Source code for pychemia.db.db

import itertools
import json
import socket
from multiprocessing import Pool

import numpy as np
import pymongo
from bson.objectid import ObjectId

from pychemia import Structure, HAS_PYMONGO
from pychemia.utils.periodic import atomic_symbols

[docs]class PyChemiaDB: def __init__(self, name='pychemiadb', host='localhost', port=27017, user=None, passwd=None, ssl=False, replicaset=None): """ Creates a MongoDB client to 'host' with 'port' and connect it to the database 'name'. Authentication can be used with 'user' and 'password' :param name: (str) The name of the database :param host: (str) The host as name or IP :param port: (int) The number of port to connect with the server (Default is 27017) :param user: (str) The user with read or write permissions to the database :param passwd: (str,int) Password to authenticate the user into the server """ self.db_settings = {'name': name, 'host': host, 'port': port, 'user': user, 'passwd': passwd, 'ssl': ssl, 'replicaset': replicaset} = name uri = 'mongodb://' if user is not None: uri += user if passwd is not None: uri += ':' + str(passwd) uri += '@' uri += host + ':' + str(port) if user is not None: uri += '/' + name if pymongo.version_tuple[0] == 2: self._client = pymongo.MongoClient(uri, ssl=ssl, replicaSet=replicaset) elif pymongo.version_tuple[0] == 3: self._client = pymongo.MongoClient(uri, ssl=ssl, ssl_cert_reqs=pymongo.ssl_support.ssl.CERT_NONE, replicaSet=replicaset) else: raise ValueError('Wrong version of pymongo') self.db = self._client[name] self.entries = self.db.pychemia_entries self.set_minimal_schema() def __str__(self): ret = ' Database Name: %s\n' % ret += ' Host: %s\n' % self.db_settings['host'] ret += ' Port: %s\n' % self.db_settings['port'] ret += ' User: %s\n' % self.db_settings['user'] ret += ' SSL: %s\n' % self.db_settings['ssl'] return ret
[docs] def save_json(self, filename='db_settings.json'): wf = open(filename, 'w') json.dump(self.db_settings, wf, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) wf.close()
[docs] def insert(self, structure, properties=None, status=None): """ Insert a pychemia structure instance and properties into the database :param structure: (pychemia.Structure) An instance of Pychemia's Structure :param properties: (dict) Dictionary of properties :param status: (dict) Dictionary of status :return: """ if status is None: status = {} if properties is None: properties = {} entry = {'structure': structure.to_dict, 'properties': properties, 'status': status} entry_id = self.entries.insert(entry) return entry_id
[docs] def clean(self): self._client.drop_database( self.db = self._client[]
[docs] def update(self, entry_id, structure=None, properties=None, status=None): """ Update the fields 'structure', 'properties' or 'status' for a given identifier 'entry_id' :param entry_id: (ObjectID, str) :param structure: (pychemia.Structure) Structure to update :param properties: (dict) Dictionary of properties to update :param status: (dict) Status dictionary :return: The identifier for the entry that was updated :rtype : ObjectId """ assert (self.entries.find_one({'_id': entry_id}) is not None) entry = self.entries.find_one({'_id': entry_id}) if structure is not None: if isinstance(structure, Structure): entry['structure'] = structure.to_dict elif isinstance(structure, dict): entry['structure'] = structure else: print('ERROR: Could not process the structure') print(type(structure)) if properties is not None: entry['properties'] = properties if status is not None: entry['status'] = status self.entries.update({'_id': entry_id}, entry) return entry_id
[docs] def find_AnBm(self, specie_a=None, specie_b=None, n=1, m=1): """ Search for structures with a composition expressed as AnBm where one and only one between A or B is fixed and the numbers amounts n and m are both fixed :param specie_a: (str) atom symbol for the first specie :param specie_b: (str) atom symbol for the second specie :param n: number of atoms for specie 'a' :param m: number of atoms for specie 'b' :return: :return: (list) List of ids for all the structures that fulfill the conditions """ if specie_a is None and specie_b is None: raise ValueError("Enter a specie for A or B") elif specie_a is not None and specie_b is not None: raise ValueError("Only enter A or B, not both") elif specie_a is not None: atom_fixed = specie_a number_fixed = n number_unfixed = m assert (specie_a in atomic_symbols) else: atom_fixed = specie_b number_fixed = m number_unfixed = n assert (specie_b in atomic_symbols) ret = [] for entry in self.entries.find({'nspecies': 2, 'formula': {'$regex': atom_fixed}}): comp = Structure.from_dict(entry['structure']).get_composition() if atom_fixed in comp.composition and comp.composition[atom_fixed] % number_fixed == 0: species = comp.species species.remove(atom_fixed) other_specie = species[0] # See if the fraction n/m is correct for A and B if number_unfixed * float(comp.composition[atom_fixed]) == number_fixed * float( comp.composition[other_specie]): ret.append(entry['_id']) return ret
[docs] def find_composition(self, composition): """ Search for structures with a pseudo-composition expressed as dictionary where symbols that are not atomic symbols such as A or X can be used to represent arbitrary atoms :return: (list) List of ids for all the structures that fulfill the conditions """ ret = [] for entry in self.entries.find({'nspecies': len(composition)}): comp = Structure.from_dict(entry['structure']).get_composition() valid = True if sum(comp.composition.values()) % sum(composition.values()) != 0: valid = False vect1 = np.float64(np.sort(comp.composition.values())) vect2 = np.float64(np.sort(composition.values())) v12 = vect1 / vect2 if not np.all(v12 == v12[0]): valid = False for ispecie in composition: if ispecie in atomic_symbols and ispecie not in comp.species: valid = False if valid: print(comp.composition) ret.append(entry['_id']) return ret
[docs] def get_structure(self, entry_id): """ Return the structure in the entry with id 'entry_id' :rtype : Structure """ entry = self.entries.find_one({'_id': entry_id}) return Structure.from_dict(entry['structure'])
[docs] def get_dicts(self, entry_id): """ Return a tuple with the fields in an entry structure, properties and status :rtype : tuple """ entry = self.entries.find_one({'_id': entry_id}) structure_dict = entry['structure'] if 'properties' in entry: properties = entry['properties'] else: properties = None if 'status' in entry: status = entry['status'] else: status = None return structure_dict, properties, status
[docs] def get_entry(self, entry_id): return self.entries.find_one({'_id': entry_id})
[docs] def is_locked(self, entry_id): """ Return if a given entry is locked by someone evaluating the structure contained :rtype : bool """ entry = self.entries.find_one({'_id': entry_id}) if 'status' in entry and entry['status'] is not None and 'lock' in entry['status']: return True else: return False
[docs] def lock(self, entry_id, name=None): if name is None: name = socket.gethostname() self.entries.update({'_id': entry_id}, {'$set': {'status.lock': name}})
[docs] def unlock(self, entry_id, name=None): if name is None: self.entries.update({'_id': entry_id}, {'$unset': {'status.lock': 1}}) else: self.entries.update({'_id': entry_id, 'status.lock': name}, {'$unset': {'status.lock': 1}})
[docs] def set_minimal_schema(self): for entry_id in self.entries.find({'status': None}, {'status': 1}): print(entry_id) self.entries.update({'_id': entry_id['_id']}, {'$set': {'status': {}}}) for entry_id in self.entries.find({'properties': None}): print(entry_id) self.entries.update({'_id': entry_id['_id']}, {'$set': {'properties': {}}})
[docs] def create_static(self, field): for entry in self.entries.find({}): entry[field + '_static'] = entry[field] self.db.pychemia_entries.update({'_id': entry['_id']}, entry)
[docs] def map_to_all(self, function, nparal=6): pool = Pool(processes=nparal) cursor = self.entries.find({}, no_cursor_timeout=True) print(cursor.count()) entries = [entry['_id'] for entry in cursor] ret =, itertools.izip(itertools.repeat(self.db_settings), entries)) cursor.close() return ret
[docs] def replace_failed(self): for entry in self.entries.find({'status.relaxation': 'failed'}): st = self.get_structure(entry['_id']) comp = st.composition new_structure = Structure.random_cell(comp) self.entries.update({'_id': entry['_id']}, {'$unset': {'status.relaxation': 1, 'status.target_forces': 1, '': 1, 'properties.forces': 1, 'properties.stress': 1}}) self.update(entry['_id'], structure=new_structure)
[docs] def get_tags(self): entries = [x['status'].keys() for x in self.entries.find({}, {'status': 1})] ret = [] for i in entries: for j in i: if j not in [u'target_forces', u'relaxation', u'lock'] and j not in ret: ret.append(j) return ret
[docs]def get_database(db_settings): if 'host' not in db_settings: db_settings['host'] = 'localhost' if 'port' not in db_settings: db_settings['port'] = 27017 if 'ssl' not in db_settings: db_settings['ssl'] = False if 'replicaset' not in db_settings: db_settings['replicaset'] = None if 'user' not in db_settings: pcdb = PyChemiaDB(name=db_settings['name'], host=db_settings['host'], port=db_settings['port'], ssl=db_settings['ssl'], replicaset=db_settings['replicaset']) else: pcdb = PyChemiaDB(name=db_settings['name'], host=db_settings['host'], port=db_settings['port'], user=db_settings['user'], passwd=db_settings['passwd'], ssl=db_settings['ssl'], replicaset=db_settings['replicaset']) return pcdb
[docs]def object_id(entry_id): if isinstance(entry_id, str): return ObjectId(entry_id) elif isinstance(entry_id, ObjectId): return entry_id
[docs]def create_user(name, admin_name, admin_passwd, user_name, user_passwd, host='localhost', port=27017, ssl=False, replicaset=None): """ Creates a new user for the database 'name' :param name: (str) The name of the database :param admin_name: (str) The administrator name :param admin_passwd: (str) Administrator password :param user_name: (str) Username for the database :param user_passwd: (str) Password for the user :param host: (str) Name of the host for the MongoDB server (default: 'localhost') :param port: (int) Port to connect to the MongoDB server (default: 27017) :param ssl: (bool) If True enable ssl encryption for communications to host (default: False) :param replicaset: (str, None) Identifier of a Replica Set """ mc = pymongo.MongoClient(host=host, port=port, ssl=ssl, ssl_cert_reqs=pymongo.ssl_support.ssl.CERT_NONE, replicaset=replicaset) mc.admin.authenticate(admin_name, admin_passwd) mc[name].add_user(user_name, user_passwd) return PyChemiaDB(name=name, user=user_name, passwd=user_passwd, host=host, port=port, ssl=ssl, replicaset=replicaset)
[docs]def create_database(name, admin_name, admin_passwd, user_name, user_passwd, host='localhost', port=27017, ssl=False, replicaset=None): return create_user(name, admin_name, admin_passwd, user_name, user_passwd, host, port, ssl, replicaset)
[docs]def has_connection(): if not HAS_PYMONGO: return False import pymongo try: maxSevSelDelay = 1 client = pymongo.MongoClient("localhost", serverSelectionTimeoutMS=maxSevSelDelay) client.server_info() # force connection on a request as the # connect=True parameter of MongoClient seems # to be useless here return True except pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError as err: # do whatever you need print(err) return False