1.0.0 (2017/01/08) ------------------- - first official release - requires Python 3.5 or higher 0.7.13 (2016/08/30) ------------------- - added ``circus`` dependency in order to provide daemonizing support out of the box 0.7.12 (2016/08/29) ------------------- - fix for PDFreactor 8 0.7.11 (2016/06/01) ------------------- - updated to Pyramid 1.7 0.7.7 (2016/01/24) ------------------ - updated support for latest Vivliostyle formatter - added support for Antennahouse Formatter 0.7.6 (2015/11/30) ------------------ - support for PDFreactor 8 0.7.5 (2015/11/18) ------------------ - fixed race condition while creating directories 0.7.4 (2015/11/14) ------------------ - support for nested uploaded ZIP files 0.7.3 (2015/11/14) ------------------ - support for Vivliostyle Formatter 0.7.2 (2015/04/20) ------------------ - merged https://bitbucket.org/ajung/pp.server/pull-request/1/ (improper check for wkhtmltopdf) - merged https://bitbucket.org/ajung/pp.server/pull-request/2/ (fix for async operations) 0.7.1 (2015/03/13) ------------------ - unicode fix in runcmd() 0.7.0 (2015/02/15) ------------------ - 0.6.x was completely badly packaged - changed repo structure 0.6.1 (2015/02/02) ------------------ - add /api/converter-versions to webservice API 0.6.0 (2015/01/26) ------------------ - dropped Python 2.X support, Python 3.3 or higher is now a mandatory requirement 0.5.5 (2015/01/23) ------------------ - UTF8 handling fix 0.5.3 (2014/11/23) ------------------ - support for WKHTMLTOPDF 0.5.2 (2014/11/19) ------------------ - support for Speedata Publisher 0.5.1 (2014/10/12) ------------------ - improved error handling 0.5.0 (2014/10/12) ------------------ - official Python 3.3/3.4 support 0.4.7 (25.09.2014) ------------------ - fixed documentation bug 0.4.6 (22.08.2014) ------------------ - removed PDFreactor --addlog option 0.4.5 (22.08.2014) ------------------ - added supplementary commandline options to pdfreactor commandline call 0.4.4 (24.01.2014) ------------------ - minor typos fixed 0.4.3 (20.01.2014) ------------------ - implemented automatic queue cleanup after one day 0.4.2 (18.01.2014) ------------------ - URL fix in index.pt related to virtual hosting 0.4.1 (13.01.2014) ------------------ - show Python version and converters on index.pt - authorization support added 0.4.0 (17.10.2013) ------------------ - Python 3.3 support - Pyramid 1.5 support 0.3.5 (05.10.2013) ------------------ - added 'cmd_options' to pdf and unoconv API methods for specifying arbitary command line parameters for the external converters 0.3.4 (05.10.2013) ------------------ - added 'cleanup' API 0.3.3 (05.10.2013) ------------------ - added 'version' and 'converter' API methods 0.3.2 (04.10.2013) ------------------ - added support EPUB conversion using ``Calibre`` 0.3.1 (03.10.2013) ------------------ - updated documentation 0.3.0 (14.07.2013) ------------------ - unoconv conversion now returns a ZIP archive (e.g. a HTML file + extracted images) 0.2.7 (06.07.2013) ------------------ - added support for Phantom.js converter 0.2.5 (05.07.2013) ------------------ - better detecting of prince and pdfreactor binaries 0.2.2 (05.07.2013) ------------------ - updated the documentation - minor cleanup 0.2.1 (04.07.2013) ------------------ - re-added poll API 0.2.0 (03.07.2013) ------------------ - converted XML-RPC api to REST api 0.1.9 (01.07.2013) ------------------ - monkeypatch pyramid_xmlrpc.parse_xmlrpc_request in order to by-pass its stupid DOS request body check 0.1.7 (29.06.2013) ------------------ - more tests - fixes - updated documentation 0.1.5 (27.06.2013) ------------------ - test for synchronous operations - fixes 0.1.0 (24.06.2013) ------------------ - initial release