Source code for pychemia.analysis.splitting

import itertools

import numpy as np

from pychemia import Composition, Structure

[docs]class SplitMatch: def __init__(self, structure1, structure2): assert structure1.nsites == structure2.nsites self.structures = [None, None] self.structures[0] = structure1 self.structures[1] = structure2 self.cut_planes = [None, None] self.split_sites = [None, None] self.ss_tags = [None, None]
[docs] def get_minimal_splitting(self): delta_distance = 0.1 while True: for i in range(2): self.cut_planes[i] = get_cut_planes(self.structures[i], delta_distance=delta_distance) self.split_sites[i] = get_simple_split_sites(self.structures[i], self.cut_planes[i]) if len(self.split_sites[i]) == 0: delta_distance *= 0.9 print('delta distance reduced to', delta_distance) if len(self.split_sites[0]) > 0 and len(self.split_sites[1]) > 0: # Select two compatible splits (that preserve the number of atoms) has_groups = False self.ss_tags[0] = None self.ss_tags[1] = None grp0 = None grp1 = None trial = 0 while not has_groups: rnd = np.random.randint(len(self.split_sites[0])) grp0 = self.split_sites[0].keys()[rnd] for grp1 in self.split_sites[1]: trial += 1 print('Selected Groups:', grp0, grp1) if len(self.split_sites[0][grp0]) == len(self.split_sites[1][grp1]): has_groups = True break if trial > 10: print('Bad splitting of sites, decreasing distance') grp0 = None grp1 = None break if grp0 is not None and grp1 is not None: self.ss_tags[0] = grp0 self.ss_tags[1] = grp1 break else: delta_distance *= 0.9
[docs] def get_simple_match(self): self.get_minimal_splitting() # grp1 and grp2 are tuples where the first value is the dimension of cut and the second one # is the second one is the index for the plane cut grp0 = self.ss_tags[0] grp1 = self.ss_tags[1] idim1 = grp0[0] idim2 = grp1[0] cp1 = grp0[1] cp2 = grp1[1] cut_value1 = self.cut_planes[0][idim1][cp1] cut_value2 = self.cut_planes[1][idim2][cp2] print('idim1:', idim1, 'cut_value1:', cut_value1) print('idim2:', idim2, 'cut_value2:', cut_value2) # Select one possible permutation that will make the second # structure being cutted along the same dimension as the first one permsel1 = None permsel2 = None for i in itertools.permutations(range(3), 3): if i[idim1] == idim2: permsel1 = i if i[idim2] == idim1: permsel2 = i if permsel1 is not None and permsel2 is not None: break print('Permutation Selected 1:', permsel1) print('Permutation Selected 2:', permsel2) newreduced1 = np.zeros((self.structures[0].natom, 3)) newreduced2 = np.zeros((self.structures[1].natom, 3)) symbols1 = self.structures[0].natom * ['U'] symbols2 = self.structures[1].natom * ['U'] nsites = self.structures[0].nsites index1 = 0 index2 = 0 for i in range(nsites): if i in self.split_sites[0][grp0]: newreduced1[index1] = self.structures[0].reduced[i, :] symbols1[index1] = self.structures[0].symbols[i] index1 += 1 else: pos = self.structures[0].reduced[i, permsel1] # print i,' - ', self.structures[0].reduced[i], '==>', pos newreduced2[index2] = pos symbols2[index2] = self.structures[0].symbols[i] index2 += 1 # print '1 Reduced\n', newreduced1 # print '2 Reduced\n', newreduced2 # print '1 Symbols:', symbols1 # print '2 Symbols:', symbols2 for i in range(nsites): if i in self.split_sites[1][grp1]: newreduced2[index2] = self.structures[1].reduced[i, :] symbols2[index2] = self.structures[1].symbols[i] index2 += 1 else: pos = self.structures[1].reduced[i, permsel1] # print i,' - ', self.structures[1].reduced[i], '==>', pos newreduced1[index1] = pos symbols1[index1] = self.structures[1].symbols[i] index1 += 1 cell1 = np.array(self.structures[0].cell) cell2 = np.array(self.structures[1].cell) # The Splitting is not checking for right stochiometry right now # Reverting the symbols to the original ones symbols1 = self.structures[0].symbols symbols2 = self.structures[1].symbols newst1 = Structure(symbols=symbols1, reduced=newreduced1, cell=cell1) newst2 = Structure(symbols=symbols2, reduced=newreduced2, cell=cell2) return newst1, newst2
[docs]def get_cut_planes(structure, delta_distance=0.1): """ Compute all the possible cutting planes defined on reduced coordinates for which the structure can be efectively cut considering that the perpendicular distance between two atoms is larger than 'delta_distance' :param structure: :param delta_distance: :return: """ ret = {} for idim in range(3): ret[idim] = [] # Make a copy of the reduced positions v = np.array(structure.reduced[:, idim]) # Extent the last position with a replica of the first one # Because the structure is periodic v.sort() v = np.concatenate((v, [1 + v[0]])) # Compute the vector of differences df[i]=v[i+1]-v[i] df = np.diff(v) for i in (range(structure.nsites)): if df[i] > delta_distance: ret[idim].append((v[i] + 0.5 * df[i]) % 1.0) ret[idim].sort() return ret
[docs]def get_simple_split_sites(structure, cut_planes): ret = {} for idim in range(3): for iplane in range(len(cut_planes[idim])): ret[(idim, iplane)] = [] for i in range(structure.natom): if structure.reduced[i, idim] < cut_planes[idim][iplane]: ret[(idim, iplane)].append(i) # Removing trivial partitions of the entire structure for i in ret.keys(): if len(ret[i]) == structure.nsites: ret.pop(i) return ret
[docs]def get_split_sites(structure, idim, cut_planes, indices): """ Return the indices of the sites corresponding to each partition of the structure :param structure: :param idim: :param cut_planes: :param indices: :return: """ value0 = cut_planes[idim][indices[0]] value1 = cut_planes[idim][indices[1]] vrange = [[], []] if value1 > value0: vrange[0] = [(0, value0), (value1, 1)] vrange[1] = [(value0, value1)] else: vrange[0] = [(0, value1), (value0, 1)] vrange[1] = [(value1, value0)] factor0 = vrange[1][0][1] - vrange[1][0][0] factor1 = 1.0 - vrange[0][1][0] + vrange[0][0][1] ret = [[], []] for i in range(structure.nsites): for j in range(2): for irange in vrange[j]: if irange[0] <= structure.reduced[i, idim] < irange[1]: ret[j].append(i) return ret, (factor0, factor1)
[docs]def get_all_splitted_compositions(structure, cut_planes): ret = [] for idim in range(3): nplanes = len(cut_planes[idim]) if nplanes > 1: for j in itertools.combinations(range(nplanes), 2): split_sites, factors = get_split_sites(structure, idim, cut_planes, j) npsymbols = np.array(structure.symbols) for k in range(2): symbols = npsymbols[split_sites[k]] comp = Composition(symbols) factor = factors[k] ret.append({'dim': idim, 'plane_indices': j, 'composition': comp.composition, 'natom': len(symbols), 'factor': factor}) return ret
[docs]def get_matching_options(structure1, structure2, delta_distance=0.1): # Get Cutting Planes cp1 = get_cut_planes(structure1, delta_distance) cp2 = get_cut_planes(structure2, delta_distance) # Split Compositions sc1 = get_all_splitted_compositions(structure1, cp1) sc2 = get_all_splitted_compositions(structure2, cp2) # Indexing the Split Compositions index_sc1 = {} for i in range(len(sc1)): natom = sc1[i]['natom'] if natom in index_sc1: index_sc1[natom].append(i) else: index_sc1[natom] = [i] index_sc2 = {} for i in range(len(sc2)): natom = sc2[i]['natom'] if natom in index_sc2: index_sc2[natom].append(i) else: index_sc2[natom] = [i] ret = [] for i in range(structure1.nsites / 2 + 1): if i in index_sc1 and i in index_sc2: for j in index_sc1[i]: for k in index_sc2[i]: if sc1[j]['composition'] == sc2[k]['composition']: ret.append({'dim1': sc1[j]['dim'], 'plane_indices1': sc1[j]['plane_indices'], 'dim2': sc2[k]['dim'], 'plane_indices2': sc2[k]['plane_indices']}) return ret, cp1, cp2
[docs]def do_mixing(structure1, structure2, cut_planes1, cut_planes2, matching, match_index): # Getting the atoms involved in both partitions: dim1 = matching[match_index]['dim1'] partition1 = get_split_sites(structure1, dim1, cut_planes1, matching[match_index]['plane_indices1']) dim2 = matching[match_index]['dim2'] partition2 = get_split_sites(structure1, dim2, cut_planes2, matching[match_index]['plane_indices2']) index1 = matching[match_index]['plane_indices1'][0] index2 = matching[match_index]['plane_indices1'][1] reduced11 = np.array([structure1.reduced[x] for x in partition1[0]]) reduced11[:, dim1] = (reduced11[:, dim1] - cut_planes1[dim1][index1] + 1.0) % 1.0 reduced11[:, dim1] -= np.min(reduced11[:, dim1]) symbols = [structure1.symbols[x] for x in partition1[0]] st11 = Structure(reduced=reduced11, cell=structure1.cell, symbols=symbols) reduced12 = np.array([structure1.reduced[x] for x in partition1[1]]) reduced12[:, dim1] = (reduced12[:, dim1] - cut_planes1[dim1][index2] + 1.0) % 1.0 reduced12[:, dim1] -= np.min(reduced12[:, dim1]) symbols = [structure1.symbols[x] for x in partition1[1]] st12 = Structure(reduced=reduced12, cell=structure1.cell, symbols=symbols) index1 = matching[match_index]['plane_indices2'][0] index2 = matching[match_index]['plane_indices2'][1] reduced21 = np.array([structure2.reduced[x] for x in partition2[0]]) reduced21[:, dim2] = (reduced21[:, dim2] - cut_planes2[dim2][index1] + 1.0) % 1.0 reduced21[:, dim2] -= np.min(reduced21[:, dim2]) symbols = [structure2.symbols[x] for x in partition2[0]] st21 = Structure(reduced=reduced21, cell=structure2.cell, symbols=symbols) reduced22 = np.array([structure2.reduced[x] for x in partition2[1]]) reduced22[:, dim2] = (reduced22[:, dim2] - cut_planes2[dim2][index2] + 1.0) % 1.0 reduced22[:, dim2] -= np.min(reduced22[:, dim2]) symbols = [structure2.symbols[x] for x in partition2[1]] st22 = Structure(reduced=reduced22, cell=structure2.cell, symbols=symbols) return st11, st12, st21, st22