
Component system. Web framework. And more ...

Source code for pluggdapps.plugin

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in
# file 'LICENSE', which is part of this source code package.
#       Copyright (c) 2011 R Pratap Chakravarthy

"""Core module for pluggdapps plugin framework. It uses metaclassing to
automagically load and register a blue-print of interfaces and plugins into
query-able classes. Developers can create plugin by deriving their class from
:class:`Plugin`. A plugin is expected to implement, by calling
:meth:`implement()` function, one or more interfaces inside their plugin
class' scope. The base class :class:`Plugin` itself is a plugin implementing
:class:`ISettings` interface, thus all configuration related methods are
automatically added to the plugin. To provide configurable plugins, authors
need to override methods from :class:`ISettings` interface.

There is also a :class:`Singleton` base class available for plugin authors to
create singleton plugins. A singleton plugin is created only once for the
entire life time of the python environment, they are instantiated when the 
plugin is queried for the first time. Subsequent queries will fetch the 
singleton instance of the plugin.

As mentioned else-where all plugins are but a dictionary of configuration
settings gathered from sources like package-defaults, ini-files and
backend-config-store. Platform classes will aggregate these configuration
settings during statup-time and make them available during plugins
instantiation.  Refer :mod:`pluggdapps.platform` to learn more.

Plugins are instantiated by quering with APIs like `query_plugin()` or
`query_plugins()`. These APIs are automatically avilable on every instantiated
plugin and platform objects from :class:`Pluggdapps`.

Plugin inheritance

It is also possible to create a plugin by deriving from another plugin class.
Remember that a plugin class is any class that derives from the
:class:`Plugin`. For example,

.. code-block:: python

    class YourPlugin( Plugin ):
        def __init__( self, arg2, arg3 ):

    class MyPlugin( YourPlugin ):
        def __init__( self, arg1, arg2, arg3 ):
            self._super_init( __class__, arg2, arg3 )

`YourPlugin` is a plugin class (since it derives from :class:`Plugin`) with
accepts two constructor arguments.

Another class `MyPlugin` wants to extend `YourPlugin`, hence can simply derive
from `YourPlugin` class. And thus automatically becomes a plugin class. Note
that MyPlugin class accepts 3 constructor arguments and to initialize the base
class it uses a special method, ``_super_init()`` instead of using the builtin

import sys, inspect
from   os.path      import isfile, abspath

import pluggdapps.utils as h

# TODO :
#   1. Unit test cases.

__all__ = [ 
    # Plugin System
    'Plugin', 'Singleton', 'Interface', 'Attribute', 'implements', 
    # Interfaces
    # API functions
    'isimplement',  'isplugin', 'interfaces', 'interface', 'plugin_info',
    'interface_info', 'pluginnames', 'canonical_name', 'pluginclass',
    'webapps', 'whichmodule', 'plugin_init',

#---- Plugin meta framework

core_classes = [ 'Interface', 'PluginBase', 'Plugin', 'Singleton' ]

[docs]class PluginMeta( type ): """Plugin component manager. Tracks interface specifications, plugin definitions and plugins implementing interfaces. All interfaces and plugins defined across pluggdapps are blueprinted and handles instantiation of plugins via one of the query_*() methods. Also responsibile for making plugin's configuration settings available as a dictionary of settings.""" _pluginmap = {} """A map of plugin's canonical-name to its information dictionary.""" _interfmap = {} """A map of interface's canonical-name to its information dictionary.""" _implementers = {} """A map of interface class object to a map of plugin names and its class implementing the interface. Plugin-names are in canonical format. If a plugin sub-class derives from Singleton then query_* methods and functions will return the same object all the time.""" # Error messages err1 = 'Class `%s` derives both Interface and Plugin' err2 = 'Plugin/Interface %r defined multiple times, previously %r' def __new__( cls, name='', bases=(), d={} ): new_class = super().__new__( cls, name, bases, d ) new_class.caname = caname = canonical_name(new_class) new_class._interfs = [] if name in core_classes : return new_class mro_bases = list( new_class.mro() ) if Interface in mro_bases and PluginBase in mro_bases : raise Exception( PluginMeta.err1 % name ) x = PluginMeta._interfmap.get( caname, PluginMeta._pluginmap.get( caname, None )) if x : raise Exception( PluginMeta.err2 % (caname, x['file']) ) if Interface in mro_bases : # For Interface sub-classes PluginMeta._interfmap[caname] = \ PluginMeta._interf( new_class, name, bases, d ) elif PluginBase in mro_bases : # For Plugin sub-classes PluginMeta._pluginmap[caname] = \ PluginMeta._plugin( new_class, name, bases, d ) # Register deriving plugin for interfaces implemented by its base # classes for b in mro_bases[:-1] : # Skip <class 'object'> for i, pmap in list( PluginMeta._implementers.items() ) : if b.caname in pmap : pmap.setdefault( caname, '-na-' ) # Hook masterinit() as __init__ init = d.get( '__init__', None ) if init == None : # Because we're replacing the initializer, we need to make # sure that any inherited initializers are also called. for b in mro_bases : if issubclass(b, PluginBase) and '__init__' in vars(b) : init = b.__init__._original break def masterinit( self, pa, *args, **kwargs ) : """Plugin Init function hooked in by PluginMeta. Initialize plugin with *args and **kwargs parameters.""" # Check for instantiated singleton, if so return. if hasattr( self, 'settings' ): return self._settngx = {} (args, kwargs) = pa.masterinit( self, *args, **kwargs ) # Call the original plugin's __init__. Avoid calling the # masterinit of the super class. if init and hasattr( init, '_original' ) : _original( self, *args, **kwargs ) elif init : init( self, *args, **kwargs ) def super_init( self, cls, *args, **kwargs ): """__init__ overloading is controlled by PluginMeta. So for plugin inheritance to call base classes method, instead of using, super().__init__( *args, **kwargs ) use, self.__super_init__( __class__, *args, **kwargs ) Other overloaded methods that are called as is. """ baseinit = getattr( cls.mro()[1], '__init__', None ) if baseinit and hasattr( baseinit, '_original' ) : baseinit._original( self, *args, **kwargs ) elif baseinit : baseinit( self, *args, **kwargs ) masterinit._original = init new_class.__init__ = masterinit new_class.__super_init__ = super_init else : raise Exception( "Weird, class derives neither from Interface or PluginBase !!" ) return new_class @classmethod def _interf( cls, new_class, name, bases, d ): """`new_class` is class deriving from Interface baseclass and provides specification for interface `name`.""" clsmod = whichmodule( new_class ) info = { 'cls' : new_class, 'name' : name, 'caname' : new_class.caname, 'file' : clsmod.__file__ if clsmod else '', 'assetspec' : '', 'attributes': {}, # Map of attribute names and its value 'methods' : {}, # Map of method names and method object } # Collect attributes and methods specified by `interface` class. for k in vars(new_class) : v = getattr(new_class, k) if callable(v) : info['methods'][k] = v else : info['attributes'][k] = v return info @classmethod def _plugin( cls, new_class, name, bases, d ): """`new_class` is class deriving from Plugin baseclass and implements interface specifications. """ clsmod = whichmodule( new_class ) info = { 'cls' : new_class, 'name' : name, 'caname' : new_class.caname, 'file' : clsmod.__file__ if clsmod else '', 'assetspec' : '', } return info #---- plugin core access functions.
[docs]def isimplement( plugin, interface ): """Check whether ``plugin`` implements the interface ``interface``.""" return interface in plugin._interfs
[docs]def isplugin( plugin ): """Return True if ``plugin`` is a plugin-object.""" caname = plugin if isinstance(plugin, str) else plugin.caname return caname in PluginMeta._pluginmap
[docs]def interfaces(): """Return a complete list of interface classes defined in this environment.""" return [ x['cls'] for x in PluginMeta._interfmap.values() ]
[docs]def interface( interf ): """Return the interface class specified by name ``interf``.""" if isinstance(interf, str) : return PluginMeta._interfmap[interf]['cls'] else : return interf
[docs]def plugin_info( *args ): """Return information dictionary gathered by :class:`PluginMeta` for a plugin class `nm`, where nm is the first argument in `args`. The second argument is optional, and if provided is the default value to be returned if a plugin by name `nm` is not found.""" caname = args[0] if isinstance(args[0], str) else args[0].caname return PluginMeta._pluginmap.get( caname, *args[1:] )
[docs]def interface_info( *args ): """Return information dictionary gathered by :class:`PluginMeta` for an interface class `interf`, where `interf` is the first argument in `args`. The second argument is optional, and if provided is the default value to be returned if an interface by name `interf` is not found.""" caname = args[0] if isinstance(args[0], str) else args[0].caname return PluginMeta._interfmap.get( caname, *args[1:] )
[docs]def pluginnames( interface=None ): """Return a list of plugin names implementing ``interface``. If `interface` is None, then return a list of all plugins""" if interface : return list( PluginMeta._implementers[interface].keys() ) else : return list( PluginMeta._pluginmap.keys() )
def canonical_name( cls ): """Canonical names for plugins are defined as, .. code-block:: <pkgname>.<plugin-class-name> where the entire string is lower-cased. This function is to be called only by PluginMeta class when a plugin class is about to be blue-printed. """ # TODO : This is a hack specific to tayra template file. Make it generic. mod = sys.modules.get( cls.__module__ ) f = getattr( mod, '_ttlfile', getattr(mod, '__file__', None) ) if f and isfile(f) : return (h.packagedin( abspath(f) ) + '.' + cls.__name__).lower() else : return cls.__name__.lower()
[docs]def pluginclass( interface, name ): """Return the plugin class by ``name`` implementing ``interface``.""" return PluginMeta._implementers.get( interface, {} ).get( name, None )
[docs]def webapps(): """Return a list of application names (which are actually plugins implementing :class:`IWebApp` interface.""" from pluggdapps.interfaces import IWebApp return list( PluginMeta._implementers.get( IWebApp, {} ).keys() )
[docs]def whichmodule( attr ): """Try to fetch the module name in which ``attr`` is defined.""" modname = getattr( attr, '__module__' ) return sys.modules.get( modname, None ) if modname else None
class PluginBase( object, metaclass=PluginMeta ): """Base class for all plugin classes. Plugin-classes are metaclassed by PluginMeta via this base class.""" _singletons = {} """A map of plugin name and its singleton instance.""" def __new__( cls, *args, **kwargs ): if issubclass( cls, Singleton ): caname = getattr(cls, 'caname', None) singleton = PluginBase._singletons.get( caname, None ) if singleton == None : if isinstance(cls, object) : self = super().__new__( cls ) else : self = super().__new__( cls, *args, **kwargs ) singleton = PluginBase._singletons.setdefault(self.caname, self) return singleton else : if isinstance(cls, object) : self = super().__new__( cls ) else : self = super().__new__( cls, *args, **kwargs ) return self #---- Plugin framework
[docs]class Interface( object, metaclass=PluginMeta ): """Base class for all interface specifications. Interface specification classes are metaclassed by PluginMeta. An `interface` specify a bunch of attributes and methods that provides an agreement between the implementing plugins and the host that is going to consume the plugin's function.""" def __new__( cls, *args, **kwargs ): return super().__new__( cls, *args, **kwargs )
class Attribute( object ): """Doc specifier for interface attributes. IMPORTANT : Deprecated !!! """ def __init__( self, docstring ): self.docstring = docstring
[docs]def implements( *interfaces ): """Plugin classes can use this function to declare ``interfaces`` that are implemented by them. This function can be called only inside the scope of a class deriving from :class:`Plugin`.""" frame = sys._getframe(1) if frame.f_code.co_name in core_classes : return # Skip # TODO : This is a hack specific to tayra template file. Make it generic. filen = frame.f_globals.get('_ttlfile', None) pkg = h.packagedin( abspath(filen) if filen else frame.f_code.co_filename ) nm = (pkg + '.' + frame.f_code.co_name).lower() for i in interfaces : if isinstance(i, str) : i = PluginMeta._interfmap[i]['cls'] if nm in list( PluginMeta._implementers.get(i, {}).keys() ) : raise Exception( 'Plugin %r implements interface %r twice' % (nm, i) ) PluginMeta._implementers.setdefault( i, {} ).setdefault( nm, '-na-' ) #---- Interfaces
[docs]class ISettings( Interface ): """Every plugin is a dictionary of configuration. And its configuration settings are implicitly implemented via :class:`Plugin` base class, which is the base class for all plugins, and provides default methods for configuration settings which can later be overriden by deriving plugins. While instantiating plugins via `query_plugin()`, `query_plugins()`, `query_pluginr()` methods, passing a ``settings`` key-word argument will override plugin's settings defined by ini files and backend-store. All the attributes specified in this interface will automagically be initialised by :class:`PluginMeta`. """ pa = None """Platfrom instance, of :class:`Pluggdapps` or one of its derivatives.""" caname = None """Canonical name of plugin. For example, canonical name for plugin class `ConfigSqlite3DB` defined under `pluggdapps` package will be, `pluggdapps.ConfigSqlite3DB`.""" _settngx = {} """Hidden dictionary of configuration settings. Settings information is gathered from different sources and initialized during plugin instantiation. Every plugin provide a dictionary-like interface to access the settings. IMPORTANT : Do not access this attribute directly. """ @classmethod
[docs] def default_settings(): """Class method. Return instance of :class:`ConfigDict` providing meta data associated with each configuration parameters supported by the plugin, like, default value, value type, help text, whether web configuration is allowed, optional values, etc ... To be implemented by classes deriving :class:`Plugin`. Note that ConfigDict will be used to describe settings that are understood by the plugin and publish configuration manuals for users. """
[docs] def normalize_settings( settings ): """Class method. ``settings`` is a dictionary of configuration parameters. This method will be called after aggregating all configuration parameters for a plugin and before updating the plugin instance with its configuration parameters. Override this method to do any post processing on plugin's configuration parameter and return the final form of configuration parameters. Processed parameters in ``settings`` are updated in-pace and returned."""
[docs] def web_admin( settings ): """Class method. Plugin settings can be configured via web interfaces and stored in a backend like database, files etc ... Use this method for the following, * To update the in-memory configuration settings with new `settings` * To persist new `settings` in a backend data-store. Web-admin settings will override settings from ini-files. Important : This feature is still evolving. """
[docs]class Plugin( PluginBase ): # Plugin base class implementing ISettings """Every plugin must derive from this class. A plugin is a dictionary of configuration settings, that also implements one or more interface. Note that class:`Plugin` does not directly derive from built in type `dict` because dictionary methods from dict type might clash with one or more interface methods implemented by the derving plugin class. Instead, it provides necessary operator methods, to access plugin instances as a dictionary of settings. Every other plugin class `must` derive from this class and can override the interface specification methods defined by :class:`ISettings`. Deriving plugins can assume that plugin's settings will be consolidated from web-backend, ini-files and default_settings() method, in the order of decreasing priority, and made available as a dictionary of key,value pairs on plugin instance. **Important Note** * All plugin classes must be defined at module top-level. * For the plugins to be automatically available for querying, make sure to import the module implementing the plugin inside <package>/ Similarly to facilitate meth:`query_plugins`, interfaces implemented by a plugin class (and all of its base classes) are saved under the plugin class attribute :attr:`_interfs`, <plugin-cls>._interfs = [ <interface-class>, ... ] A list of methods supplied to access plugin instance like a dictionary, * __len__, a count of configurable parameters. * __getitem__, access settings like ``self['item']``. * __setitem__, update settings like ``self['item'] = value``. * __delitem__, delete settings like ``del self['item']``. * __iter__, iterate on settings like ``[ ... for item in self ]``. * __contains__, membership check like ``item in self`` """ implements( ISettings ) # Dictionary like interface to plugin instances def __len__( self ): return self._settngx.__len__() def __getitem__( self, key ): return self._settngx[key] def __setitem__( self, key, value ): return self._settngx.__setitem__( key, value ) def __delitem__( self, key ): return self._settngx.__delitem__( key ) def __iter__( self ): return self._settngx.__iter__() def __contains__( self, item ): return self._settngx.__contains__( item ) # :class:`ISettings` interface methods @classmethod def default_settings( cls ): return h.ConfigDict() @classmethod def normalize_settings( cls, settings ): return settings @classmethod def web_admin( cls, settings ): return settings
[docs]class Singleton( Plugin ): """If a plugin sub-class inherits from this Singleton class, then query_* methods / functions for plugins will always return a singleton instance of the plugin sub-class.""" pass #---- Special interfaces
[docs]def plugin_init(): """It is a chicken egg situation in pluggdapp's component system. * The plugin class objects are not available until the classes are fully parsed and loaded. * PluginMeta._implementers need to save plugin class object based on the plugin class's implements() calls which happens during class loading. Additionally, * Every plugin class object's `_interfs` attribute is populated with a list of interfaces implemented by the class. Hence the automagic of plugin system is supplemented by a call to this function, once during startup, after all pluggdapps packages are loaded. """ from pluggdapps import papackages # Re-initialize _interfs list for each plugin class, so that plugin_init() # will not create duplicate entries. [ setattr(info['cls'], '_interfs', []) for _, info in PluginMeta._pluginmap.items() ] # Optimize _implementers and _interfs for query_* d = {} for i, pmap in PluginMeta._implementers.items() : x = {} for nm in pmap : cls = PluginMeta._pluginmap[nm]['cls'] x[nm] = cls cls._interfs.append(i) d[i] = x # All plugins, because they derive from :class:`Plugin`, implement # ISettings interface. d[ ISettings ] = { nm : info['cls'] for nm, info in PluginMeta._pluginmap.items() } PluginMeta._implementers = d # Compute asset-specification for all interfaces and plugins for nm, info in PluginMeta._interfmap.items() : assetspec = h.asset_spec_from_abspath( info['file'], papackages ) if assetspec : info['assetspec'] = assetspec for nm, info in PluginMeta._pluginmap.items() : assetspec = h.asset_spec_from_abspath( info['file'], papackages ) if assetspec : info['assetspec'] = assetspec

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