Source code for pychemia.db.queue

import os
import pymongo
from pychemia import Structure
import gridfs
from pychemia.utils.computing import hashfile

[docs]class PyChemiaQueue: def __init__(self, name='Queue', host='localhost', port=27017, user=None, passwd=None, ssl=False, replicaset=None): """ Creates a MongoDB client to 'host' with 'port' and connect it to the database 'name'. Authentication can be used with 'user' and 'password' :param name: (str) The name of the database :param host: (str) The host as name or IP :param port: (int) The number of port to connect with the server (Default is 27017) :param user: (str) The user with read or write permissions to the database :param passwd: (str/int) Password to authenticate the user into the server :return: """ self.db_settings = {'name': name, 'host': host, 'port': port, 'user': user, 'passwd': passwd, 'ssl': ssl} = name uri = 'mongodb://' if user is not None: uri += user if passwd is not None: uri += ':' + str(passwd) uri += '@' uri += host + ':' + str(port) print('URI:', uri) if user is not None: uri += '/' + name if replicaset is not None: self._client = pymongo.MongoClient(uri, ssl=ssl, replicaset=replicaset) else: self._client = pymongo.MongoClient(host=host, port=port, ssl=ssl, ssl_cert_reqs=pymongo.ssl_support.ssl.CERT_NONE) for i in ['version']: print('%20s : %s' % (i, self._client.server_info()[i])) self.db = self._client[name] if user is not None and self.db.authenticate(user, passwd): print('Authentication successful') self.set_minimal_schema() self.fs = gridfs.GridFS(self.db)
[docs] def add_file(self, entry_id, location, filepath): assert (os.path.isfile(filepath)) hashcode = hashfile(filepath) rf = open(filepath, 'rb') filename = os.path.basename(filepath) length = os.path.getsize(filepath) existing = self.db.fs.files.find_one({'hash': hashcode, 'length': length, 'filename': filename}) if existing is None: file_id = self.fs.put(rf, filename=os.path.basename(filename), hash=hashcode) print('New file ', file_id) self.db.pychemia_entries.update({'_id': entry_id}, {'$addToSet': {location + '.files': {'file_id': file_id, 'name': filename, 'hash': hashcode}}}) else: file_id = existing['_id'] print('File already present ', file_id) self.db.pychemia_entries.update({'_id': entry_id}, {'$addToSet': {location + '.files': {'file_id': file_id, 'name': filename, 'hash': hashcode}}})
[docs] def add_input_file(self, entry_id, filename): self.add_file(entry_id, 'input', filename)
[docs] def set_minimal_schema(self): for entry in self.db.pychemia_entries.find({'meta': None}, {'_id': 1}): print('Missing field "meta" on', entry['_id']) self.db.pychemia_entries.update({'_id': entry['_id']}, {'$set': {'meta': {}}}) for entry in self.db.pychemia_entries.find({'input': None}, {'_id': 1}): print('Missing field "input" on', entry['_id']) self.db.pychemia_entries.update({'_id': entry['_id']}, {'$set': {'input': {}}}) for entry in self.db.pychemia_entries.find({'output': None}, {'_id': 1}): print('Missing field "output" on', entry['_id']) self.db.pychemia_entries.update({'_id': entry['_id']}, {'$set': {'output': {}}}) for entry in self.db.pychemia_entries.find({'job': None}, {'_id': 1}): print('Missing field "job" on', entry['_id']) self.db.pychemia_entries.update({'_id': entry['_id']}, {'$set': {'job': {}}})
[docs] def set_structure(self, entry_id, location, structure): assert (location in ['input', 'output']) self.db.pychemia_entries.update({'_id': entry_id}, {'$set': {location + '.structure': structure.to_dict}})
[docs] def set_input(self, entry_id, code, inputvar): for i in inputvar: if i.startswith('$'): value = inputvar.pop(i) inputvar[i[1:]] = value print('INPUTVAR:\n %s %s' % (inputvar, dict(inputvar))) self.db.pychemia_entries.update({'_id': entry_id}, {'$set': {'input.variables': dict(inputvar), 'input.code': code.lower()}})
[docs] def new_entry(self, structure=None, variables=None, code=None, files=None, priority=0, dbname=None, db_id=None): if variables is not None and code is None: raise ValueError("Input variables requiere code name") if variables is None and code is not None: raise ValueError("Input variables require code name") entry = {'input': {}, 'output': {}, 'job': {}, 'meta': {'submitted': False, 'priority': priority, 'finished': False, 'deployed': False, 'dbname': dbname, 'db_id': db_id}} entry_id = self.db.pychemia_entries.insert(entry) # Commented for compatibility with mongo 2.4 # self.db.pychemia_entries.update_one({'_id': entry_id}, {'$currentDate': {'meta.CreationDate': True}}) if structure is not None: self.set_input_structure(entry_id, structure) if variables is not None and code is not None: self.set_input(entry_id, code=code, inputvar=variables) if files is not None: for ifile in files: self.add_input_file(entry_id, filename=ifile) return entry_id
[docs] def set_job_settings(self, entry_id, nparal=None, queue=None, nhours=None, mail=None, task_name=None, task_settings=None, task_kind=None): if nparal is not None: self.db.pychemia_entries.update({'_id': entry_id}, {'$set': {'job.nparal': nparal}}) if queue is not None: self.db.pychemia_entries.update({'_id': entry_id}, {'$set': {'job.queue': queue}}) if mail is not None: self.db.pychemia_entries.update({'_id': entry_id}, {'$set': {'job.mail': mail}}) if nhours is not None: self.db.pychemia_entries.update({'_id': entry_id}, {'$set': {'job.nhours': nhours}}) if task_name is not None: self.db.pychemia_entries.update({'_id': entry_id}, {'$set': {'job.task_name': task_name}}) if task_kind is not None: self.db.pychemia_entries.update({'_id': entry_id}, {'$set': {'job.task_kind': task_name}}) if task_settings is not None: self.db.pychemia_entries.update({'_id': entry_id}, {'$set': {'job.task_settings': task_settings}})
[docs] def set_input_structure(self, entry_id, structure): return self.set_structure(entry_id, 'input', structure)
[docs] def set_output_structure(self, entry_id, structure): return self.set_structure(entry_id, 'output', structure)
[docs] def get_input_variables(self, entry_id): entry = self.db.pychemia_entries.find_one({'_id': entry_id}, {'input.variables': 1}) if 'variables' in entry['input']: return entry['input']['variables'] else: return None
[docs] def get_structure(self, entry_id, location): """ Return the structure in the entry with id 'entry_id' :rtype : Structure """ assert (location in ['input', 'output']) entry = self.db.pychemia_entries.find_one({'_id': entry_id}, {location: 1}) return Structure.from_dict(entry[location]['structure'])
[docs] def get_input_structure(self, entry_id): return self.get_structure(entry_id, 'input')
[docs] def get_output_structure(self, entry_id): return self.get_structure(entry_id, 'output')
[docs] def write_input_files(self, entry_id, destination=None): if destination is None: dest = '.' elif os.path.isfile(destination): dest = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(destination)) elif not os.path.exists(destination): os.mkdir(destination) dest = destination elif os.path.isdir(destination): dest = destination else: raise ValueError('Destination not valid') entry = self.db.pychemia_entries.find_one({'_id': entry_id}, {'input.files': 1}) for ifile in entry['input']['files']: rf = self.fs.get(ifile['file_id']) wf = open(dest + os.sep + ifile['name'], 'wb') wf.write( wf.close()