Source code for pychemia.core.structure

Definition of the class Structure
This class defines methods to create and manipulate
atomic structures such as molecules, clusters and crystals
    import itertools.izip as zip
except ImportError:

import json
import os
import struct
import sys
import numpy as np
from pychemia import HAS_SCIPY
from collections import MutableSequence
from itertools import combinations, repeat
from math import sin, cos
from multiprocessing import Pool
from pychemia import pcm_log
from pychemia.crystal.lattice import Lattice
from pychemia.core.composition import Composition
from pychemia.core.delaunay import get_reduced_bases
from pychemia.utils.computing import deep_unicode
from pychemia.utils.periodic import mass, atomic_number, covalent_radius, valence, atomic_symbols

    import scipy.spatial

__author__ = "Guillermo Avendano-Franco"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016"
__version__ = "0.1"
__maintainer__ = "Guillermo Avendano-Franco"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"
__date__ = "May 13, 2016"

[docs]class Structure(MutableSequence): """ Define an object that contains information about atomic positions, cell parameters and periodicity and provides methods to manipulate those elements A Structure is basically a set of sites with eventually a lattice each site could have one or more species with occupations equal or lower than one. A Structure could represents a molecule, cluster, wire, slab, crystal structure or alloy with define sites. The positions of the atoms and their atomic symbols are declared in 'positions' and 'symbols' respectively. For periodic structures, the 'periodicity' can be declared. and cell parameters in 'cell' Magnetic moments can be associated in the array vector_info['magnetic_moments']. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ :param comment: :param natom: :param symbols: :param periodicity: :param cell: :param positions: :param reduced: :param mag_moments: :param kwargs: Args: natom : Integer with number of atoms symbols : String list of atom symbols positions : Array of atomic positions Those are dimensional units cell : Dimensional cell (3x3 matrix) reduced : Cell-scaled positions Dimensionless mag_moments: Array of Magnetic moments periodicity: Periodicity on each direction 3-array of booleans symm : Symmetry information like point symm operations and space group name : Free text to identify structure (Only one line, max 50 chars) comment : Free text to identify structure Examples: >>> import pychemia >>> a = pychemia.Structure() >>> print(a) Empty structure >>> a = pychemia.Structure(symbols=['Xe']) >>> print(a.natom) 1 >>> d = 1.104 >>> a = pychemia.Structure(symbols=['N', 'N'], positions=[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, d]], periodicity=False) >>> print(a.natom) 2 >>> a = 4.05 >>> b = a/2 >>> fcc = pychemia.Structure(symbols=['Au'], cell=[[0, b, b], [b, 0, b], [b, b, 0]], periodicity=True) >>> print(fcc.natom) 1 """ self.vector_info = {} = None self.comment = None self.natom = None self.symbols = None self.positions = None self.reduced = None self.cell = None self.periodicity = None self.vector_info['mag_moments'] = None self.sites = None self.occupancies = None self._lattice = None self._composition = None # Fill the values from args if 'name' in kwargs and kwargs['name'] is not None: = kwargs['name'].split('\n')[0][:50] if 'comment' in kwargs: self.comment = kwargs['comment'] if 'natom' in kwargs: self.natom = int(kwargs['natom']) if 'symbols' in kwargs: self.symbols = list(kwargs['symbols']) if 'periodicity' in kwargs: periodicity = kwargs['periodicity'] self.set_periodicity(periodicity) if 'cell' in kwargs and kwargs['cell'] is not None: cell = np.array(kwargs['cell']) self.set_cell(cell) if 'positions' in kwargs: positions = np.array(kwargs['positions']) self.set_positions(positions) if 'reduced' in kwargs and kwargs['reduced'] is not None: reduced = np.array(kwargs['reduced']) self.set_reduced(reduced) if 'mag_moments' in kwargs: self.set_mag_moments(np.array(kwargs['mag_moments'])) if 'occupancies' in kwargs: self.occupancies = list(kwargs['occupancies']) if 'sites' in kwargs: self.sites = kwargs['sites'] # Lets autocomplete the missing information self._autocomplete() if not self._check(): print('Arguments non consistent') def __len__(self): return self.natom def __str__(self): if self.natom == 0: xyz = 'Empty structure' else: xyz = str(self.natom) + '\n\n' if self.is_crystal: xyz += ' Symb ( Positions ) [ Cell-reduced coordinates ]\n' else: xyz += ' Symb ( Positions )\n' for i in range(self.natom): if self.is_crystal: xyz += (" %4s ( %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f ) [ %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f ]\n" % (self.symbols[i], self.positions[i, 0], self.positions[i, 1], self.positions[i, 2], self.reduced[i, 0], self.reduced[i, 1], self.reduced[i, 2])) else: xyz += (" %4s ( %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f )\n" % (self.symbols[i], self.positions[i, 0], self.positions[i, 1], self.positions[i, 2])) if self.periodicity[0] or self.periodicity[1] or self.periodicity[2]: xyz += '\nPeriodicity: ' if self.periodicity[0]: xyz += ' X' if self.periodicity[1]: xyz += ' Y' if self.periodicity[2]: xyz += ' Z' xyz += '\n\nLattice vectors:\n' for i in range(3): xyz += (" %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f\n" % (self.cell[i, 0], self.cell[i, 1], self.cell[i, 2])) else: xyz += '\nNon-periodic structure' return xyz def __repr__(self): ret = 'Structure(symbols=' + str(self.symbols) if self.is_periodic: if np.all(np.diag(self.cell.diagonal()) == self.cell): if np.max(self.cell.diagonal()) == np.min(self.cell.diagonal()): ret += ', cell=' + str(self.cell[0, 0]) else: ret += ', cell=' + str(self.cell.diagonal().tolist()) else: ret += ', cell=' + str(self.cell.tolist()) ret += ', reduced=' + str(self.reduced.tolist()) else: ret += ', positions=' + str(self.positions.tolist()) if all([self.periodicity[0] == item for item in self.periodicity]): ret += ', periodicity=' + str(self.periodicity[0]) else: ret += ', periodicity=' + str(self.periodicity) ret += ')' return ret def __delitem__(self, key): self.del_atom(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.add_atom(value['symbols'], value['positions']) def __getitem__(self, item): return SiteSet(self)[item] def __iter__(self): return iter(SiteSet(self))
[docs] def insert(self, index, value): self.add_atom(value['symbols'], value['positions'])
def _autocomplete(self): if self.natom is None: if self.positions is not None: self.natom = len(self.positions) elif self.reduced is not None: self.natom = len(self.reduced) elif self.symbols is not None: self.natom = len(self.symbols) else: self.natom = 0 if self.symbols is None and self.natom == 0: self.symbols = [] if self.periodicity is None: self.set_periodicity(True) if self.cell is None and self.is_periodic: self.set_cell(1) if self.positions is None: if self.reduced is not None: self.reduced2positions() else: if self.natom == 0: self.positions = np.array([]) elif self.natom == 1: self.positions = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) else: raise ValueError('Positions must be present for more than 1 atom') if self.reduced is None and self.is_crystal: if self.positions is not None and self.natom > 0: self.positions2reduced() else: self.reduced = np.array([]) if self.sites is None: self.sites = range(self.natom) if self.occupancies is None: self.occupancies = self.natom * [1.0] def _check(self): check = True if len(self.symbols) != self.natom: print('Error: Bad symbols') check = False if len(self.positions) != self.natom: print('Error: Bad positions') check = False if self.is_crystal and len(self.reduced) != self.natom: print('Error: Bad reduced') check = False if self.vector_info['mag_moments'] is not None and len(self.vector_info['mag_moments']) != self.natom: print('Error: Bad mag_moments') check = False return check
[docs] def add_atom(self, name, coordinates, option='cartesian'): """ Add an atom with a given 'name' and cartesian or reduced 'position' The atom will be added at the end of the list of atoms in the Structure :param name: (str) :param coordinates: (list, numpy.array) :param option: (str) """ assert (name in atomic_symbols) assert (option in ['cartesian', 'reduced']) self.symbols.append(name) self.natom += 1 self._composition = None if option == 'cartesian': if self.natom == 0: self.positions = np.array(coordinates).reshape([-1, 3]) else: self.positions = np.append(self.positions, coordinates).reshape([-1, 3]) self.positions2reduced() elif option == 'reduced': if self.natom == 0: self.reduced = np.array(coordinates).reshape([-1, 3]) else: self.reduced = np.append(self.reduced, coordinates).reshape([-1, 3]) self.reduced2positions()
[docs] def del_atom(self, index): """ Removes the atom with the given index :param index: :return: """ assert (abs(index) < self.natom) self.symbols.pop(index) np.delete(self.positions, index, 0) if self.is_periodic: np.delete(self.reduced, index, 0) self.natom -= 1 self._composition = None
[docs] def center_mass(self, list_of_atoms=None): """ Computes the center of mass (CM) of the XYZ object or a partial list of atoms. The default is to compute the CM of all the atoms in the object, if a list is enter only those in the list will be included for the CM Return the CM as a numpy array """ if list_of_atoms is None: list_of_atoms = range(self.natom) total_mass = 0.0 center_of_mass = np.zeros(3) if self.natom == 0: return center_of_mass atomicnumber = atomic_number(list(self.symbols)) for i in range(self.natom): if i in list_of_atoms: total_mass += mass(atomicnumber[i]) center_of_mass += mass(atomicnumber[i]) * self.positions[i] return center_of_mass / total_mass
[docs] def rotation(self, tx, ty, tz): """ Rotate the molecule in the three directions """ rotationx = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, cos(tx), -sin(tx)], [0, sin(tx), cos(tx)]]) rotationy = np.array([[cos(ty), 0, sin(ty)], [0, 1, 0], [-sin(ty), 0, cos(ty)]]) rotationz = np.array([[cos(tz), -sin(tz), 0], [sin(tz), cos(tz), 0], [0, 0, 1]]) rotation =, rotationy), rotationz) for i in range(self.natom): self.positions[i] =, self.positions[i])
[docs] def get_cell(self): if self._lattice is None: self._lattice = Lattice(self.cell) return self._lattice
@property def lattice(self): return self.get_cell()
[docs] def get_composition(self, gcd=True): """ Computes the composition of the Structure as the count of each species in the cell If gcd is True the values are divided by the greatest common divisor :param gcd: bool :rtype : Composition """ if self._composition is None: species = {} for atom in self.symbols: if atom in species: species[atom] += 1 else: species[atom] = 1 self._composition = Composition(species) return self._composition
[docs] def positions2reduced(self): """ Computes the cell-reduced coordinates from the cartesian dimensional coordinates """ self.reduced = np.linalg.solve(self.cell.T, self.positions.T).T for i in range(3): if self.periodicity[i]: self.reduced[:, i] %= 1.0
[docs] def reduced2positions(self): """ Computes the dimensional cartesian coordinates from the adimensional cell-reduced coordinates """ self.positions =, self.cell)
[docs] def relocate_to_cm(self, list_of_atoms=None): """ Relocates the system of atoms to the center of mass a partial list of atoms can be used to compute the center, but all the atoms are moved to the computed center :param list_of_atoms: (list) List of atoms that will be considered for computing the center of mass by default all atoms are included """ cm = self.center_mass(list_of_atoms) self.positions += -cm
[docs] def get_distance(self, iatom, jatom, with_periodicity=True, tolerance=1e-5): """ Calculates the distance between 2 atom, identified by index iatom and jatom :param iatom: (int) index of first atom :param jatom: (int) index of second atom :param with_periodicity: (bool) if the periodic images should be considered to compute the shortest distance :param tolerance: (float) Tolerance for the bases reduction :rtype : (float) distance between iatom and jatom """ if with_periodicity: reduced_bases = get_reduced_bases(self.cell, tolerance) scaled_pos =, np.linalg.inv(reduced_bases)) # move scaled atomic positions into -0.5 < r <= 0.5 for pos in scaled_pos: pos -= pos.round() # Look for the shortest one in surrounded 3x3x3 cells distances_list = [] for i in (-1, 0, 1): for j in (-1, 0, 1): for k in (-1, 0, 1): distances_list.append(np.linalg.norm([iatom] - scaled_pos[jatom] + np.array([i, j, k]), reduced_bases))) ret = min(distances_list) else: posi = self.positions[iatom] posj = self.positions[jatom] ret = np.linalg.norm(posi - posj) return ret
[docs] def random_cell(composition, method='stretching', stabilization_number=20, nparal=5, periodic=True, factor_optimal_volume=8): """ Generate a random cell There are two algorithms implemented: scaling: Generate a random cell and random distribution of atoms and scale the lattice to separate the atoms. stretching: Generating a random cell and random distribution of atoms and stretching their bonds until the distance between any two atoms is always greater than the sum of covalent radius. :param composition: (pychemia.Composition) :param method: (str) :param stabilization_number: (int) :param nparal: (int) :param periodic: (bool) :param factor_optimal_volume: (float) :return: Examples: >>> import pychemia >>> import os >>> st = pychemia.Structure.random_cell('LiAlCl4', stabilization_number=3) >>> st.natom 6 >>> st.save_json('test.json') >>> st2 = pychemia.Structure.load_json('test.json') >>> st == st2 True >>> os.remove('test.json') """ comp = Composition(composition) pcm_log.debug('Generating a random structure with composition: ' + str(comp.composition)) natom = comp.natom symbols = comp.symbols best_volume = sys.float_info.max best_volume = float('inf') best_structure = None optimal_volume = comp.covalent_volume('cubes') stabilization_history = 0 pool = Pool(processes=nparal) trial = 0 while stabilization_history < stabilization_number: args = list(best_volume * np.ones(10)) ret =, zip(repeat(method), repeat(composition), repeat(periodic), args)) ngood = 0 for structure in ret: if structure is not None: # print('SH:%d Vol:%10.3f Factor:%10.3f' % (stabilization_history, # structure.volume, # structure.volume / optimal_volume)) ngood += 1 if best_structure is not None: if structure.volume < best_structure.volume: best_structure = structure else: best_structure = structure # log.debug('Good structures: %d/10 Best volume: %7.3f' % (ngood, best_structure.volume)) if best_structure is not None and best_volume > best_structure.volume: best_volume = best_structure.volume stabilization_history = 0 else: stabilization_history += 1 if best_volume < factor_optimal_volume * optimal_volume: break trial += 1 # log.debug('Trial: %4d Volume: %7.2f Optimal Volume: %7.2f Ratio: %5.2f' % # (trial, best_volume, optimal_volume, best_volume/optimal_volume)) pool.close() if best_structure is not None and periodic: # Analysis of the quality for the best structure rpos = best_structure.reduced for i, j in combinations(range(natom), 2): distance = best_structure.lattice.minimal_distance(rpos[i], rpos[j]) covalent_distance = sum(covalent_radius([symbols[i], symbols[j]])) if distance < covalent_distance: pcm_log.debug('Covalent distance: %7.4f Minimal distance: %7.4f Difference: %7.3e' % (covalent_distance, distance, covalent_distance - distance)) best_structure.canonical_form() return best_structure
[docs] def random_cluster(composition, method='stretching', stabilization_number=20, nparal=5): st = Structure.random_cell(composition=composition, method=method, stabilization_number=stabilization_number, nparal=nparal, periodic=False) return Structure(symbols=st.symbols, positions=st.positions, periodicity=False)
[docs] def adjust_reduced(self): for i in range(self.natom): for j in range(3): for value in [0.5, 0.25, 0.75, 0.125]: if abs(value - self.reduced[i, j]) < 1E-4: self.reduced[i, j] = value self.reduced2positions()
[docs] def set_cell(self, cell): """ Set the vectors defining the cell :param cell: A matrix with the 3 unit cell vectors :return: """ npcell = np.array(cell) if npcell.shape == () or npcell.shape == (1,): self.cell = npcell * np.eye(3) elif npcell.shape == (3,): self.cell = np.diag(npcell) else: self.cell = np.array(cell).reshape((3, 3)) self._lattice = None
[docs] def set_mag_moments(self, mag_moments): """ Set the magnetic moments with one vector on each atom Args: mag_moments: List or numpy array with one vector for each atom. The values will be converted into a numpy array """ self.vector_info['mag_moments'] = np.array(mag_moments).reshape([-1, 3])
[docs] def set_periodicity(self, periodicity): """ Set periodicity of the structure Args: periodicity: (Boolean) a single value means that the structure has that periodicity all along the 3 directions. Otherwise a list of 3 booleans is required """ if isinstance(periodicity, bool): self.periodicity = 3 * [periodicity] elif isinstance(periodicity, list) and len(periodicity) == 1: self.periodicity = 3 * periodicity else: self.periodicity = list(periodicity)
[docs] def set_positions(self, positions): """ Set the positions of the atoms This contains dimensional values in cartesian coordinates Args: positions: A array of 3 vectors with dimensional coordinates """ self.positions = np.array(positions).reshape([-1, 3])
[docs] def set_reduced(self, reduced): """ Set the reduced positions of the atoms This contains adimensional values relative to cell vectors :param reduced: :return: """ self.reduced = np.array(reduced).reshape([-1, 3])
[docs] def sort_sites_using_list(self, sorted_indices): sorted_indices = np.array([int(x) for x in sorted_indices]) self.symbols = list(np.array(self.symbols)[sorted_indices]) self.positions = self.positions[sorted_indices] if self.is_periodic: self.reduced = self.reduced[sorted_indices] if self.vector_info is not None: for vi in self.vector_info: if self.vector_info[vi] is not None: self.vector_info[vi] = self.vector_info[vi][sorted_indices]
[docs] def sort_sites(self): # First: Sort sites using the distance to the origin sorted_indices = np.array([np.linalg.norm(self.positions[i]) for i in range(self.nsites)]).argsort() # print sorted_indices self.sort_sites_using_list(sorted_indices) # Second: Sort again using the atomic number if len(self.species) > 1: sorted_indices = np.array([atomic_number(x) for x in self.symbols]).argsort() self.sort_sites_using_list(sorted_indices)
[docs] def sort_axes(self): """ Sort the lattice vectors in decremental order of their size. 'a' will be the longest lattice vector 'c' he shortest """ sorted_indices = self.lattice.lengths.argsort()[::-1] self.set_cell(self.cell[sorted_indices]) self.reduced = self.reduced[:, sorted_indices]
[docs] def align_with_axis(self, axis=0, round_decimals=14): lattice = self.lattice lattice.align_with_axis(axis=axis, round_decimals=round_decimals) self.set_cell(lattice.cell) self.reduced2positions()
[docs] def align_with_plane(self, axis=2, round_decimals=14): lattice = self.lattice lattice.align_with_plane(axis=axis, round_decimals=round_decimals) self.set_cell(lattice.cell) self.reduced2positions()
[docs] def align_inertia_momenta(self): I = self.inertia_matrix() eigval, eigvec = np.linalg.eig(I) eigvec = eigvec.T[eigval.argsort()[::-1]].T inveigvec = np.linalg.inv(eigvec) self.positions =, self.positions.T).T
[docs] def canonical_form(self): if not self.is_periodic: self.relocate_to_cm() self.align_inertia_momenta() self.sort_sites() if self.is_periodic: self.sort_axes() self.align_with_axis() self.align_with_plane() self.atoms_in_box() self.sort_sites()
[docs] def supercell(self, size): """ Creates a supercell, replicating the positions of atoms in the x,y,z directions a number of size=(nx,ny,nz) times """ new_natom = * self.natom new_symbols = [] new_positions = np.zeros((new_natom, 3)) size = np.array(size).astype(int) index = 0 for i in range(size[0]): for j in range(size[1]): for k in range(size[2]): for n in range(self.natom): new_symbols.append(self.symbols[n]) new_positions[index] = self.positions[n] + ( i * self.cell[0] + j * self.cell[1] + k * self.cell[2]) index += 1 new_cell = np.zeros((3, 3)) new_cell[0] = size[0] * self.cell[0] new_cell[1] = size[1] * self.cell[1] new_cell[2] = size[2] * self.cell[2] return Structure(symbols=new_symbols, positions=new_positions, cell=new_cell)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Get a copy of the object """ copy_struct = Structure(, comment=self.comment, natom=self.natom, symbols=self.symbols, periodicity=self.periodicity, cell=self.cell, positions=self.positions, reduced=self.reduced, vector_info=self.vector_info, sites=self.sites, occupancies=self.occupancies) return copy_struct
@property def to_dict(self): ret = {'natom': self.natom, 'symbols': self.symbols, 'periodicity': self.periodicity, 'positions': self.positions.tolist(), 'nspecies': len(self.species), 'formula': self.formula} if self.is_periodic: ret['cell'] = self.cell.tolist() ret['reduced'] = self.reduced.tolist() ret['density'] = self.density if is not None: ret['name'] = if self.comment is not None: ret['comment'] = self.comment if self.sites != range(self.natom): ret['sites'] = list(self.sites) if self.occupancies != self.natom * [1.0]: ret['occupancies'] = self.occupancies # if len(self.vector_info) != 1 or self.vector_info['mag_moments'] is not None: # ret['vector_info'] = self.vector_info return ret
[docs] def round(self, decimals=6, pos='reduced'): self.set_cell(np.around(self.cell, decimals)) if pos == 'reduced': self.set_reduced(np.around(self.reduced, decimals)) self.reduced2positions() else: self.set_positions(np.around(self.positions, decimals)) self.positions2reduced()
[docs] def from_dict(structdict): natom = structdict['natom'] symbols = deep_unicode(structdict['symbols']) periodicity = structdict['periodicity'] positions = np.array(structdict['positions']) if 'name' in structdict: name = structdict['name'] else: name = None if 'comment' in structdict: comment = structdict['comment'] else: comment = None if 'cell' in structdict: cell = np.array(structdict['cell']) else: cell = None if 'reduced' in structdict: reduced = np.array(structdict['reduced']) else: reduced = None if 'vector_info' in structdict: vector_info = structdict['vector_info'] else: vector_info = None if 'sites' in structdict: sites = structdict['sites'] else: sites = range(natom) if 'occupancies' in structdict: occupancies = structdict['occupancies'] else: occupancies = list(np.ones(natom)) return Structure(name=name, comment=comment, natom=natom, symbols=symbols, periodicity=periodicity, cell=cell, positions=positions, reduced=reduced, vector_info=vector_info, sites=sites, occupancies=occupancies)
[docs] def save_json(self, filename): filep = open(filename, 'w') json.dump(self.to_dict, filep, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) filep.close()
[docs] def load_json(filename): filep = open(filename, 'r') structdict = deep_unicode(json.load(filep)) filep.close() return Structure.from_dict(structdict)
[docs] def distance2(self, atom1, atom2): assert (isinstance(atom1, int)) assert (isinstance(atom2, int)) assert (atom1 < self.natom) assert (atom2 < self.natom) if self.is_periodic: return self.lattice.distance2(self.reduced[atom1], self.reduced[atom2]) else: if HAS_SCIPY: dm = scipy.spatial.distance_matrix(self.positions, self.positions) else: raise NotImplementedError return dm[atom1, atom2]
[docs] def distance_matrix(self): if self.is_periodic: dm = np.zeros((self.nsites, self.nsites)) for i in range(self.nsites - 1): for j in range(i + 1, self.nsites): d = self.lattice.distance2(self.reduced[i], self.reduced[j], radius=1E10, limits=[1, 1, 1]) # print("%d %d - %d" % (i,j, len(d))) dm[i, j] = min([d[x]['distance'] for x in d]) dm[j, i] = dm[i, j] else: if HAS_SCIPY: dm = scipy.spatial.distance_matrix(self.positions, self.positions) else: raise NotImplementedError return dm
[docs] def valence_electrons(self): ret = 0 for key, value in self.composition.items(): ret += value * valence(key) return ret
def __eq__(self, other): if self.natom != other.natom: ret = False elif not np.array_equal(self.positions, other.positions): ret = False elif not np.array_equal(self.periodicity, other.periodicity): ret = False elif self.is_periodic and other.is_periodic: if not np.array_equal(self.reduced, other.reduced): ret = False elif not np.array_equal(self.cell, other.cell): ret = False else: ret = True else: ret = True return ret def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) @property def is_perfect(self): """ Return True if two conditions are met: 1. The number of sites is equal to the number of atoms. ie there is no more than one atom on each site. 2. All the occupancies are equal to 1 :rtype : bool :return: bool """ return self.natom == self.nsites and min(self.occupancies) == 1.0 @property def is_periodic(self): """ Return True if the Structure is periodic in any direction False for non-periodic structures :rtype : bool :return: bool """ return any(self.periodicity) @property def is_crystal(self): """ True if structure is periodic in all directions False otherwise :rtype : bool :return: bool """ if not self.is_periodic: return False else: return self.get_cell().periodic_dimensions == 3 @property def composition(self): """ Dictionary with the composition, the keys are the species and the values represent the number of atoms of that specie :rtype : dict :return: dict """ return self.get_composition().composition @property def formula(self): """ String with the chemical formula :rtype: str :return: str """ return self.get_composition().formula @property def density(self): """ Computes the density of the cell :rtype: float :return: float """ return sum(np.array(mass(self.symbols))) / self.volume @property def volume(self): """ Computes the volume of the cell :rtype: float :return: float """ if self.is_periodic: return abs(np.linalg.det(self.cell)) else: volume = (np.max(self.positions[:, 0]) - np.min(self.positions[:, 0])) * \ (np.max(self.positions[:, 1]) - np.min(self.positions[:, 1])) * \ (np.max(self.positions[:, 2]) - np.min(self.positions[:, 2])) if volume > 0.0: return volume else: return 4.0 / 3.0 * np.pi * np.max(self.positions.flatten()) ** 3 @property def species(self): return self.get_composition().species @property def nspecies(self): return len(self.get_composition().species) @property def nsites(self): return len(self.positions)
[docs] def scale(self, tolerance=0.7): assert self.is_perfect assert self.is_crystal lattice = self.lattice.scale(self.symbols, self.reduced, tolerance=tolerance) return Structure(cell=lattice.cell, reduced=self.reduced, symbols=self.symbols)
# Not working # def cut_void(self, factor=1.5): # ret = self.copy() # ret.canonical_form() # mins = [min(ret.reduced[:, i]) for i in range(3)] # ret.reduced = ret.reduced - mins # ret.reduced2positions() # max_lenght = max(ret.positions[:, 0]) + 2.0*max([covalent_radius(ret.symbols[i]) for i in range(ret.nsites)]) # print factor, max_lenght, ret.cell[0,0] # if factor * max_lenght < ret.cell[0, 0]: # cell = ret.cell # cell[0, 0] = factor * max_lenght # ret.set_cell(cell) # return ret # else: # return self
[docs] def atoms_in_box(self): while min(self.reduced.flatten()) < 0.0 or max(self.reduced.flatten()) > 1.0: self.reduced = (self.reduced + 1.0) % 1.0 self.reduced2positions()
[docs] def moment_of_inertia(self, axis): assert self.is_perfect I = 0 for isite in self: I += mass(isite.symbols[0]) * (sum(isite.position ** 2) - isite.position[axis] ** 2) return I
[docs] def product_of_inertia(self, axis): assert self.is_perfect I = 0 for isite in self: I += mass(isite.symbols[0]) * ( / isite.position[axis]) return I
[docs] def inertia_matrix(self): im_xx = self.moment_of_inertia(0) im_yy = self.moment_of_inertia(1) im_zz = self.moment_of_inertia(2) im_xy = self.product_of_inertia(2) im_xz = self.product_of_inertia(1) im_yz = self.product_of_inertia(0) im = np.array([[im_xx, -im_xy, -im_xz], [-im_xy, im_yy, -im_yz], [-im_xz, -im_yz, im_zz]]) return im
[docs] def signature(self): comp = self.get_composition() gcd = self.get_composition().gcd ret = '%02X_%014X_%02X_' % (self.valence_electrons() / gcd, comp.species_hex(), gcd) formula = "%s" % comp.sorted_formula(sortby='electroneg') formula += (17 - len(formula)) * '_' ret += formula return ret
[docs] def add_vacuum(self, length, direction=2): vacuum = np.zeros(3) vacuum[direction] = length alpha = self.lattice.alpha beta = self.lattice.beta gamma = self.lattice.gamma newlenghts = self.lattice.lengths + vacuum a = newlenghts[0] b = newlenghts[1] c = newlenghts[2] newlattice = self.lattice.from_parameters_to_cell(a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma) return Structure(symbols=self.symbols, cell=newlattice.cell, positions=self.positions)
[docs]def load_structure_json(filename): ret = Structure() ret.load_json(filename) return ret
[docs]class SiteSet: def __init__(self, structure): self.structure = structure self.sitelist = [] reduced = None for isite in range(structure.nsites): if structure.sites.count(isite) > 1: symbols = [] occupancies = [] for jatom in range(structure.natom): if structure.sites[jatom] == isite: symbols.append(structure.symbols[jatom]) occupancies.append(structure.occupancies[jatom]) position = structure.positions[isite] if self.structure.is_periodic: reduced = structure.reduced[isite] else: symbols = [structure.symbols[isite]] occupancies = [structure.occupancies[isite]] position = structure.positions[isite] if self.structure.is_periodic: reduced = structure.reduced[isite] self.sitelist.append(Site(symbols=symbols, occupancies=occupancies, position=position, reduced=reduced)) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.sitelist)
[docs]class Site: def __init__(self, symbols, occupancies, position, reduced=None): if isinstance(symbols, list): self.symbols = symbols else: self.symbols = [symbols] if isinstance(occupancies, list): self.occupancies = occupancies else: self.occupancies = [occupancies] assert (len(self.occupancies) == len(self.symbols)) self.position = position self.reduced = reduced def __repr__(self): ret = 'Site(symbols=' + repr(self.symbols) ret += ',occupancies=' + repr(self.occupancies) ret += ',position=' + repr(self.position) if self.reduced is not None: ret += ',reduced=' + repr(self.reduced) ret += ')' return ret def __str__(self): return repr(self)
[docs]def worker_star(x): return random_structure(*x)
[docs]def random_structure(method, composition, periodic=True, best_volume=1E10): comp = Composition(composition) natom = comp.natom symbols = comp.symbols np.random.seed(struct.unpack("<L", os.urandom(4))[0]) if periodic: new_structure = None assert (method in ['scaling', 'stretching']) if method == 'scaling': lattice = Lattice.random_cell(comp) # Random reduced positions rpos = np.random.rand(natom, 3) mins = [min(rpos[:, i]) for i in range(3)] rpos -= mins else: lattice = Lattice.random_cell(comp) # Random reduced positions rpos = np.random.rand(natom, 3) mins = [min(rpos[:, i]) for i in range(3)] rpos -= mins new_lattice = lattice.stretch(symbols, rpos, tolerance=1.0, extra=0.1) if new_lattice.volume < best_volume: test = True for i in range(natom): for j in range(i + 1, natom): distance = new_lattice.minimal_distance(rpos[i], rpos[j]) covalent_dim = sum(covalent_radius([symbols[i], symbols[j]])) if distance < covalent_dim: test = False if test: new_structure = Structure(symbols=symbols, reduced=rpos, cell=new_lattice.cell, periodicity=True) minimal_distance = np.min(new_structure.distance_matrix() + 10 * np.eye(new_structure.natom)) # print(minimal_distance) else: new_structure = None else: pos = np.random.rand(natom, 3) mindis = cluster_minimal_distance(pos) if mindis == 0: raise ValueError("Distance too small") max_cov = np.max(covalent_radius(symbols)) pos *= max_cov / mindis current_volume = (max(pos[:, 0]) - min(pos[:, 0])) * (max(pos[:, 1]) - min(pos[:, 1])) * ( max(pos[:, 2]) - min(pos[:, 2])) if current_volume < best_volume: new_structure = Structure(symbols=symbols, positions=pos, periodicity=False) else: new_structure = None return new_structure
# End of Worker
[docs]def cluster_minimal_distance(pos): pos = np.array(pos).reshape((-1, 3)) if HAS_SCIPY: dismat = scipy.spatial.distance_matrix(pos, pos) tmp = np.max(dismat.flatten()) return np.min((dismat + tmp * np.eye(len(pos))).flatten()) else: raise NotImplementedError