Changes in v1.0 =============== 1.0.4 in development -------------------- * Alter how changes are represented in documentation to simplify merging. 1.0.3 released on 2011-09-24 ---------------------------- * Use raise x from y to generalize exceptions. (Elvis Pranskevichus) * Alter postgresql.string.quote_ident to always quote. (Elvis Pranskevichus) * Add postgresql.string.quote_ident_if_necessary (Modification of Elvis Pranskevichus' patch) * Many postgresql.string bug fixes (Elvis Pranskevichus) * Correct ResourceWarnings improving Python 3.2 support. (jwp) * Add test command to (Elvis Pranskevichus) 1.0.2 released on 2010-09-18 ---------------------------- * Add support for DOMAINs in registered composites. (Elvis Pranskevichus) * Properly raise StopIteration in Cursor.__next__. (Elvis Pranskevichus) * Add Cluster Management documentation. * Release savepoints after rolling them back. * Fix Startup() usage for Python 3.2. * Emit deprecation warning when 'gid' is given to xact(). * Compensate for Python3.2's ElementTree API changes. 1.0.1 released on 2010-04-24 ---------------------------- * Fix unpacking of array NULLs. (Elvis Pranskevichus) * Fix .first()'s handling of counts and commands. Bad logic caused zero-counts to return the command tag. * Don't interrupt and close a temporal connection if it's not open. * Use the Driver's typio attribute for TypeIO overrides. (Elvis Pranskevichus) 1.0 released on 2010-03-27 -------------------------- * **DEPRECATION**: Removed 2PC support documentation. * **DEPRECATION**: Removed pg_python and pg_dotconf 'scripts'. They are still accessible by python3 -m postgresql.bin.pg_* * Add support for binary hstore. * Add support for user service files. * Implement a Copy manager for direct connection-to-connection COPY operations. * Added method for DO-statement support(convenience method). * Set the default client_min_messages level to WARNING. NOTICEs are often not desired by programmers, and py-postgresql's high verbosity further irritates that case. * Added postgresql.project module to provide project information. Project name, author, version, etc. * Increased default recvsize and chunksize for improved performance. * 'D' messages are special cased as builtins.tuples instead of protocol.element3.Tuple * Alter Statement.chunks() to return chunks of builtins.tuple. Being an interface intended for speed, types.Row() impedes its performance. * Fix handling of infinity values with timestamptz, timestamp, and date. [Bug reported by Axel Rau.] * Correct representation of PostgreSQL ARRAYs by properly recording lowerbounds and upperbounds. Internally, sub-ARRAYs have their own element lists. * Implement a NotificationManager for managing the NOTIFYs received by a connection. The class can manage NOTIFYs from multiple connections, whereas the db.wait() method is tailored for single targets. * Implement an ALock class for managing advisory locks using the threading.Lock APIs. [Feedback from Valentine Gogichashvili] * Implement reference symbols. Allow libraries to define symbols that are used to create queries that inherit the original symbol's type and execution method. ``db.prepare(db.prepare(...).first())`` * Fix handling of unix domain sockets by and driver.connect. [Reported by] * Fix typo/dropped parts of a raise LoadError in .lib. [Reported by Vlad Pranskevichus] * Fix db.tracer and pg_python's --pq-trace= * Fix count return from .first() method. Failed to provide an empty tuple for the rformats of the bind statement. [Reported by dou dou]