Source code for

Several routines to read and write CIF files

import os as _os
import re
from collections import OrderedDict

from pychemia.crystal import Lattice
from pychemia.utils.computing import read_file, only_ascii

[docs]class CIF: def __init__(self, data): = data self.splits = OrderedDict() self.split_data() @staticmethod
[docs] def from_string(string): return CIF(string)
[docs] def from_file(filename): return CIF(read_file(filename))
[docs] def split_data(self): splits = re.split('^\s*data_', 'CIF\n' +, flags=re.MULTILINE) if len(splits) > 1: for x in splits[1:]: blk = self.block_from_string('data_' + x) self._process_block(blk) self.splits[blk['title']] = blk
[docs] def block_from_string(self, string): ret = OrderedDict() string = self._process_string(string) n = 0 in_loop = False for x in string.splitlines(): x = x.strip() if x.startswith('data_'): ret['title'] = x[5:] elif x.startswith('_'): y = x.split() if in_loop: ret['loop_' + str(n)][y[0]] = " ".join(z for z in y[1:]) else: ret[y[0]] = " ".join(z for z in y[1:]) elif x.startswith('loop_'): in_loop = True n += 1 ret['loop_' + str(n)] = OrderedDict() else: if in_loop: y = x.split() ret['loop_' + str(n)][y[0]] = " ".join(z for z in y[1:]) return ret
@classmethod def _process_block(cls, blk): for x in blk.keys(): if x in ['_cell_length_a', '_cell_length_b', '_cell_length_c', '_cell_angle_alpha', '_cell_angle_beta', '_cell_angle_gamma', '_cell_volume']: blk[x] = float(blk[x]) elif x in ['_cell_formula_units_Z', '_symmetry_Int_Tables_number']: blk[x] = int(blk[x]) elif x.startswith('loop'): if blk[x].keys()[0] == '_symmetry_equiv_pos_site_id': for y in blk[x].keys()[2:]: blk[x][int(y)] = blk[x][y][1:-1] blk[x].pop(y) elif blk[x].keys()[0] == '_atom_site_type_symbol': for y in blk[x].keys(): tokens = blk[x][y].split() if len(tokens) == 6: blk[x][y] = (tokens[0], int(tokens[1]), float(tokens[2]), float(tokens[3]), float(tokens[4]), int(tokens[5])) return blk @classmethod def _process_string(cls, string): # Remove comments string = re.sub("(\s|^)#.*$", "", string, flags=re.MULTILINE) # Remove empty lines string = re.sub("^\s*\n", "", string, flags=re.MULTILINE) # Remove non_ascii characters string = only_ascii(string) return string
[docs]class CIFStructure: def __init__(self, cif_blocks, title=None): if title is None: title = cif_blocks.keys()[0] = cif_blocks[title]
[docs] def get_lattice(self): """ Generate the lattice from the provided lattice parameters. In the absence of all six lattice parameters, the crystal system and necessary parameters are parsed """ length_strings = ("a", "b", "c") angle_strings = ("alpha", "beta", "gamma") try: lengths = [["_cell_length_" + i] for i in length_strings] angles = [["_cell_angle_" + i] for i in angle_strings] return Lattice.from_parameters_to_cell(*tuple(lengths + angles)) except: raise ValueError()
[docs] def get_symmetry_operations(self): ret = [] for x in if x.startswith('loop'): for symmetry_label in ["_symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz", "_symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz_", "_space_group_symop_operation_xyz", "_space_group_symop_operation_xyz_"]: if symmetry_label in[x].keys(): ret = [[x][y] for y in[x].keys() if[x][y] != ''] break if not ret: print( for symmetry_label in ["_space_group_IT_number", "_space_group_IT_number_", "_symmetry_Int_Tables_number", "_symmetry_Int_Tables_number_"]: if symmetry_label in spg =[symmetry_label] print(spg) break if not ret: print( for symmetry_label in ["_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M", "_symmetry_space_group_name_H_M", "_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M_", "_symmetry_space_group_name_H_M_", "_space_group_name_Hall", "_space_group_name_Hall_", "_space_group_name_H-M_alt", "_space_group_name_H-M_alt_", "_symmetry_space_group_name_hall", "_symmetry_space_group_name_hall_", "_symmetry_space_group_name_h-m", "_symmetry_space_group_name_h-m_"]: if symmetry_label in spg =[symmetry_label] print(spg) break return ret
[docs]def cif_expand(path, dirname=None, verbose=False): """ Split a multi-structure CIF file and return a directory with all the CIFs in separated files :param path: Path to the file that contain multi-structure :param dirname: Path to the directory where the extracted CIFs will be located, by default it will be the same location of the original file and the name of the directory will be the name of the 'filename' without extension :param verbose: Print some extra info :rtype : str """ if not _os.path.isfile(path): raise ValueError('Could not find such filename') else: rf = open(path, 'r') if dirname is None: dirname = _os.path.splitext(path)[0] if not _os.path.lexists(dirname): _os.mkdir(dirname) elif not _os.path.isdir(dirname): dirname += '_DIR' if not _os.path.lexists(dirname): _os.mkdir(dirname) else: raise ValueError('Could not create a suitable directory') ndata = 0 cif = "" cifname = None for line in rf.readlines(): cif += line if line[:5] == 'data_': cifname = line.strip()[5:] if verbose: print(cifname) ndata += 1 elif line[:13] == '#End of data_': if line.strip()[13:] != cifname: raise ValueError('Beginning and end of CIF are not consistent') wf = open(dirname + '/' + cifname + '.cif', 'w') wf.write(cif) wf.close() cif = "" rf.close() if verbose: print('Number of structures found: ', ndata) return dirname
[docs]def is_multistructure(path, verbose=False): """ Read a filename in path and returns True if the CIF contains several structures """ retval = False if not _os.path.isfile(path): raise ValueError('Could not find such filename') else: rf = open(path, 'r') ndata = 0 for line in rf.readlines(): if line[:5] == 'data_': ndata += 1 if ndata > 1: retval = True if verbose: print('%4d structures in %s' % (ndata, path)) return retval
[docs]def get_singlecifs(dirname, verbose=False): """ Recursively explores a directory searching for .cif files, determines if they are single or multi-structure, expand those multi and return a list of single-strcuture cif files :param dirname: (str) Directory to read CIFS :param verbose: (bool) Verbosity of routine :return: """ single_cifs = [] lst = [x for x in _os.listdir(dirname) if x[-3:] == 'cif'] if verbose: print('Found ' + str(len(lst)) + ' cifs') for cif in lst: path = dirname + '/' + cif if is_multistructure(path): if verbose: print(path + ' is multistructure') cifdir = cif_expand(path) sublst = [x for x in _os.listdir(cifdir) if x[-3:] == 'cif'] for subcif in sublst: subpath = cifdir + '/' + subcif single_cifs.append(subpath) else: single_cifs.append(path) return single_cifs
[docs]def get_space_group_symop_operation_xyz(filename): rf = open(filename) data = rf.close() re.findall('_space_group_symop_operation_xyz\n([\s\w,]+) \n', data)