Source code for pychemia.crystal.lattice

import itertools
import random
import sys
from itertools import combinations
from math import ceil, sqrt, cos, sin, radians, acos
import numpy as np

from pychemia import pcm_log, HAS_PYHULL
from pychemia.utils.mathematics import length_vectors, angle_vectors, wrap2_pmhalf, \
    unit_vector, rotation_matrix_around_axis_angle, angle_vector
from pychemia.utils.mathematics import matrix_from_eig, vector_set_perpendicular
from pychemia.utils.periodic import covalent_radius
from pychemia.core.composition import Composition

[docs]class Lattice: """ Routines to create and manipulate the lattice The lattice is sufficiently general to account for periodicity in 1, 2 or 3 directions. However many routines are only implemented for 3 directions The lattice contains 1, 2 or 3 vectors """ def __init__(self, cell=None, periodicity=True): """ Defines the lattice, basically it contains the lattice vectors arranged as rows in the cell array. The Lattice class provides methods to compute the reciprocal lattice (That is another Lattice object) and basic routines related to the cell >>> cubic = Lattice() >>> cubic.lengths array([ 1., 1., 1.]) >>> cubic.angles array([ 90., 90., 90.]) >>> ortho = Lattice([1, 2, 3]) >>> ortho.lengths array([ 1., 2., 3.]) >>> ortho.angles array([ 90., 90., 90.]) >>> bcc = Lattice([[0.5, 0.5, -0.5], [-0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, -0.5, 0.5]]) >>> bcc.angles array([ 109.47122063, 109.47122063, 109.47122063]) >>> bcc.lengths array([ 0.8660254, 0.8660254, 0.8660254]) >>> fcc = Lattice([[0.5, 0.5, 0], [0, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0, 0.5]]) >>> fcc.lengths array([ 0.70710678, 0.70710678, 0.70710678]) >>> fcc.angles array([ 60., 60., 60.]) """ if cell is None: cell = np.eye(3) else: cell = np.array(cell) if cell.shape == (3,): cell = cell * np.eye(3) elif cell.shape == (): cell = cell * np.eye(3) self._periodicity = None self.set_periodicity(periodicity) self._dims = sum(self._periodicity) assert ( == self.periodic_dimensions ** 2) self._cell = np.array(cell).reshape((self.periodic_dimensions, self.periodic_dimensions)) self._lengths = length_vectors(self._cell) self._angles = angle_vectors(self._cell, units='deg') self._metric = None self._inverse = None self._limits_for_distance2 = None def __str__(self): ret = 'Cell=' for i in range(3): for j in range(3): ret += "%12.3f " % (self.cell[i, j]) ret += '\n' if i < 2: ret += 5 * ' ' ret += '\n' ret += 'Angles: alpha = %12.3f\n' % self.alpha ret += ' beta = %12.3f\n' % self.beta ret += ' gamma = %12.3f\n' % self.gamma ret += '\n' ret += 'Lengths: a = %12.3f\n' % self.a ret += ' b = %12.3f\n' % self.b ret += ' c = %12.3f\n' % self.c return ret
[docs] def cartesian2reduced(self, x): return, self.inverse)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return a copy of the object """ return self.__class__(self._cell, self._periodicity)
[docs] def distance2(self, x1, x2, option='reduced', radius=20, limits=None): # Compute the vector from x1 to x2 dv = np.array(x2) - np.array(x1) # If we are not in reduced coordinates, # Convert into them if option != 'reduced': dred = self.cartesian2reduced(dv) else: dred = dv dwrap = wrap2_pmhalf(dred) if limits is None: limits = np.zeros(3, dtype=int) corners = self.get_wigner_seitz_container() limits[0] = min(int(ceil(max(1e-14 + abs(np.array([corners[x][0] for x in corners]))))), 5) limits[1] = min(int(ceil(max(1e-14 + abs(np.array([corners[x][1] for x in corners]))))), 5) limits[2] = min(int(ceil(max(1e-14 + abs(np.array([corners[x][2] for x in corners]))))), 5) ret = {} for i0 in np.arange(-limits[0], limits[0] + 1): for i1 in np.arange(-limits[1], limits[1] + 1): for i2 in np.arange(-limits[2], limits[2] + 1): dtot = dwrap + np.array([i0, i1, i2]) norm2 =, self.metric), dtot) if norm2 < radius * radius: ret[(i0, i1, i2)] = {'distance': sqrt(norm2), 'image': dtot} return ret
[docs] def from_parameters_to_cell(a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma): """ Create a Lattice using parameters a, b and c as box lengths and corresponging angles alpha, beta, gamma :param a: (float): *a* lattice length. :param b: (float): *b* lattice length. :param c: (float): *c* lattice length. :param alpha: (float): *alpha* angle in degrees. :param beta: (float): *beta* angle in degrees. :param gamma: (float): *gamma* angle in degrees. :rtype : (Lattice) object """ alpha_radians = radians(alpha) beta_radians = radians(beta) gamma_radians = radians(gamma) val = (cos(alpha_radians) * cos(beta_radians) - cos(gamma_radians)) / (sin(alpha_radians) * sin(beta_radians)) # Sometimes rounding errors result in values slightly > 1. val = val if abs(val) <= 1 else val / abs(val) gamma_star = acos(val) cell = np.zeros((3, 3)) cell[0] = [a * sin(beta_radians), 0.0, a * cos(beta_radians)] cell[1] = [-b * sin(alpha_radians) * cos(gamma_star), b * sin(alpha_radians) * sin(gamma_star), b * cos(alpha_radians)] cell[2] = [0.0, 0.0, float(c)] return Lattice(cell)
[docs] def get_brillouin(self): return self.reciprocal().get_wigner_seitz()
[docs] def get_path(self): assert (self.periodic_dimensions == 3) zero3 = np.zeros(3) x = self.cell[0, :] y = self.cell[1, :] z = self.cell[2, :] frame = np.array([zero3, x, x + y, y, zero3, z, x + z, x + y + z, y + z, z]) line1 = np.array([x, x + z]) line2 = np.array([x + y, x + y + z]) line3 = np.array([y, y + z]) return frame, line1, line2, line3
[docs] def get_wigner_seitz(self): if HAS_PYHULL: from pyhull.voronoi import VoronoiTess points = [] for i, j, k in itertools.product((-1, 0, 1), repeat=3): points.append(i * self.cell[0] + j * self.cell[1] + k * self.cell[2]) tess = VoronoiTess(points) ret = [] for r in tess.ridges: if r[0] == 13 or r[1] == 13: ret.append([tess.vertices[i] for i in tess.ridges[r]]) return ret else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_wigner_seitz_container(self): """ Compute the corners of the box that contains the Wigner-Seitz cell :return: dict : dictionary with values numpy arrays """ ret = {} for i in itertools.product((-1, 1), repeat=3): ret[i] =, i * np.diagonal(self.metric)) return ret
[docs] def minimal_distance(self, x1, x2, option='reduced'): distances_dict = self.distance2(x1, x2, option=option) mindist = sys.float_info.max for k in distances_dict: if 0 < distances_dict[k]['distance'] < mindist: mindist = distances_dict[k]['distance'] return mindist
[docs] def minimal_distances(self, reduced1, reduced2): """ Computes a matrix with the minimal distances between two sets of points represented as reciprocal coordinates :param reduced1: List or array of reduced coordinates for the first set of points :param reduced2: Second set of points Example: >>> import numpy as np >>> lattice = Lattice.random_cell('C2') >>> r1 = np.random.rand(4, 3) >>> r2 = np.random.rand(4, 3) >>> dist, close_imgs = lattice.minimal_distances(r1, r2) >>> solution = np.zeros((len(r1), len(r2))) >>> for i in range(len(r1)): ... for j in range(len(r2)): ... reduced1 = r1[i] ... reduced2 = r2[j]+close_imgs[i, j] ... cartesian1 = lattice.reduced2cartesian(reduced1) ... cartesian2 = lattice.reduced2cartesian(reduced2) ... diff_vector = cartesian2 - cartesian1 ... solution[i, j] = np.linalg.norm(diff_vector) >>> solution - dist < 1E-5 array([[ True, True, True, True], [ True, True, True, True], [ True, True, True, True], [ True, True, True, True]], dtype=bool) """ # Just in case of one single coordinate reduced1, reduced2 = np.atleast_2d(reduced1, reduced2) images = np.array([list(i) for i in itertools.product([-1, 0, 1], repeat=3)]) red2_images = reduced2[:, None, :] + images[None, :, :] cartesian1 = self.reduced2cartesian(reduced1) cartesian2 = self.reduced2cartesian(red2_images) diff_vectors = cartesian2[None, :, :, :] - cartesian1[:, None, None, :] distances = np.sum(diff_vectors * diff_vectors, axis=3) close_images = np.zeros((len(reduced1), len(reduced2), 3)) for i in range(len(reduced1)): for j in range(len(reduced2)): dij = distances[i, j] close_images[i, j] = images[dij == min(dij)][0] return np.min(distances, axis=2) ** 0.5, close_images
[docs] def distances_in_sphere(self, x1, x2, radius, option='reduced', exclude_out_sphere=True, sort_by_distance=True): """ Returns all the distances between two positions x1 and x2 taking into account the periodicity of the cell :param sort_by_distance: :param exclude_out_sphere: :param x1: :param x2: :param radius: :param option: :return: """ # Compute the vector from x1 to x2 dv = np.array(x2) - np.array(x1) # If the positions are not in reduced coordinates,convert into them if option != 'reduced': dred = self.cartesian2reduced(dv) else: dred = dv dwrap = wrap2_pmhalf(dred) # log.debug('The wrap vector is: %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f' % tuple(dwrap)) # We need to compute the distances between equivalent faces # For that we to compute the perpendicular distance between # two faces, the reciprocal lattice produces the inverse of # those distances recp_len = np.array(self.reciprocal().lengths) # The reciprocal (2*pi) is not necessary limits = np.ceil(radius * recp_len).astype(int) # log.debug('The limits are: %d %d %d' % tuple(limits)) ret = {} # The total size is the product of the number in the 3 directions # that is double the limits plus 1 to include the zero total_size = * limits + 1) # log.debug('The total size is: %d' % total_size) ret['distance'] = np.zeros(total_size) ret['image'] = np.zeros((total_size, 3), dtype=int) ret['dwrap'] = dwrap ret['limits'] = limits index = 0 for i0 in np.arange(-limits[0], limits[0] + 1): for i1 in np.arange(-limits[1], limits[1] + 1): for i2 in np.arange(-limits[2], limits[2] + 1): dtot = dwrap + np.array([i0, i1, i2]) norm2 =, self.metric), dtot) ret['distance'][index] = sqrt(norm2) ret['image'][index] = np.array([i0, i1, i2]) index += 1 # Exclude distances out of sphere if exclude_out_sphere: inside_sphere = ret['distance'] <= radius if sum(inside_sphere) > 0: ret['distance'] = ret['distance'][inside_sphere] ret['image'] = ret['image'][inside_sphere] if sort_by_distance: sorted_indices = np.argsort(ret['distance']) ret['distance'] = ret['distance'][sorted_indices] ret['image'] = ret['image'][sorted_indices] return ret
[docs] def random_cell(composition): comp = Composition(composition) volume = comp.covalent_volume(packing='cubes') random.seed() # make 3 random lengths a = (1.0 + 0.5 * random.random()) b = (1.0 + 0.5 * random.random()) c = (1.0 + 0.5 * random.random()) # now we make 3 random angles alpha = 60.0 + 60.0 * random.random() beta = 60.0 + 60.0 * random.random() gamma = 60.0 + 60.0 * random.random() lattice = Lattice().from_parameters_to_cell(a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma) factor = (volume / lattice.volume) ** (1 / 3.0) lattice = Lattice().from_parameters_to_cell(factor * a, factor * b, factor * c, alpha, beta, gamma) lattice.align_with_axis() lattice.align_with_plane() return lattice
[docs] def reciprocal(self): """ Return the reciprocal cell :rtype : Lattice :return: """ return self.__class__(np.linalg.inv(self.cell.T))
[docs] def reduced2cartesian(self, x): return, self.cell)
[docs] def set_periodicity(self, periodicity): if isinstance(periodicity, bool): self._periodicity = 3 * [periodicity] elif np.iterable(periodicity): assert (len(periodicity) == 3) for i in periodicity: assert (isinstance(i, bool)) self._periodicity = list(periodicity) else: raise ValueError("Periodicity must be a boolean or list instead of: ", periodicity)
@property def cell(self): """ Return the cell as a numpy array :return: """ return self._cell @property def periodic_dimensions(self): """ Return the number of periodic dimensions :return: int """ return self._dims @property def volume(self): """ Computes the volume of the cell (3D), area (2D) or generalized volume for N dimensions :rtype : float """ return abs(np.linalg.det(self.cell)) @property def metric(self): if self._metric is None: self._metric =, self.cell.T) return self._metric @property def inverse(self): if self._inverse is None: self._inverse = np.linalg.inv(self.cell) return self._inverse @property def alpha(self): return self._angles[(1, 2)] @property def beta(self): return self._angles[(0, 2)] @property def gamma(self): return self._angles[(0, 1)] @property def angles(self): return np.round([self.alpha, self.beta, self.gamma], 14) @property def a(self): return self._lengths[0] @property def b(self): return self._lengths[1] @property def c(self): return self._lengths[2] @property def lengths(self): """ Return the 3 lenghts of the lattice in the same order as the lattice vectors :rtype : list """ return self._lengths
[docs] def align_with_axis(self, axis=0, round_decimals=14): a = self.cell[0] if axis == 0: b = np.array([1, 0, 0]) elif axis == 1: b = np.array([0, 1, 0]) elif axis == 2: b = np.array([0, 0, 1]) else: raise ValueError('Axis must be an integer in (0,1,2)') if np.linalg.norm(np.cross(a, b)) < 1E-10: return c = unit_vector(np.cross(a, b)) av = angle_vector(a, b) rotation_matrix = rotation_matrix_around_axis_angle(c, av) self._cell =, self.cell.T).T.round(round_decimals)
[docs] def align_with_plane(self, axis=2, round_decimals=14): a = self.cell[1] if axis == 0: p1 = np.array([0, 1, 0]) p2 = np.array([0, 0, 1]) elif axis == 1: p1 = np.array([0, 0, 1]) p2 = np.array([1, 0, 0]) elif axis == 2: p1 = np.array([1, 0, 0]) p2 = np.array([0, 1, 0]) else: raise ValueError('Axis must be an integer in (0,1,2)') if np.linalg.norm(np.cross(p1, a)) < 1E-10: return c = unit_vector(np.cross(p1, a)) # print c # A vector perpendicular to the plane vector_plane = unit_vector(np.cross(p1, p2)) v1_u = unit_vector(vector_plane) v2_u = unit_vector(c) proj =, v2_u) # print 'Projection', proj av = np.arccos(proj) # import math # print 'Angle=', math.degrees(av) rotation_matrix = rotation_matrix_around_axis_angle(p1, -av) cell =, self.cell.T).T.round(round_decimals) # print '-->',cell[1], vector_plane # print 'PROJECTION',[1], vector_plane) if np.abs([1], vector_plane)) > 1E-10: # print 'Failed projection',[1], vector_plane) # print cell rotation_matrix = rotation_matrix_around_axis_angle(p1, av) cell =, self.cell.T).T.round(round_decimals) if[1], vector_plane) > 1E-10: # print 'Failed projection',[1], vector_plane) # print cell pass self._cell = cell
[docs] def stretch(self, symbols, rpos, tolerance=1.0, extra=0.1): # Dummy array that always will be overwritten eigv = np.array([1, 0, 0]) lattice = self.copy() assert len(rpos) == len(symbols) natom = len(rpos) for i, j in combinations(range(natom), 2): ret = lattice.distance2(rpos[i], rpos[j]) mindist = sys.float_info.max for k in ret: if 0 < ret[k]['distance'] < mindist: mindist = ret[k]['distance'] eigv = ret[k]['image'] covalent_distance = sum(covalent_radius([symbols[i], symbols[j]])) if mindist < tolerance * covalent_distance: factor = (tolerance + extra) * covalent_distance / mindist v1, v2, v3 = vector_set_perpendicular(eigv) matrix_a = matrix_from_eig(v1, v2, v3, factor, 1, 1) lattice = Lattice(, lattice.cell)) return lattice
[docs] def scale(self, symbols, rpos, tolerance=1.0): lattice = self.copy() factor = 1.0 for i in range(len(rpos)): # This is to separate each atom from its own image covalent_dim = 2.0 * tolerance * covalent_radius(symbols[i]) this_factor = covalent_dim / lattice.a if this_factor > factor: factor = this_factor this_factor = covalent_dim / lattice.b if this_factor > factor: factor = this_factor this_factor = covalent_dim / lattice.c if this_factor > factor: factor = this_factor for j in range(i + 1, len(rpos)): distance = lattice.minimal_distance(rpos[i], rpos[j]) covalent_dim = tolerance * sum(covalent_radius([symbols[i], symbols[j]])) this_factor = covalent_dim / distance if this_factor > factor: factor = this_factor a = lattice.a b = lattice.b c = lattice.c alpha = lattice.alpha beta = lattice.beta gamma = lattice.gamma return Lattice().from_parameters_to_cell(factor * a, factor * b, factor * c, alpha, beta, gamma)