CHANGELOG ========= List of release changes. 0.43dev ------- ``Wed Jan 05, 2014`` - migrated from mercurial to git and the project is now tracked via github. - removed tayra and tayrakit dependencies from - Bug fix to PluginBase __new__() method. - added library function to calculate age from certain date. - removed explicit dependency on `tayra` and `tayrakit` - updated to run on mac. 0.42dev ------- ``Wed Jun 12, 2013`` - 3-way merge library tool added for scaffolding. - minor release for `pagd`. 0.41dev ------- ``Wed May 29, 2013`` - command plugins are not to be prefixed with `Command`. This is because plugins are now referred by their canonical names. - `mainargs()` function added to gather main-script parameters from command line. Remaining parameters will be passed on to the sub-commands. - Added a query_pluginr() method similar to query_plugins() method, except that it accepts an additional `pattern` argument that will be matched with plugin's canonical-names. Only matching plugins will be instantiated and returned as a list. query_pluginr() method is aliased as qpr() - Sphinx documentation style. `min-width` of tag is adjusted to 970px. - Removed `IHTTPRenderer` interface from `pluggdapps.web.interfaces` module, instead a similar interface `ITemplate` is added to `pluggdapps.interfaces` module. `IHTTPResponse` plugins are expected to use this new interface. - `webapp` command/scaffold is renamed to `newwebapp`. - Added a script bin/ to check pre and post releases of pluggdapps package. 0.4dev ------ ``Tue May 21, 2013`` - scaffold source files must not end with .py, as python module, this will throw errors while installing them via `pip`. To solve this problem, .py files are suffixed with .tmpl, and utils.scaff module will remove the suffix before creating the scaffold logic in target directory. - Sub command `confdoc` is added to automatically generate a catalog of configuration settings for plugins in pluggdapps, or any other, package. - A new alias for `query_plugin()`, as `qp()`, and `query_plugins()`, as `qps()` is now available. - Cleaned up and refactored platform boot sequence. - First all pluggdapps-packages are gathered from the environment. - Then gathered packages are loaded. - And during platform boot-time, package entry-point is called. - added namespace for plugins. Every plugin name can be queried and accessed by prefixing its class-name with package name. This is not the canonical form for plugin-names. For example, plugin `ConfigSqlite3DB` defined in pluggdapps package is to be accessed as, `pluggdapps.ConfigSqlite3DB`. - Every instantiated plugin will now have a `caname` attribute that provides the canonical name of the plugin. This is automatically populated by component-arch during plugin instantiation. - `query_plugin()` and `query_plugins()` method calls now supports `interface` argument as string of interface-name, specified in canonical-form. - `plugincall()`, `pluginname()` function is removed and `canonical_name()` function is added in pluggdapps.plugin module. Note that `canonical_name()` function is meant to be called only by logic inside PluginMeta class. - `pluggdapps.initialize()` is now `pluggdapps.callpackages()`. - platform.Pluggdapps class has `_preboot()` local method to handle pre-booting logic. - Moved sphinx-documentation to docs/ directory. It is more work to manage two separate versions of documentation. All articles under docs/ directory are active and publishable, while documentation that are more specific to internals of pluggdapps are under docs/dev/ directory. 0.3dev ------ ``Tue Mar 12, 2013`` - Live debug. Interactive debugging to catch exception and introspect stack frame via web. - WebAdmin configuration application. - ConfigSQlite3DB plugin for storing configuration settings in sqlite3 database. - CatchAndDebug plugin re-writes tracebacks involving template tracebacks to accurately point mis-behaving template text. - package documentation using sphinx. - routemapper configuration to add_views() is now handled by matchrouter plugin. - HTTP content negotiation abstracted into IHTTPNegotiator interface and plugin by name `httpnegotiator` is supplied for matchrouter. - match_predicates() method added while resolving view-callables. Right now a request resolution to view-callable follows three steps. - URL pattern matching - match_predicates on add_view arguments and request. - Content_negotiation to pick a resource-variant. - Order of calls to add_view() method is preserved while resolving request to view-callable. - added platform pre-booting feature. - First load all pluggdapps packages to create a Pluggdapss() platform, then call package() entry point in all pluggdapps packages and finally create the platform. - package loading during platform pre-booting should happen after all relevant pluggdapps modules are imported in - Package loading during pluggdapps platform pre-boot is now handled by an explicit call to pluggdapps.loadpackages() function. - pluggdapps project static files - logos and css files. - Documentation for configuration help. - Gathering files for reloading is now moved to `Serve` sub-command plugin, instead of handling it in platform classes. - Improved interactive excaption handling in errorpage.ttl (WebAdmin plugin). - WebAdmin configuration app is more or less functional. - package() entry-point now can return 'ttlplugins' info. - Automatic server restart now monitors .ini files and .ttl files as well. - request.getparams and request.postparams now provide key,value pairs as string. - Added view callable for serving static files for an application. - Configured cache directory for ttl template-modules. - Added scaffolding plugin `Env` sub-command plugin to create pluggdapps environment. This plugin provides the blue-print for ``paenv`` repository which is now reponsible for setting up pluggdapps environment for all kind of pluggdapps users. 0.2dev ------ ``Thu Dec 13, 2012`` - Releasing DocRoot web-application, to server static web files, as part of Pluggdapps package. - Releasing IHTTPView plugin `StaticFile` to serve static files. - New interface-specification defined for in-bound and out-bound messages. And two plugins `ResponseHeaders` and `GZipOutBound`, implementing IHTTPOutBound interface, are released. - ETag computation is now part of response-context. - max_age cache control configuration is supported by IHTTPView plugin `StaticFile`. - For DocRoot application, resource variant mapping can be defined as a python list of dictionaries. This will be compiled and used while doing content-negotiation with the client. - Configurable index page and favicon for `DocRoot` web-application. - Implementing Content negotiation protocol. - Support for GZip content-encoding added. - Add plaform method to log debug messages. - Fixed http_fromdate() helper function. - Fixed bugs, and cleaned up code, in HTTPEPollServer plugin and HTTPResponse plugin 0.1dev ------ ``Fri Jan 13, 2012`` First release. Provides, - Component system using python meta-classing, a plugin system using interface specifications and a wonderful configuration system. - Pluggable sub-commands accessible via `pa` script. - Web-framework to host more than one application in the same environment. - Documentation available using sphinx.