Source code for pychemia.evaluator.vasp_evaluator

import os
import shutil
import json
import logging
from pychemia.code.vasp import VaspJob, VaspOutput, InputVariables
from pychemia.crystal import KPoints
from pychemia.code.vasp import read_poscar
from pychemia.utils.mathematics import round_small

__author__ = 'Guillermo Avendano-Franco'

[docs]class RelaxPopulation: def __init__(self, population, basedir, target_force=1E-2, target_stress=1E-2): self.population = population self.basedir = basedir self.vasp_jobs = {} self.runs = {} self.runner = None self.status = {} self.target_force = target_force self.target_stress = target_stress
[docs] def create_dirs(self, clean=False): if not os.path.isdir(self.basedir): os.makedirs(self.basedir) elif clean: for i in os.listdir(self.basedir): shutil.rmtree(self.basedir + os.sep + i) for i in self.population.pcdb.entries.find(): name = self.basedir + os.sep + str(i['_id']) if not os.path.isdir(name): os.mkdir(name)
[docs] def create_inputs(self, kp_density=10000, encut=1.0): # kpoints = KPoints(kmode='gamma', grid=[4, 4, 4]) for entry in self.population.pcdb.entries.find(): name = str(entry['_id']) workdir = self.basedir + os.sep + name structure = self.population.db.get_structure(entry['_id']) kpoints = KPoints.optimized_grid(structure.lattice, kp_density=kp_density) print(kpoints) vj = VaspJob() vj.initialize(workdir=workdir, structure=structure, kpoints=kpoints) inp = InputVariables() inp.set_rough_relaxation() vj.set_input_variables(inp) vj.write_potcar() vj.input_variables.set_encut(ENCUT=encut, POTCAR=workdir + os.sep + 'POTCAR') vj.set_inputs() self.vasp_jobs[name] = vj self.runs[name] = 0 self.status[name] = ['ACTIVE']
[docs] def add_status(self, entry_id, value): if value not in self.status[entry_id]: self.status[entry_id].append(value)
[docs] def del_status(self, entry_id, value): if value in self.status[entry_id]: self.status[entry_id].remove(value)
[docs] def flip_status(self, entry_id, oldvalue, newvalue): self.del_status(entry_id, oldvalue) self.add_status(entry_id, newvalue)
[docs] def modify_input(self, entry_id): if 'RELAXED' not in self.status[entry_id] and 'NOPROCAR' not in self.status[entry_id] \ and 'NOOUTCAR' not in self.status[entry_id]: return True else: return False
[docs] def update(self, workdir): """ This routine determines how to proceed with the relaxation for one specific work directory :param workdir: (str) String representation of the id in the mongodb :return: """ # workdir = self.basedir + os.sep + entry_id entry_id = os.path.basename(workdir) vj = self.vasp_jobs[entry_id] runj = self.runs[entry_id] if os.path.isfile(workdir + os.sep + 'OUTCAR'): vj.get_outputs() self.update_history(entry_id) if os.path.isfile(workdir + os.sep + 'RELAXED'): self.add_status(entry_id, 'RELAXED') elif not os.path.isfile(workdir + os.sep + 'PROCAR'): self.add_status(entry_id, 'NOPROCAR') else: self.del_status(entry_id, 'NOPROCAR') if not os.path.isfile(workdir + os.sep + 'OUTCAR'): self.add_status(entry_id, 'NOOUTCAR') else: self.del_status(entry_id, 'NOOUTCAR') print('-') vo = VaspOutput(workdir + os.sep + 'OUTCAR') relaxation_info = vo.relaxation_info() if len(relaxation_info) != 3: print('[' + str(entry_id) + ']' + ' Missing some data in OUTCAR (forces or stress)') self.add_status(entry_id, 'NOOUTCAR') print('[' + str(entry_id) + ']' + 'Results:') for i in relaxation_info: print('[' + str(entry_id) + '] %20s %12.5e' % (i, relaxation_info[i])) # Conditions to consider the structure relaxed if relaxation_info['avg_force'] < self.target_force: if relaxation_info['avg_stress_diag'] < self.target_stress: if relaxation_info['avg_stress_non_diag'] < self.target_stress: wf = open(workdir + os.sep + 'RELAXED', 'w') for i in relaxation_info: wf.write("%15s %12.3f" % (i, relaxation_info[i])) wf.close() wf = open(workdir + os.sep + 'COMPLETE', 'w') for i in relaxation_info: wf.write("%15s %12.3f" % (i, relaxation_info[i])) wf.close() self.add_status(entry_id, 'RELAXED') if self.modify_input(entry_id): # How to change ISIF if relaxation_info['avg_force'] < 0.1: if relaxation_info['avg_stress_diag'] < 0.1: if relaxation_info['avg_stress_non_diag'] < 0.1: vj.input_variables.variables['ISIF'] = 3 else: vj.input_variables.variables['ISIF'] = 3 else: vj.input_variables.variables['ISIF'] = 3 else: vj.input_variables.variables['ISIF'] = 2 # How to change IBRION # if info['avg_force'] < 0.1 and info['avg_stress_diag'] < 0.1 and info['avg_stress_non_diag'] < 0.1: # vj.input_variables.variables['IBRION'] = 1 # elif info['avg_force'] < 1 and info['avg_stress_diag'] < 1 and info['avg_stress_non_diag'] < 1: # vj.input_variables.variables['IBRION'] = 2 # else: # vj.input_variables.variables['IBRION'] = 3 # How to change EDIFF if vj.input_variables.variables['EDIFF'] > 2 * 1E-4: vj.input_variables.variables['EDIFF'] = round_small(vj.input_variables.variables['EDIFF'] / 2) else: vj.input_variables.variables['EDIFF'] = 1E-4 # How to change EDIFFG if vj.input_variables.variables['EDIFFG'] < - 2 * self.target_force: vj.input_variables.variables['EDIFFG'] = round_small(vj.input_variables.variables['EDIFFG'] / 2) else: vj.input_variables.variables['EDIFFG'] = - self.target_force # Print new values print('[' + str(entry_id) + ']' + 'New Values:') for i in ['ISIF', 'IBRION', 'EDIFF', 'EDIFFG']: print('[' + str(entry_id) + ']' + i + ' : ', vj.input_variables.variables[i]) print('-') for i in ['OUTCAR']: if not os.path.exists(workdir + os.sep + i): wf = open(workdir + os.sep + i, 'w') wf.write('') wf.close() log = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(workdir + os.sep + i, maxBytes=1, backupCount=1000) log.doRollover() try: vj.structure = read_poscar(workdir + os.sep + 'CONTCAR') except ValueError: print('Error reading CONTCAR') vj.set_inputs() properties = vj.outcar status = self.status[entry_id] newentry = self.population.db.update(entry_id, structure=vj.structure, properties=properties, status=status) vj.save_json(workdir + os.sep + 'vaspjob.json') wf = open(workdir + os.sep + 'entry.json', 'w') json.dump(newentry, wf, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) wf.close() return True else: vj.set_inputs() status = self.status[entry_id] newentry = self.population.db.update(entry_id, structure=vj.structure, status=status) vj.save_json(workdir + os.sep + 'vaspjob.json') wf = open(workdir + os.sep + 'entry.json', 'w') json.dump(newentry, wf, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) wf.close() return True
[docs] def update_history(self, entry_id): filename = 'pychemia_relaxation.json' filepath = self.basedir + os.sep + entry_id + os.sep + filename if not os.path.exists(filepath): wf = open(filepath, 'w') data = [self.vasp_jobs[entry_id].to_dict] json.dump(data, wf, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) wf.close() else: rf = open(filepath, 'r') data = json.load(rf) rf.close() data.append(self.vasp_jobs[entry_id].to_dict) wf = open(filepath, 'w') json.dump(data, wf, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) wf.close()
@property def workdirs(self): return [self.basedir + os.sep + name for name in self.population.members] @property def active_workdirs(self): return [self.basedir + os.sep + name for name in self.population.actives]
[docs] def run(self, runner): entries_ids = self.population.members def worker(workdir): wf = open(workdir + os.sep + 'LOCK', 'w') wf.write('') wf.close() os.remove(workdir + os.sep + 'LOCK') def checker(workdir): if os.path.isfile(workdir + os.sep + 'LOCK'): return False return self.update(workdir) workdirs = [self.basedir + os.sep + i for i in self.population.actives] runner.run_multidirs(workdirs, worker, checker) if not self.is_running:
[docs] def set_run(self, code, runner, basedir, kp_density=10000, encut=1.1): self.runner = runner self.create_dirs(clean=True) self.create_inputs(kp_density=kp_density, encut=encut)