
Component system. Web framework. And more ...

pluggdapps – Package.

Pluggdapps, at its core, is a component system in python. It provides a platform to specify interfaces and implement them as plugins.

Plugins and interfaces can be defined in any number of packages, where modules containing them are imported by package’s file. When pluggdapps is imported for the first time, it will probe for all packages in current environment’s working set. When finding a package which defines the following entry-point (refer setuptools to know more about package entry-points),


the package will be considered as pluggdapps compatible and will be imported into the environment during platform startup. Corresponding packages must, in turn, load interfaces and plugins defined by the them. Finally, when all packages are loaded (and blueprint for all interface-specs and plugin-definitions are gathered) platform will be initialized by calling pluggdapps.plugin.plugin_init().

The platform gets instantiated, and initialized by calling the platform class’ boot() method. Refer to pluggdapps.platform module for more information on pluggdapps platform and how it gets booted.

package() entrypoint. Like mentioned above, every pluggdapps project must implement package entrypoint, a function callabled that will be called during platform booting. The callable can return a dictionary of information about the package which is documented in package() function.

Refer to Glossary for terminologies used.

Module contents


Entry point that returns a dictionary of key,value information about the package.

platform object deriving from pluggdapps.platform.Pluggdapps.

Returns a dictionary of information about the package. Recognised keys are,

list of template files. If package implements tayra template plugins, then a list of template files implementing the plugin must be supplied in asset specification format.

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