analysis.discrete_radial_distribution_function() fingerprint = {'_id': entry_ijd} for k in ys: atomic_number1 = atomic_number(k[0]) atomic_number2 = atomic_number(k[1]) pair = '%06d' % min(atomic_number1 * 1000 + atomic_number2, atomic_number2 * 1000 + atomic_number1) fingerprint[pair] = list(ys[k]) if self.fingerprinter.get_fingerprint(entry_ijd) is None: self.fingerprinter.set_fingerprint(fingerprint) else: self.fingerprinter.update(entry_ijd, fingerprint) fingerprints[entry_ijd] = fingerprint else: fingerprints[entry_ijd] = self.fingerprinter.get_fingerprint(entry_ijd) dij = [] for pair in fingerprints[entry_id]: if pair in fingerprints[entry_jd] and pair != '_id': vect1 = fingerprints[entry_id][pair] vect2 = fingerprints[entry_jd][pair] if len(vect1) < len(vect2): tmp = np.zeros(len(vect2)) tmp[:len(vect1)] = vect1 vect1 = tmp elif len(vect1) > len(vect2): tmp = np.zeros(len(vect1)) tmp[:len(vect2)] = vect2 vect2 = tmp uvect1 = unit_vector(vect1) uvect2 = unit_vector(vect2) dij.append(0.5 * (1.0 -, uvect2))) distance = float(np.mean(dij)) self.distancer.set_distance(ids_pair, distance) else: distance = distance_entry['distance'] return distance
@property def to_dict(self): return {'name':, 'tag': self.tag, 'target_forces': self.target_forces, 'value_tol': self.value_tol, 'distance_tol': self.distance_tol, 'minimal_density': self.minimal_density}
[docs] def get_duplicates(self, ids, fast=False): dupes_dict = {} dupes_list = [] selection = self.ids_sorted(ids) pcm_log.debug('Searching duplicates in %d structures' % len(selection)) for i in range(len(selection) - 1): ncomps = 0 entry_id = selection[i] if fast and entry_id in dupes_list: continue sys.stdout.write(" %5d of %5d: " % (i, len(selection))) value_i = self.value(entry_id) for j in range(i + 1, len(selection)): entry_jd = selection[j] if fast and entry_jd in dupes_list: continue value_j = self.value(entry_jd) if abs(value_i - value_j) < self.value_tol: ncomps += 1 distance = self.distance(entry_id, entry_jd) if distance < self.distance_tol: if entry_id in dupes_dict: dupes_dict[entry_id].append(entry_jd) else: dupes_dict[entry_id] = [entry_jd] dupes_list.append(entry_jd) sys.stdout.write(' comparisons: %d\n' % ncomps) return dupes_dict, [x for x in selection if x in dupes_list]
[docs] def is_evaluated(self, entry_id): entry = self.get_entry(entry_id) if entry is not None and 'properties' not in entry: raise ValueError('Anomalous condition for %s' % entry_id) if entry is not None and entry['properties'] is not None: properties = entry['properties'] if 'forces' not in properties: forces = None elif properties['forces'] is None: forces = None else: forces = np.max(np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, 1, np.array(properties['forces']).reshape((-1, 3)))) else: forces = None if forces is not None and forces < self.target_forces: return True else: return False
[docs] def from_dict(self, population_dict): return LJCluster(name=population_dict['name'], tag=population_dict['tag'], target_forces=population_dict['target_forces'], value_tol=population_dict['value_tol'], distance_tol=population_dict['distance_tol'], minimal_density=population_dict['minimal_density'])
[docs] def move(self, entry_id, entry_jd, factor=0.2, in_place=False): st_orig = self.get_structure(entry_id) st_dest = self.get_structure(entry_jd) cm = ClusterMatch(st_orig, st_dest) cm.match() # pos_orig = np.array(entry_orig['structure']['positions']).reshape((-1, 3)) # pos_dest = np.array(entry_dest['structure']['positions']).reshape((-1, 3)) pos_orig = cm.structure1.positions pos_dest = cm.structure2.positions # Move to a position with negative energy reduc = 1 new_positions = np.array(pos_orig) while True: new_positions = rotation_move(pos_orig, pos_dest, fraction=reduc * factor) new_structure = Structure(positions=new_positions, symbols=st_orig.symbols, periodicity=False) lj = LennardJones(new_structure) if lj.get_energy() < 0.0: break reduc -= 0.05 pcm_log.debug('Effective factor will be reduced to %7.3f, original factor %7.3f' % (reduc * factor, factor)) if reduc <= 0.0: # print 'No movement effective' break # Avoid condition with atoms too close distance_matrix = scipy.spatial.distance_matrix(new_positions, new_positions) tmp = np.max(distance_matrix.flatten()) # print 'Scaling by', tmp minimal_distance = np.min((distance_matrix + tmp * np.eye(len(new_positions))).flatten()) if minimal_distance < 1E-8: pcm_log.debug("Null distance between different atoms, no moving") new_positions = pos_orig if tmp > 5: # print 'Big scaling, better not to move' new_positions = pos_orig else: max_cov = np.max(covalent_radius(st_orig.symbols)) new_positions *= max_cov / minimal_distance new_structure = Structure(positions=new_positions, symbols=st_orig.symbols, periodicity=False) # print 'Density of cluster', new_structure.density if in_place: self.unset_properties(entry_id) return self.set_structure(entry_id, new_structure) else: return self.new_entry(new_structure, active=False)
[docs] def evaluate(self, structure, gtol=None): if gtol is None: gtol = self.target_forces positions, forces, energy = lj_compact_evaluate(structure, gtol, self.minimal_density) structure.set_positions(positions) structure.relocate_to_cm() if structure.natom > 2: structure.align_inertia_momenta() sorted_indices = structure.sort_sites() forces = forces[sorted_indices] pg = get_point_group(structure, executable='symmol') properties = {'forces': generic_serializer(forces), 'energy': energy, 'point_group': pg} return structure, properties
[docs] def evaluate_entry(self, entry_id): pcm_log.debug('Evaluating %s target density= %7.3F' % (entry_id, self.minimal_density)) structure = self.get_structure(entry_id) structure, properties = self.evaluate(structure, gtol=self.target_forces) self.update_properties(entry_id=entry_id, new_properties=properties) return self.set_structure(entry_id, structure)
[docs] def refine(self, entry_id, gtol=None): if self.refine: pcm_log.debug('Evaluating %s target density= %7.3F' % (entry_id, self.minimal_density)) structure = self.get_structure(entry_id) structure, properties = self.evaluate(structure, gtol=gtol) self.update_properties(entry_id=entry_id, new_properties=properties) return self.set_structure(entry_id, structure)
[docs] def maxforce(self, entry_id): return np.max(length_vectors(self.get_forces(entry_id)))
[docs] def refine_progressive(self, entry_id): if self.refine: inivalue = self.value(entry_id) gtol = 10 ** math.ceil(math.log10(self.maxforce(entry_id))) while True: pcm_log.debug('Local minimization up to %7.3f ' % gtol) gtol /= 10 pcm_log.debug('Evaluating %s target density= %7.3F' % (entry_id, self.minimal_density)) structure = self.get_structure(entry_id) structure, properties = self.evaluate(structure, gtol=gtol) if properties['energy'] / structure.natom < inivalue: self.update_properties(entry_id=entry_id, new_properties=properties) return self.set_structure(entry_id, structure) else: pcm_log.debug('Relaxation raise value %7.3f < %7.3f' % (inivalue, properties['energy'] / structure.natom)) if self.maxforce(entry_id) > gtol: pcm_log.debug('I cannot relax more...') break
[docs] def move_random(self, entry_id, factor=0.2, in_place=False, kind='move'): entry = self.get_entry(entry_id) pos = np.array(entry['structure']['positions']).reshape((-1, 3)) # Unit Vectors uv = unit_vectors(2 * np.random.rand(*pos.shape) - 1) new_pos = generic_serializer(pos + factor * uv) structure = Structure(positions=new_pos, symbols=entry['structure']['symbols'], periodicity=False) if in_place: self.update_properties(entry_id=entry_id, new_properties={}) return self.set_structure(entry_id, structure) else: structure = Structure(positions=new_pos, symbols=entry['structure']['symbols'], periodicity=False) return self.new_entry(structure, active=False)
[docs] def get_structure(self, entry_id): entry = self.get_entry(entry_id) if 'structure' not in entry: raise ValueError('structure is not present on %s' % entry_id) if entry['structure'] is None: raise ValueError('structure is None for %s' % entry_id) return Structure.from_dict(entry['structure'])
[docs] def get_forces(self, entry_id): entry = self.get_entry(entry_id, projection={'properties.forces': 1}) forces = np.array(entry['properties']['forces']).reshape((-1, 3)) return forces
[docs] def str_entry(self, entry_id): structure = self.get_structure(entry_id) entry = self.get_entry(entry_id, projection={'properties': 1}) msg = 'Cluster: LJ%d Point group: %s Energy: %7.3f Forces: %7.1E' pg = entry['properties']['point_group'] return msg % (structure.natom, pg, entry['properties']['energy'], self.maxforce(entry_id))
[docs] def new_entry(self, structure, active=True): if active and self.direct_evaluation: structure, properties = self.evaluate(structure, gtol=self.target_forces) else: properties = {} status = {self.tag: active} entry = {'structure': structure.to_dict, 'properties': properties, 'status': status} entry_id = self.set_entry(entry) pcm_log.debug('Added new entry: %s with tag=%s: %s' % (str(entry_id), self.tag, str(active))) return entry_id
[docs] def recover(self): data = self.get_population_info() if data is not None: self.distance_tol = data['distance_tol'] self.value_tol = data['value_tol'] = data['name'] self.target_forces = data['target_forces'] self.minimal_density = data['minimal_density']
[docs] def value(self, entry_id): entry = self.get_entry(entry_id) structure = self.get_structure(entry_id) if 'properties' not in entry: pcm_log.debug('This entry has no properties %s' % str(entry['_id'])) return None elif entry['properties'] is None: return None elif 'energy' not in entry['properties']: pcm_log.debug('This entry has no energy in properties %s' % str(entry['_id'])) return None else: return entry['properties']['energy'] / structure.get_composition().gcd
[docs]def rotation_move(pos_orig, pos_dest, fraction): new_positions = np.zeros(pos_orig.shape) for i in range(len(pos_orig)): if length_vector(pos_orig[i]) < 1E-5 or length_vector(pos_dest[i]) < 1E-5: new_positions[i] = pos_dest[i] else: new_positions[i] = rotate_towards_axis(pos_orig[i], pos_dest[i], fraction=fraction) uv = new_positions[i] / np.linalg.norm(new_positions[i]) new_positions[i] = fraction * np.linalg.norm(pos_dest[i]) * uv + (1 - fraction) * np.linalg.norm( pos_orig[i]) * uv return new_positions
[docs]def direct_move(pos_orig, pos_dest, fraction): return pos_orig + fraction * (pos_dest - pos_orig)
[docs]def movement_sweep(pos_orig, pos_dest, symbols, figname='figure.pdf'): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=3, sharex=True, figsize=(11, 8.5)) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.07, bottom=0.07, right=0.98, top=0.98, wspace=0.08, hspace=0.08) ee = [] ff = [] dd = [] delta = 2E-3 xx = np.arange(0.0, 1.0 + 0.9 * delta, delta) for f in xx: new_positions = direct_move(pos_orig, pos_dest, fraction=f) new_structure = Structure(positions=new_positions, symbols=symbols, periodicity=False) lj = LennardJones(new_structure) ee.append(lj.get_energy()) ff.append(np.max(lj.get_magnitude_forces())) # Distance Matrix dm = scipy.spatial.distance_matrix(new_positions, new_positions) # Min distance md = np.min(np.array(np.array(dm) + 100 * np.eye(len(pos_orig))).flatten()) dd.append(md) ax[0].plot(xx, ee) ax[0].set_ylim(min(ee), 0.1) ax[1].semilogy(xx, ff) ax[2].plot(xx, dd) st = Structure(positions=pos_orig, symbols=symbols, periodicity=False) lj = LennardJones(st) ax[0].plot(0, lj.get_energy(), 'ro') ax[1].semilogy(0, np.max(lj.get_magnitude_forces()), 'ro') dm = scipy.spatial.distance_matrix(lj.structure.positions, lj.structure.positions) md = np.min(np.array(np.array(dm) + 100 * np.eye(len(pos_orig))).flatten()) ax[2].plot(0, md, 'ro') st = Structure(positions=pos_dest, symbols=symbols, periodicity=False) lj = LennardJones(st) ax[0].plot(1, lj.get_energy(), 'ro') ax[1].semilogy(1, np.max(lj.get_magnitude_forces()), 'ro') dm = scipy.spatial.distance_matrix(lj.structure.positions, lj.structure.positions) md = np.min(np.array(np.array(dm) + 100 * np.eye(len(pos_orig)).flatten())) ax[2].plot(1, md, 'ro') ax[2].set_xlim(-0.01, 1.01) ax[0].set_ylabel('Energy') ax[1].set_ylabel('Max Force') ax[2].set_ylabel('Minimal inter atomic distance') plt.savefig(figname)