Source code for

Module for support V_sim ascii fileformat
Contains routines to load .ascii files and
create pychemia Structure objects and to save
back to .ascii files

This code was originally created for ASE

import re as _re
from pychemia.utils.constants import bohr_angstrom
from pychemia.core import Structure

[docs]def load(filep): """ Read an V_sim .ascii file and returns a pychemia Structure object Args: filep: (string) Path to a .ascii file or an actual file-like object Returns: struct: (object) A pychemia Structure object """ if isinstance(filep, str): f = open(filep) else: # Assume it's a file-like object f = filep comment = f.readline() line = f.readline() + ' ' + f.readline() box = line.split() for i in range(len(box)): box[i] = float(box[i]) keywords = [] positions = [] symbols = [] re_comment = _re.compile('^\s*[#!]') re_node = _re.compile('^\s*\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+') while True: line = f.readline() if line == '': break # EOF -> Exit p = re_comment.match(line) if p is not None: # remove comment character at the beginning of line line = line[p.end():].replace(',', ' ').lower() if line[:8] == "keyword:": keywords.extend(line[8:].split()) elif re_node.match(line): unit = 1.0 if not ("reduced" in keywords): if ("bohr" in keywords) or ("bohrd0" in keywords) or ("atomic" in keywords) or ("atomicd0" in keywords): unit = bohr_angstrom fields = line.split() positions.append([unit * float(fields[0]), unit * float(fields[1]), unit * float(fields[2])]) symbols.append(fields[3]) f.close() if ("surface" in keywords) or ("freeBC" in keywords): raise NotImplementedError # create atoms object based on the information if "angdeg" in keywords: cell = cell.par_to_cell(box) else: unit = 1.0 if ("bohr" in keywords) or ("bohrd0" in keywords) or ("atomic" in keywords) or ("atomicd0" in keywords): unit = bohr_angstrom cell = [[unit * box[0], 0.0, 0.0], [unit * box[1], unit * box[2], 0.0], [unit * box[3], unit * box[4], unit * box[5]]] if "reduced" in keywords: struct = Structure(cell=cell, reduced=positions, symbols=symbols, name=comment) else: struct = Structure(cell=cell, positions=positions, symbols=symbols, name=comment) return struct
[docs]def save(struct, filep, cartesian=True, long_format=True, angdeg=False): """ Saves a pychemia Structure object in V_sim .ascii fileformat in the simplest way, i.e. using all defaults with no optional keywords. In the first line we add the number of atoms, as this is used by certain code """ if isinstance(filep, str): f = open(filep, 'w') else: # Assume it's a 'file-like object' f = filep # write header (treated as a comment by v_sim f.write("%s\n" % # write cell cell = struct.cell if angdeg: ddd = cell_to_cellpar(cell) else: ddd = cell_to_reduced(cell) f.write("%.14f %.14f %.14f\n" % (ddd[0], ddd[1], ddd[2])) f.write("%.14f %.14f %.14f\n" % (ddd[3], ddd[4], ddd[5])) if angdeg: f.write("#keyword: angdeg\n") # Write atom positions in scaled or cartesian coordinates if cartesian: coord = struct.positions else: f.write("#keyword: reduced\n") coord = struct.reduced if long_format: cform = ' %19.16f' else: cform = ' %9.6f' symbols = struct.symbols for iatom, atom in enumerate(coord): f.write(' ') for dcoord in atom: f.write(cform % dcoord) f.write(' ' + symbols[iatom] + '\n')
[docs]def cell_to_reduced(full): """ Transforms the given matrix full into a reduced array used by V_Sim to store box definition. translated from src/coreTools/toolMatrix.c subroutine tool_matrix_reducePrimitiveVectors """ from numpy import zeros from numpy.linalg import norm xcoord = full[0].copy() # Compute the Y vector of the new basis, orthogonal to xcoord an coplanar with xcoord and old y vector u = zeros(3) u[0] = full[0][1] * full[1][2] - full[0][2] * full[1][1] u[1] = full[0][2] * full[1][0] - full[0][0] * full[1][2] u[2] = full[0][0] * full[1][1] - full[0][1] * full[1][0] deltaij = xcoord[0] * u[1] - xcoord[1] * u[0] if deltaij != 0.0: i = 0 j = 1 k = 2 else: deltaij = xcoord[0] * u[2] - xcoord[2] * u[0] if deltaij != 0.0: i = 0 j = 2 k = 1 else: deltaij = xcoord[1] * u[2] - xcoord[2] * u[1] if deltaij != 0.0: i = 1 j = 2 k = 0 else: # Error return None y = zeros(3) y[k] = -1.0 y[i] = (xcoord[k] * u[j] - xcoord[j] * u[k]) / deltaij y[j] = (xcoord[i] * u[k] - xcoord[k] * u[i]) / deltaij # We need to turn Y if y.Y is negative fnorm = full[1][0] * y[0] + full[1][1] * y[1] + full[1][2] * y[2] if fnorm < 0.0: y *= -1. # Compute the new Z vector in order to form a direct orthogonal # basis with xcoord and Y z = zeros(3) z[0] = xcoord[1] * y[2] - xcoord[2] * y[1] z[1] = xcoord[2] * y[0] - xcoord[0] * y[2] z[2] = xcoord[0] * y[1] - xcoord[1] * y[0] # Normalize vectors xcoord /= norm(xcoord) y /= norm(y) z /= norm(z) # Compute the reduce value for the basis. reduced = zeros(6) reduced[0] = xcoord[0] * full[0][0] + xcoord[1] * full[0][1] + xcoord[2] * full[0][2] reduced[1] = xcoord[0] * full[1][0] + xcoord[1] * full[1][1] + xcoord[2] * full[1][2] reduced[2] = y[0] * full[1][0] + y[1] * full[1][1] + y[2] * full[1][2] reduced[3] = xcoord[0] * full[2][0] + xcoord[1] * full[2][1] + xcoord[2] * full[2][2] reduced[4] = y[0] * full[2][0] + y[1] * full[2][1] + y[2] * full[2][2] reduced[5] = z[0] * full[2][0] + z[1] * full[2][1] + z[2] * full[2][2] return reduced