Source code for pychemia.analysis.changer

import random
import itertools
import numpy as np
from pychemia.utils.mathematics import apply_rotation

[docs]class StructureChanger: def __init__(self, structure): self.old_structure = structure self.new_structure = structure.copy() self.operations = []
[docs] def permutator(self, pair): self.new_structure.symbols[pair[0]] = self.old_structure.symbols[pair[1]] self.new_structure.symbols[pair[1]] = self.old_structure.symbols[pair[0]] self.operations.append({'permutator': (pair[0], pair[1])})
[docs] def random_permutator(self, forbidden_list=None): assert (self.old_structure.nspecies > 1) pairs = list(itertools.combinations(self.old_structure.species, 2)) if forbidden_list is None: flist = [] else: flist = forbidden_list for pair in pairs: for fpair in flist: if pair == tuple(fpair) or pair == tuple(reversed(fpair)): pairs.remove(pair) pair = random.choice(pairs) indices0 = [i for i, x in enumerate(self.old_structure.symbols) if x == pair[0]] index0 = random.choice(indices0) indices1 = [i for i, x in enumerate(self.old_structure.symbols) if x == pair[1]] index1 = random.choice(indices1) self.permutator((index0, index1))
[docs] def deform_cell(self, stress_eps): stress = np.eye(3) + np.diag(stress_eps[:3]) + np.array([[0.0, stress_eps[3], stress_eps[4]], [stress_eps[3], 0.0, stress_eps[5]], [stress_eps[4], stress_eps[5], 0.0]]) self.new_structure.set_cell(, self.old_structure.cell)) self.operations.append({'deform_cell': stress_eps})
[docs] def random_deform_cell(self, diag=True, nondiag=True, maxdelta=0.01): # 6 random numbers between -maxdelta and maxdelta stress_eps = np.random.random(6) * 2 * maxdelta - maxdelta if diag: stress_eps[:3] = 0 if nondiag: stress_eps[-3:] = 0 self.deform_cell(stress_eps)
[docs] def move_one_atom(self, index, vector): self.new_structure.positions[index] += vector self.new_structure.positions2reduced() self.operations.append({'move_one_atom': (index, vector)})
[docs] def random_move_one_atom(self, mu=0.1, sigma=0.01): index = random.randint(0, len(self.old_structure) - 1) radius = np.abs(np.random.normal(mu, sigma)) theta_x = 2 * np.pi * np.random.random_sample() theta_y = 2 * np.pi * np.random.random_sample() theta_z = 2 * np.pi * np.random.random_sample() vector = apply_rotation([1, 0, 0], theta_x, theta_y, theta_z) self.move_one_atom(index, vector * radius)
[docs] def random_move_many_atoms(self, epsilon=0.01, forbidden_indices=None, forbidden_species=None): if forbidden_indices is None: findices = [] else: findices = forbidden_indices if forbidden_species is None: fspec = [] else: fspec = forbidden_species for iatom in range(len(self.old_structure)): if iatom not in findices and self.new_structure.symbols[iatom] not in fspec: self.random_move_one_atom(epsilon)
[docs] def random_change(self, epsilon): rnd = np.random.random() if rnd < 0.25: self.random_deform_cell(maxdelta=epsilon) elif rnd < 0.5: self.random_move_many_atoms(epsilon=epsilon) elif rnd < 0.75 and self.old_structure.nspecies > 1: self.random_permutator() else: self.random_move_one_atom(mu=epsilon, sigma=0.01)