Source code for pychemia.analysis.surface

from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import pychemia
import itertools
import scipy.spatial
from scipy.spatial import qhull
from pychemia.utils.periodic import covalent_radius

# return [x, y, d], that ax + by = d, d = gcd(a, b)
[docs]def ext_gcd(a, b): v1 = [1, 0, a] v2 = [0, 1, b] if a > b: a, b = b, a while v1[2] > 0: q = v2[2] / v1[2] for i in range(0, len(v1)): v2[i] -= q * v1[i] v1, v2 = v2, v1 return v2
[docs]def rotate_along_indices(structure, h, k, l, layers, tol=1.e-5): cell = structure.cell a1 = np.array(cell[0]) a2 = np.array(cell[1]) a3 = np.array(cell[2]) rcell = structure.lattice.reciprocal().cell b1 = np.array(rcell[0]) b2 = np.array(rcell[1]) b3 = np.array(rcell[2]) # Solve equation pk + ql = 1 for p and q using extended_Euclidean algorithm v = ext_gcd(k, l) p = v[0] q = v[1] # print('p = ', p) # print('q = ', q) k1 = * (k * a1 - h * a2) + q * (l * a1 - h * a3), l * a2 - k * a3) k2 = * (k * a1 - h * a2) - k * (l * a1 - h * a3), l * a2 - k * a3) # print("\n\nk1 = ", k1) # print("k2 = ", k2) if abs(k2) > tol: c = -int(round(k1 / k2)) # print("c = -int(round(k1/k2)) = ", c) p, q = p + c * l, q - c * k # Calculate lattice vectors {v1, v2, v3} defining basis of the new cell v1 = p * (k * a1 - h * a2) + q * (l * a1 - h * a3) v2 = l * a2 - k * a3 n = p * k + q * l v = ext_gcd(n, h) a = v[0] b = v[1] v3 = b * a1 + a * p * a2 + a * q * a3 newbasis = np.array([v1, v2, v3]) # transformation = np.array([[p*k+q*l, -h*p, -h], [0, l, -k], [b, a*p, a*q]]) # inv_transformation = np.linalg.inv(transformation) symbols = [] positions = structure.positions + np.tile(, np.array([0, 0, 0])).reshape(1, 3), (structure.natom, 1)) reduced = np.linalg.solve(newbasis.T, positions.T).T for i in range(3): reduced[:, i] %= 1.0 symbols += structure.symbols surf = pychemia.Structure(symbols=symbols, reduced=reduced, cell=newbasis) if layers > 1: new_surf = surf.supercell((1, 1, layers)) cell = new_surf.cell # cell[2] = cell[2]+(layers+1)*cell[1]+(layers+1)*cell[0] surf = pychemia.Structure(symbols=new_surf.symbols, positions=new_surf.positions, cell=cell) # print '\n\n********* Lattice vectors of the original cell *********\n\n', cell # print '\n\n********* ATOMIC positions in the original cell **********\n', structure.positions # print '\nTotal number of atoms in cell = ', structure.natom # Now create the surface starting from the original structure # surf = structure.copy() # surf.set_cell(newbasis) # print '\n\n********* New basis of the surface cell *********\n\n', surf.cell # print '\n\n********* Atomic coordinates in the newbasis of surface cell *********\n\n', surf.positions # surf = surf.supercell((1, 1, layers)) # a1, a2, a3 = surf.cell # surf.set_cell([a1, a2, # np.cross(a1, a2) *, np.cross(a1, a2)) / # np.linalg.norm(np.cross(a1, a2)) ** 2]) # Change unit cell to have the x-axis parallel with a surface vector # and z perpendicular to the surface: # a1, a2, a3 = surf.cell # surf.set_cell([(np.linalg.norm(a1), 0, 0), # (, a2) / np.linalg.norm(a1), # np.sqrt(np.linalg.norm(a2) ** 2 - (, a2) / np.linalg.norm(a1)) ** 2), 0), # (0, 0, np.linalg.norm(a3))]) # Move atoms into the unit cell: # scaled = surf.reduced # scaled[:, :2] %= 1 # surf.set_reduced(scaled) #, axis=2) return surf
[docs]def get_surface_atoms(structure): """ Returns the list of atoms that belong to the surface of a given structure The surface atoms are computed as those atom for which the Voronoi tesselation is open, ie, their voronoi volume associated is infinite. :param structure: PyChemia Structure (Non-periodic in the current implementation) :return: (list) List of integers with the indices of the surface atoms """ assert (not structure.is_periodic) voro = scipy.spatial.Voronoi(structure.positions) surface = [i for i in range(structure.natom) if -1 in voro.regions[voro.point_region[i]]] return surface
[docs]def get_surface_atoms_new(structure, use_covalent_radius=False): dln = scipy.spatial.Delaunay(structure.positions) if use_covalent_radius: simplices = [] for j in dln.simplices: discard = False for ifacet in list(itertools.combinations(j, 3)): for ipair in itertools.combinations(ifacet, 2): distance = np.linalg.norm(structure.positions[ipair[0]] - structure.positions[ipair[1]]) cov_distance = covalent_radius(structure.symbols[ipair[0]]) + covalent_radius( structure.symbols[ipair[1]]) if distance > 3.0*cov_distance: print('Distance: %f Cov-distance: %f' % (distance, cov_distance)) discard = True break if not discard: print(j) simplices.append(j) else: simplices = dln.simplices c = np.array([[sorted(list(y)) for y in (itertools.combinations(x, 3))] for x in simplices]) d = [list(x) for x in c.reshape((-1, 3))] ret = [] dups = [] for i in range(len(d) - 1): if d[i] in d[i+1:]: dups.append(d[i]) for i in d: if i not in dups: ret.append(i) return np.unique(np.array(ret).flatten())
[docs]def get_onion_layers(structure): """ Returns the different layers of a finite structure :param structure: :return: """ assert (not structure.is_periodic) layers = [] cur_st = structure.copy() morelayers = True while morelayers: pos = cur_st.positions if len(pos) <= 4: core = range(cur_st.natom) layers.append(core) break st = pychemia.Structure(positions=pos, symbols=len(pos)*['H'], periodicity=False) st.canonical_form() # print('The current volume is %7.3f' % st.volume) if st.volume < 0.1: core = range(cur_st.natom) layers.append(core) break try: voro = scipy.spatial.Voronoi(pos) surface = [i for i in range(cur_st.natom) if -1 in voro.regions[voro.point_region[i]]] except qhull.QhullError: surface = range(cur_st.natom) morelayers = False layers.append(surface) if not morelayers: break core = [i for i in range(cur_st.natom) if i not in surface] if len(core) == 0: break symbols = list(np.array(cur_st.symbols)[np.array(core)]) positions = cur_st.positions[np.array(core)] cur_st = pychemia.Structure(symbols=symbols, positions=positions, periodicity=False) new_layers = [layers[0]] included = list(layers[0]) acumulator = 0 for i in range(1, len(layers)): noincluded = [j for j in range(structure.natom) if j not in included] # print 'Layer: %3d Atoms on Surface: %3d Internal Atoms: %3d' % (i, # len(included) - acumulator, # len(noincluded)) acumulator = len(included) relabel = [noincluded[j] for j in layers[i]] included += relabel new_layers.append(relabel) return new_layers
[docs]def get_facets(structure, surface, seed, distance_tolerance=2.0): if seed not in surface: print('Error: seed not in surface') print('Seed: ', seed) print('Surface: ', surface) raise ValueError('Seed not in surface') idx_seed = surface.index(seed) pos = structure.positions[surface] dl = scipy.spatial.Delaunay(pos) # Delaunay tetrahedrals # The indices for each tetragon are relative to the surface # not the structure tetra = [x for x in dl.simplices if idx_seed in x] # Determining Facets facets = [] for x in tetra: facets += [y for y in list(itertools.combinations(x, 3)) if idx_seed in y] # Indices of facets relative to surface not the structure facets = list(tuple([sorted(x) for x in facets])) selected_facets = [] mintol = 1E5 for x in facets: dm = scipy.spatial.distance_matrix(pos[x], pos[x]) maxdist = max(dm.flatten()) pair = np.where(dm == maxdist) atom1 = x[pair[0][0]] atom2 = x[pair[1][0]] covrad1 = pychemia.utils.periodic.covalent_radius(structure.symbols[surface[atom1]]) covrad2 = pychemia.utils.periodic.covalent_radius(structure.symbols[surface[atom2]]) if maxdist / (covrad1 + covrad2) < mintol: mintol = maxdist / (covrad1 + covrad2) if maxdist < distance_tolerance * (covrad1 + covrad2): # Converting indices from surface to structure st_facet = tuple([surface[x[i]] for i in range(3)]) selected_facets.append(st_facet) return selected_facets, mintol + 0.1
[docs]def get_center_vector(structure, facet): v0 = np.array(structure.positions[facet[0]]) v1 = np.array(structure.positions[facet[1]]) v2 = np.array(structure.positions[facet[2]]) facet_center = 1.0 / 3.0 * (v0 + v1 + v2) facet_vector = pychemia.utils.mathematics.unit_vector(np.cross(v1 - v0, v2 - v0)) center_mass = structure.center_mass() if - center_mass, facet_vector) < 0: facet_vector *= -1 return (v0, v1, v2), facet_center, facet_vector
[docs]def attach_to_facet(structure, facet): (v0, v1, v2), facet_center, facet_vector = get_center_vector(structure, facet) rnd = np.random.random() if rnd < 0.4: return facet_center, facet_vector, tuple(facet) elif rnd < 0.6: edge_center = 0.5 * (v0 + v1) return edge_center, facet_vector, (facet[0], facet[1]) elif rnd < 0.8: edge_center = 0.5 * (v1 + v2) return edge_center, facet_vector, (facet[1], facet[2]) else: edge_center = 0.5 * (v0 + v2) return edge_center, facet_vector, (facet[0], facet[2])
[docs]def random_attaching(structure, seed, target_species, natom_crystal, radius=1.8, basetol=4.0): lys = pychemia.analysis.surface.get_onion_layers(structure) surface = lys[0] counter = 0 while True: if seed not in surface or counter > 0: print('Current Seed not in surface, searching a new seed') seed = find_new_seed(structure, surface, seed, natom_crystal) tol = basetol facets = [] while True: facets, mintol = get_facets(structure, surface, seed, distance_tolerance=tol) if len(facets) > 0: print('Possible Facets', facets) break elif mintol > 2 * basetol: return None, None, None, None else: tol = mintol print('No facets found, increasing tolerance to ', tol) counter = 0 while True: counter += 1 rnd = np.random.randint(len(facets)) facet_chosen = facets[rnd] print('Seed: %3d Number of facets: %3d Facet chosen: %s' % (seed, len(facets), facet_chosen)) center, uvector, atoms_facet = attach_to_facet(structure, facet_chosen) new_sts = {} good_pos = 0 for specie in target_species: cov_rad = pychemia.utils.periodic.covalent_radius(specie) vec = center + radius * cov_rad * uvector new_symbols = list(structure.symbols) + [specie] new_positions = np.concatenate((structure.positions, [vec])) dist_matrix = scipy.spatial.distance_matrix(new_positions, new_positions) identity = np.eye(len(new_positions), len(new_positions)) mindist = np.min((dist_matrix + 100 * identity).flatten()) if mindist > cov_rad: good_pos += 1 print('We have a minimal distance of', mindist) new_sts[specie] = pychemia.Structure(symbols=new_symbols, positions=new_positions, periodicity=False) if good_pos == len(target_species): print('Good position selected for all species') break else: print('No enough good positions: %d. One bad position, choosing a new facet' % good_pos) if counter > len(facets): break if good_pos == len(target_species): break return new_sts, facet_chosen, center, uvector
[docs]def find_new_seed(st, surface, seed, natom_crystal): """ Find a new atom to serve as seed for deposition :param st: Structure :param surface: Indices of atoms on surface :param seed: Current seed :param natom_crystal: Number of atoms in crystal, cluster atoms are always at the end :return: """ candidates = [x for x in surface if x > natom_crystal] if seed in surface: new_seed = seed else: dists = scipy.spatial.distance_matrix(st.positions[seed].reshape((1, 3)), st.positions[surface]) # First Option new_seed = surface[dists[0].argsort()[0]] # Second option dists = scipy.spatial.distance_matrix(st.center_mass().reshape((1, 3)), st.positions[candidates]) if len(candidates) > 0: dists = scipy.spatial.distance_matrix(st.center_mass().reshape((1, 3)), st.positions[candidates]) npcandidates = np.array(candidates)[dists[0].argsort()] print('Candidates ordered by distance to CM', npcandidates) for i in npcandidates: facets, mintol = get_facets(st, surface, i, distance_tolerance=1.0) if mintol < 5.0: new_seed = i break print('Seed: %3d => %3d' % (seed, new_seed)) assert (new_seed in surface) return int(new_seed)