The styleSheet module

The styleSheet module contains the StyleSheet class which provides the ability to more easily create a string for setting the style sheet of a QWidget.

The StyleSheet class

Inheritance diagram of pyamp.ui.qt.styleSheet.StyleSheet

class pyamp.ui.qt.styleSheet.StyleSheet(widget=None, **kwargs)[source]

The StyleSheet class provides a wrapper for PyQt4.QtGui.QWidget style sheet strings. StyleSheets can be easily created an exported into a string that is properly formatted for setting the style sheet of a PyQt4.QtGui.QWidget.


from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication, QWidget
from pyamp.ui.qt import StyleSheet

# Create the widget, and set its name
app = QApplication([])
widget = QWidget()

# Create a simple style sheet
style = StyleSheet(border="2px solid black")
normal = "border: 2px solid black"

# These calls are identical

# Create another style sheet, notice that underscores in the
# StylSheet parameter names are converted to dashes in the
# style sheet string
style = StyleSheet(background_color="red", color="blue",
normal = "background-color: red; color: blue; font-weight: bold"

# These calls are identical

# You can also specify a specific CSS selector string, which can be
# either a specific string, or a widget. If given a widget, the
# selector will be created using the object's class name (e.g.,
# QWidget) and will append an ID selector with the object's name (if
# and only if the widget is named).
style1 = StyleSheet(widget="QWidget#ObjectName",
                    border="1px solid red", margin_top="10")
style2 = StyleSheet(widget, border="1px solid red", margin_top="10")
normal = "QWidget#ObjectName { border: 1px solid red; margin-top: 10;"

# These calls are identical
  • widget – The widget selector for this style sheet. Can be either a

    string, or an actual widget object

  • kwargs – The keyword arguments

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