Source code for plotpy.baseplot

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2009-2010 CEA
# Pierre Raybaut
# Licensed under the terms of the CECILL License
# (see plotpy/ for details)

# pylint: disable=C0103


The `baseplot` module provides the `plotpy` plotting widget base class: 
:py:class:`plotpy.baseplot.BasePlot`. This is an enhanced version of 
`PythonQwt`'s QwtPlot plotting widget which supports the following features:

    * add to plot, del from plot, hide/show and save/restore `plot items` easily
    * item selection and multiple selection
    * active item
    * plot parameters editing

.. warning::
    :py:class:`plotpy.baseplot.BasePlot` is rather an internal class 
    than a ready-to-use plotting widget. The end user should prefer using 
    :py:class:`plotpy.plot.CurvePlot` or :py:class:`plotpy.plot.ImagePlot`.

.. seealso::
    Module :py:mod:`plotpy.curve`
        Module providing curve-related plot items and plotting widgets
    Module :py:mod:`plotpy.image`
        Module providing image-related plot items and plotting widgets
    Module :py:mod:`plotpy.plot`
        Module providing ready-to-use curve and image plotting widgets and 
        dialog boxes


.. autoclass:: BasePlot

from __future__ import print_function

import sys
import numpy as np

from guidata.qt.QtGui import (QSizePolicy, QColor, QPixmap, QPrinter,
from guidata.qt.QtCore import QSize, Qt, Signal
from guidata.qt import PYQT5

from guidata.configtools import get_font
from guidata.py3compat import to_text_string, is_text_string, maxsize

# Local imports
from plotpy.transitional import (QwtPlot, QwtLinearScaleEngine,
                                 QwtLogScaleEngine, QwtText, QwtPlotCanvas)
from plotpy import io
from plotpy.config import CONF, _
from import StatefulEventFilter
from plotpy.interfaces import IBasePlotItem, IItemType, ISerializableType
from plotpy.styles import ItemParameters, AxeStyleParam, AxesParam, AxisParam

# Utilities for plot items

def canvas_to_axes(item, pos):
    """Convert (x,y) from canvas coordinates system to axes coordinates"""
    plot, ax, ay = item.plot(), item.xAxis(), item.yAxis()
    return plot.invTransform(ax, pos.x()), plot.invTransform(ay, pos.y())

def axes_to_canvas(item, x, y):
    """Convert (x,y) from axes coordinates to canvas coordinates system"""
    plot, ax, ay = item.plot(), item.xAxis(), item.yAxis()
    return plot.transform(ax, x), plot.transform(ay, y)

# Base plot widget

                         'grid': (_("Grid..."), "grid.png" ),
                         'axes': (_("Axes style..."), "axes.png" ),
                         'item': (_("Parameters..."), "settings.png" ),

[docs]class BasePlot(QwtPlot): """ An enhanced QwtPlot class that provides methods for handling plotitems and axes better It distinguishes activatable items from basic QwtPlotItems. Activatable items must support IBasePlotItem interface and should be added to the plot using add_item methods. """ Y_LEFT, Y_RIGHT, X_BOTTOM, X_TOP = (QwtPlot.yLeft, QwtPlot.yRight, QwtPlot.xBottom, QwtPlot.xTop) # # To be replaced by (in the near future): # Y_LEFT, Y_RIGHT, X_BOTTOM, X_TOP = range(4) AXIS_IDS = (Y_LEFT, Y_RIGHT, X_BOTTOM, X_TOP) AXIS_NAMES = {'left': Y_LEFT, 'right': Y_RIGHT, 'bottom': X_BOTTOM, 'top': X_TOP} AXIS_TYPES = {"lin" : QwtLinearScaleEngine, "log" : QwtLogScaleEngine} AXIS_CONF_OPTIONS = ("axis", "axis", "axis", "axis") DEFAULT_ACTIVE_XAXIS = X_BOTTOM DEFAULT_ACTIVE_YAXIS = Y_LEFT #: Signal emitted by plot when an IBasePlotItem object was moved (args: x0, y0, x1, y1) SIG_ITEM_MOVED = Signal("PyQt_PyObject", float, float, float, float) #: Signal emitted by plot when a shapes.Marker position changes SIG_MARKER_CHANGED = Signal("PyQt_PyObject") #: Signal emitted by plot when a shapes.Axes position (or the angle) changes SIG_AXES_CHANGED = Signal("PyQt_PyObject") #: Signal emitted by plot when an annotation.AnnotatedShape position changes SIG_ANNOTATION_CHANGED = Signal("PyQt_PyObject") #: Signal emitted by plot when the a shapes.XRangeSelection range changes SIG_RANGE_CHANGED = Signal("PyQt_PyObject", float, float) #: Signal emitted by plot when item list has changed (item removed, added, ...) SIG_ITEMS_CHANGED = Signal('PyQt_PyObject') #: Signal emitted by plot when selected item has changed SIG_ACTIVE_ITEM_CHANGED = Signal('PyQt_PyObject') #: Signal emitted by plot when an item was deleted from the item list or using the #: delete item tool SIG_ITEM_REMOVED = Signal('PyQt_PyObject') #: Signal emitted by plot when an item is selected SIG_ITEM_SELECTION_CHANGED = Signal('PyQt_PyObject') #: Signal emitted by plot when plot's title or any axis label has changed SIG_PLOT_LABELS_CHANGED = Signal('PyQt_PyObject') #: Signal emitted by plot when any plot axis direction has changed SIG_AXIS_DIRECTION_CHANGED = Signal('PyQt_PyObject', 'PyQt_PyObject') #: Signal emitted by plot when LUT has been changed by the user SIG_LUT_CHANGED = Signal("PyQt_PyObject") #: Signal emitted by plot when image mask has changed SIG_MASK_CHANGED = Signal("PyQt_PyObject") #: Signal emitted by cross section plot when cross section curve data has changed SIG_CS_CURVE_CHANGED = Signal("PyQt_PyObject") def __init__(self, parent=None, section="plot"): super(BasePlot, self).__init__(parent) self._start_autoscaled = True self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.manager = None self.plot_id = None # id assigned by it's manager self.filter = StatefulEventFilter(self) self.items = [] self.active_item = None self.last_selected = {} # a mapping from item type to last selected item self.axes_styles = [AxeStyleParam(_("Left")), AxeStyleParam(_("Right")), AxeStyleParam(_("Bottom")), AxeStyleParam(_("Top"))] self._active_xaxis = self.DEFAULT_ACTIVE_XAXIS self._active_yaxis = self.DEFAULT_ACTIVE_YAXIS self.read_axes_styles(section, self.AXIS_CONF_OPTIONS) self.font_title = get_font(CONF, section, "title") canvas = self.canvas() canvas.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) canvas.setFocusIndicator(QwtPlotCanvas.ItemFocusIndicator) self.SIG_ITEM_MOVED.connect(self._move_selected_items_together) self.legendDataChanged.connect(lambda item, _legdata: item.update_item_parameters()) #---- QWidget API ---------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): """Reimplement QWidget method""" for axis_id in self.AXIS_IDS: widget = self.axisWidget(axis_id) if widget.geometry().contains(event.pos()): self.edit_axis_parameters(axis_id) break else: QwtPlot.mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event) #---- QwtPlot API ---------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def showEvent(self, event): """Reimplement Qwt method""" QwtPlot.showEvent(self, event) if self._start_autoscaled: self.do_autoscale() #---- Public API ----------------------------------------------------------
def _move_selected_items_together(self, item, x0, y0, x1, y1): """Selected items move together""" for selitem in self.get_selected_items(): if selitem is not item and selitem.can_move(): selitem.move_with_selection(x1-x0, y1-y0)
[docs] def set_manager(self, manager, plot_id): """Set the associated :py:class:`plotpy.plot.PlotManager` instance""" self.manager = manager self.plot_id = plot_id
[docs] def sizeHint(self): """Preferred size""" return QSize(400, 300)
[docs] def get_title(self): """Get plot title""" return to_text_string(self.title().text())
[docs] def set_title(self, title): """Set plot title""" text = QwtText(title) text.setFont(self.font_title) self.setTitle(text) self.SIG_PLOT_LABELS_CHANGED.emit(self)
[docs] def get_axis_id(self, axis_name): """Return axis ID from axis name If axis ID is passed directly, check the ID""" assert axis_name in self.AXIS_NAMES or axis_name in self.AXIS_IDS return self.AXIS_NAMES.get(axis_name, axis_name)
[docs] def read_axes_styles(self, section, options): """ Read axes styles from section and options (one option for each axis in the order left, right, bottom, top) Skip axis if option is None """ for prm, option in zip(self.axes_styles, options): if option is None: continue prm.read_config(CONF, section, option) self.update_all_axes_styles()
[docs] def get_axis_title(self, axis_id): """Get axis title""" axis_id = self.get_axis_id(axis_id) return self.axes_styles[axis_id].title
[docs] def set_axis_title(self, axis_id, text): """Set axis title""" axis_id = self.get_axis_id(axis_id) self.axes_styles[axis_id].title = text self.update_axis_style(axis_id)
[docs] def get_axis_unit(self, axis_id): """Get axis unit""" axis_id = self.get_axis_id(axis_id) return self.axes_styles[axis_id].unit
[docs] def set_axis_unit(self, axis_id, text): """Set axis unit""" axis_id = self.get_axis_id(axis_id) self.axes_styles[axis_id].unit = text self.update_axis_style(axis_id)
[docs] def get_axis_font(self, axis_id): """Get axis font""" axis_id = self.get_axis_id(axis_id) return self.axes_styles[axis_id].title_font.build_font()
[docs] def set_axis_font(self, axis_id, font): """Set axis font""" axis_id = self.get_axis_id(axis_id) self.axes_styles[axis_id].title_font.update_param(font) self.axes_styles[axis_id].ticks_font.update_param(font) self.update_axis_style(axis_id)
[docs] def get_axis_color(self, axis_id): """Get axis color (color name, i.e. string)""" axis_id = self.get_axis_id(axis_id) return self.axes_styles[axis_id].color
[docs] def set_axis_color(self, axis_id, color): """ Set axis color color: color name (string) or QColor instance """ axis_id = self.get_axis_id(axis_id) if is_text_string(color): color = QColor(color) self.axes_styles[axis_id].color = str( self.update_axis_style(axis_id)
[docs] def update_axis_style(self, axis_id): """Update axis style""" axis_id = self.get_axis_id(axis_id) style = self.axes_styles[axis_id] title_font = style.title_font.build_font() ticks_font = style.ticks_font.build_font() self.setAxisFont(axis_id, ticks_font) if style.title and style.unit: title = "%s (%s)" % (style.title, style.unit) elif style.title: title = style.title else: title = style.unit axis_text = self.axisTitle(axis_id) axis_text.setFont(title_font) axis_text.setText(title) axis_text.setColor(QColor(style.color)) self.setAxisTitle(axis_id, axis_text) self.SIG_PLOT_LABELS_CHANGED.emit(self)
[docs] def update_all_axes_styles(self): """Update all axes styles""" for axis_id in self.AXIS_IDS: self.update_axis_style(axis_id)
[docs] def get_axis_limits(self, axis_id): """Return axis limits (minimum and maximum values)""" axis_id = self.get_axis_id(axis_id) sdiv = self.axisScaleDiv(axis_id) return sdiv.lowerBound(), sdiv.upperBound()
[docs] def set_axis_limits(self, axis_id, vmin, vmax, stepsize=0): """Set axis limits (minimum and maximum values) and optional step size""" axis_id = self.get_axis_id(axis_id) self.setAxisScale(axis_id, vmin, vmax, stepsize) self._start_autoscaled = False
[docs] def set_axis_ticks(self, axis_id, nmajor=None, nminor=None): """Set axis maximum number of major ticks and maximum of minor ticks""" axis_id = self.get_axis_id(axis_id) if nmajor is not None: self.setAxisMaxMajor(axis_id, nmajor) if nminor is not None: self.setAxisMaxMinor(axis_id, nminor)
[docs] def get_axis_scale(self, axis_id): """Return the name ('lin' or 'log') of the scale used by axis""" axis_id = self.get_axis_id(axis_id) engine = self.axisScaleEngine(axis_id) for axis_label, axis_type in list(self.AXIS_TYPES.items()): if isinstance(engine, axis_type): return axis_label return "lin" # unknown default to linear
[docs] def set_axis_scale(self, axis_id, scale, autoscale=True): """Set axis scale Example: self.set_axis_scale(curve.yAxis(), 'lin')""" axis_id = self.get_axis_id(axis_id) self.setAxisScaleEngine(axis_id, self.AXIS_TYPES[scale]()) if autoscale: self.do_autoscale(replot=False)
[docs] def get_scales(self): """Return active curve scales""" ax, ay = self.get_active_axes() return self.get_axis_scale(ax), self.get_axis_scale(ay)
[docs] def set_scales(self, xscale, yscale): """Set active curve scales Example: self.set_scales('lin', 'lin')""" ax, ay = self.get_active_axes() self.set_axis_scale(ax, xscale) self.set_axis_scale(ay, yscale) self.replot()
[docs] def enable_used_axes(self): """ Enable only used axes For now, this is needed only by the pyplot interface """ for axis in self.AXIS_IDS: self.enableAxis(axis, True) self.disable_unused_axes()
[docs] def disable_unused_axes(self): """Disable unused axes""" used_axes = set() for item in self.get_items(): used_axes.add(item.xAxis()) used_axes.add(item.yAxis()) unused_axes = set(self.AXIS_IDS) - set(used_axes) for axis in unused_axes: self.enableAxis(axis, False)
[docs] def get_items(self, z_sorted=False, item_type=None): """Return widget's item list (items are based on IBasePlotItem's interface)""" if z_sorted: items = sorted(self.items, reverse=True, key=lambda x:x.z()) else: items = self.items if item_type is None: return items else: assert issubclass(item_type, IItemType) return [item for item in items if item_type in item.types()]
[docs] def get_public_items(self, z_sorted=False, item_type=None): """Return widget's public item list (items are based on IBasePlotItem's interface)""" return [item for item in self.get_items(z_sorted=z_sorted, item_type=item_type) if not item.is_private()]
[docs] def get_private_items(self, z_sorted=False, item_type=None): """Return widget's private item list (items are based on IBasePlotItem's interface)""" return [item for item in self.get_items(z_sorted=z_sorted, item_type=item_type) if item.is_private()]
[docs] def copy_to_clipboard(self): """Copy widget's window to clipboard""" clipboard = QApplication.clipboard() if PYQT5: pixmap = self.grab() else: pixmap = QPixmap.grabWidget(self) clipboard.setPixmap(pixmap)
[docs] def save_widget(self, fname): """Grab widget's window and save it to filename (\*.png, \*.pdf)""" fname = to_text_string(fname) if fname.lower().endswith('.pdf'): printer = QPrinter() printer.setOutputFormat(QPrinter.PdfFormat) printer.setOrientation(QPrinter.Landscape) printer.setOutputFileName(fname) printer.setCreator('guidata') self.print_(printer) elif fname.lower().endswith('.png'): if PYQT5: pixmap = self.grab() else: pixmap = QPixmap.grabWidget(self), 'PNG') else: raise RuntimeError(_("Unknown file extension"))
[docs] def get_selected_items(self, z_sorted=False, item_type=None): """Return selected items""" return [item for item in self.get_items(item_type=item_type, z_sorted=z_sorted) if item.selected]
[docs] def get_max_z(self): """ Return maximum z-order for all items registered in plot If there is no item, return 0 """ if self.items: return max([_it.z() for _it in self.items]) else: return 0
[docs] def add_item(self, item, z=None): """ Add a *plot item* instance to this *plot widget* item: :py:data:`qwt.QwtPlotItem` object implementing the IBasePlotItem interface (plotpy.interfaces) """ assert hasattr(item, "__implements__") assert IBasePlotItem in item.__implements__ item.attach(self) if z is not None: item.setZ(z) else: item.setZ(self.get_max_z()+1) if item in self.items: print("Warning: item %r is already attached to plot" % item, file=sys.stderr) else: self.items.append(item) self.SIG_ITEMS_CHANGED.emit(self)
[docs] def add_item_with_z_offset(self, item, zoffset): """ Add a plot *item* instance within a specified z range, over *zmin* """ zlist = sorted([_it.z() for _it in self.items if _it.z() >= zoffset]+[zoffset-1]) dzlist = np.argwhere(np.diff(zlist) > 1) if len(dzlist) == 0: z = max(zlist)+1 else: z = zlist[dzlist[0]]+1 self.add_item(item, z=z)
def __clean_item_references(self, item): """Remove all reference to this item (active, last_selected""" if item is self.active_item: self.active_item = None self._active_xaxis = self.DEFAULT_ACTIVE_XAXIS self._active_yaxis = self.DEFAULT_ACTIVE_YAXIS for key, it in list(self.last_selected.items()): if item is it: del self.last_selected[key]
[docs] def del_items(self, items): """Remove item from widget""" items = items[:] # copy the list to avoid side effects when we empty it active_item = self.get_active_item() while items: item = items.pop() item.detach() # raises ValueError if item not in list self.items.remove(item) self.__clean_item_references(item) self.SIG_ITEM_REMOVED.emit(item) self.SIG_ITEMS_CHANGED.emit(self) if active_item is not self.get_active_item(): self.SIG_ACTIVE_ITEM_CHANGED.emit(self)
[docs] def del_item(self, item): """ Remove item from widget Convenience function (see 'del_items') """ try: self.del_items([item]) except ValueError: raise ValueError("item not in plot")
[docs] def set_item_visible(self, item, state, notify=True, replot=True): """Show/hide *item* and emit a SIG_ITEMS_CHANGED signal""" item.setVisible(state) if item is self.active_item and not state: self.set_active_item(None) # Notify the item list (see baseplot) if notify: self.SIG_ITEMS_CHANGED.emit(self) if replot: self.replot()
def __set_items_visible(self, state, items=None, item_type=None): """Show/hide items (if *items* is None, show/hide all items)""" if items is None: items = self.get_items(item_type=item_type) for item in items: self.set_item_visible(item, state, notify=False, replot=False) self.SIG_ITEMS_CHANGED.emit(self) self.replot()
[docs] def show_items(self, items=None, item_type=None): """Show items (if *items* is None, show all items)""" self.__set_items_visible(True, items, item_type=item_type)
[docs] def hide_items(self, items=None, item_type=None): """Hide items (if *items* is None, hide all items)""" self.__set_items_visible(False, items, item_type=item_type)
[docs] def save_items(self, iofile, selected=False): """ Save (serializable) items to file using the :py:mod:`pickle` protocol * iofile: file object or filename * selected=False: if True, will save only selected items See also :py:meth:`plotpy.baseplot.BasePlot.restore_items` """ if selected: items = self.get_selected_items() else: items = self.items[:] items = [item for item in items if ISerializableType in item.types()] import pickle pickle.dump(items, iofile)
[docs] def restore_items(self, iofile): """ Restore items from file using the :py:mod:`pickle` protocol * iofile: file object or filename See also :py:meth:`plotpy.baseplot.BasePlot.save_items` """ import pickle items = pickle.load(iofile) for item in items: self.add_item(item)
[docs] def serialize(self, writer, selected=False): """ Save (serializable) items to HDF5 file: * writer: :py:class:`guidata.hdf5io.HDF5Writer` object * selected=False: if True, will save only selected items See also :py:meth:`plotpy.baseplot.BasePlot.restore_items_from_hdf5` """ if selected: items = self.get_selected_items() else: items = self.items[:] items = [item for item in items if ISerializableType in item.types()] io.save_items(writer, items)
[docs] def deserialize(self, reader): """ Restore items from HDF5 file: * reader: :py:class:`guidata.hdf5io.HDF5Reader` object See also :py:meth:`plotpy.baseplot.BasePlot.save_items_to_hdf5` """ for item in io.load_items(reader): self.add_item(item)
[docs] def set_items(self, *args): """Utility function used to quickly setup a plot with a set of items""" self.del_all_items() for item in args: self.add_item(item)
[docs] def del_all_items(self): """Remove (detach) all attached items""" self.del_items(self.items)
def __swap_items_z(self, item1, item2): old_item1_z, old_item2_z = item1.z(), item2.z() item1.setZ(max([_it.z() for _it in self.items])+1) item2.setZ(old_item1_z) item1.setZ(old_item2_z)
[docs] def move_up(self, item_list): """Move item(s) up, i.e. to the foreground (swap item with the next item in z-order) item: plot item *or* list of plot items Return True if items have been moved effectively""" objects = self.get_items(z_sorted=True) items = sorted(list(item_list), reverse=True, key=lambda x:objects.index(x)) changed = False if objects.index(items[-1]) > 0: for item in items: index = objects.index(item) self.__swap_items_z(item, objects[index-1]) changed = True if changed: self.SIG_ITEMS_CHANGED.emit(self) return changed
[docs] def move_down(self, item_list): """Move item(s) down, i.e. to the background (swap item with the previous item in z-order) item: plot item *or* list of plot items Return True if items have been moved effectively""" objects = self.get_items(z_sorted=True) items = sorted(list(item_list), reverse=False, key=lambda x:objects.index(x)) changed = False if objects.index(items[-1]) < len(objects)-1: for item in items: index = objects.index(item) self.__swap_items_z(item, objects[index+1]) changed = True if changed: self.SIG_ITEMS_CHANGED.emit(self) return changed
[docs] def set_items_readonly(self, state): """Set all items readonly state to *state* Default item's readonly state: False (items may be deleted)""" for item in self.get_items(): item.set_readonly(state) self.SIG_ITEMS_CHANGED.emit(self)
[docs] def select_item(self, item): """Select item""" for itype in item.types(): self.last_selected[itype] = item self.SIG_ITEM_SELECTION_CHANGED.emit(self)
[docs] def unselect_item(self, item): """Unselect item""" item.unselect() self.SIG_ITEM_SELECTION_CHANGED.emit(self)
[docs] def get_last_active_item(self, item_type): """Return last active item corresponding to passed `item_type`""" assert issubclass(item_type, IItemType) return self.last_selected.get(item_type)
[docs] def select_all(self): """Select all selectable items""" last_item = None block = self.blockSignals(True) for item in self.items: if item.can_select(): self.select_item(item) last_item = item self.blockSignals(block) self.SIG_ITEM_SELECTION_CHANGED.emit(self) self.set_active_item(last_item)
[docs] def unselect_all(self): """Unselect all selected items""" for item in self.items: if item.can_select(): item.unselect() self.set_active_item(None) self.SIG_ITEM_SELECTION_CHANGED.emit(self)
[docs] def select_some_items(self, items): """Select items""" active = self.active_item block = self.blockSignals(True) self.unselect_all() if items: new_active_item = items[-1] else: new_active_item = None for item in items: self.select_item(item) if active is item: new_active_item = item self.set_active_item(new_active_item) self.blockSignals(block) if new_active_item is not active: # if the new selection doesn't include the # previously active item self.SIG_ACTIVE_ITEM_CHANGED.emit(self) self.SIG_ITEM_SELECTION_CHANGED.emit(self)
[docs] def set_active_item(self, item): """Set active item, and unselect the old active item""" self.active_item = item if self.active_item is not None: if not item.selected: self.select_item(self.active_item) self._active_xaxis = item.xAxis() self._active_yaxis = item.yAxis() self.SIG_ACTIVE_ITEM_CHANGED.emit(self)
[docs] def get_active_axes(self): """Return active axes""" item = self.active_item if item is not None: self._active_xaxis = item.xAxis() self._active_yaxis = item.yAxis() return self._active_xaxis, self._active_yaxis
[docs] def get_active_item(self, force=False): """ Return active item Force item activation if there is no active item """ if force and not self.active_item: for item in self.get_items(): if item.can_select(): self.set_active_item(item) break return self.active_item
[docs] def get_nearest_object(self, pos, close_dist=0): """ Return nearest item from position 'pos' If close_dist > 0: Return the first found item (higher z) which distance to 'pos' is less than close_dist else: Return the closest item """ selobj, distance, inside, handle = None, maxsize, None, None for obj in self.get_items(z_sorted=True): if not obj.isVisible() or not obj.can_select(): continue d, _handle, _inside, other = obj.hit_test(pos) if d < distance: selobj, distance, handle, inside = obj, d, _handle, _inside if d < close_dist: break if other is not None: # e.g. LegendBoxItem: selecting a curve ('other') instead of # legend box ('obj') return other, 0, None, True return selobj, distance, handle, inside
[docs] def get_nearest_object_in_z(self, pos): """ Return nearest item for which position 'pos' is inside of it (iterate over items with respect to their 'z' coordinate) """ selobj, distance, inside, handle = None, maxsize, None, None for obj in self.get_items(z_sorted=True): if not obj.isVisible() or not obj.can_select(): continue d, _handle, _inside, _other = obj.hit_test(pos) if _inside: selobj, distance, handle, inside = obj, d, _handle, _inside break return selobj, distance, handle, inside
[docs] def get_context_menu(self): """Return widget context menu""" return self.manager.get_context_menu(self)
def get_plot_parameters_status(self, key): if key == "item": return self.get_active_item() is not None else: return True def get_selected_item_parameters(self, itemparams): for item in self.get_selected_items(): item.get_item_parameters(itemparams) # Retrieving active_item's parameters after every other item: # this way, the common datasets will be based on its parameters active_item = self.get_active_item() active_item.get_item_parameters(itemparams)
[docs] def get_axesparam_class(self, item): """Return AxesParam dataset class associated to item's type""" return AxesParam
[docs] def get_plot_parameters(self, key, itemparams): """ Return a list of DataSets for a given parameter key the datasets will be edited and passed back to set_plot_parameters this is a generic interface to help building context menus using the BasePlotMenuTool """ if key == "axes": for i, axeparam in enumerate(self.axes_styles): itemparams.add("AxeStyleParam%d" % i, self, axeparam) elif key == "item": active_item = self.get_active_item() if not active_item: return self.get_selected_item_parameters(itemparams) Param = self.get_axesparam_class(active_item) axesparam = Param(title=_("Axes"), icon='lin_lin.png', comment=_("Axes associated to selected item")) axesparam.update_param(active_item) itemparams.add("AxesParam", self, axesparam)
[docs] def set_item_parameters(self, itemparams): """Set item (plot, here) parameters""" # Axe styles datasets = [itemparams.get("AxeStyleParam%d" % i) for i in range(4)] if datasets[0] is not None: self.axes_styles = datasets self.update_all_axes_styles() # Changing active item's associated axes dataset = itemparams.get("AxesParam") if dataset is not None: active_item = self.get_active_item() dataset.update_axes(active_item)
[docs] def edit_plot_parameters(self, key): """ Edit plot parameters """ multiselection = len(self.get_selected_items()) > 1 itemparams = ItemParameters(multiselection=multiselection) self.get_plot_parameters(key, itemparams) title, icon = PARAMETERS_TITLE_ICON[key] itemparams.edit(self, title, icon)
[docs] def edit_axis_parameters(self, axis_id): """Edit axis parameters""" if axis_id in (self.Y_LEFT, self.Y_RIGHT): title = _("Y Axis") else: title = _("X Axis") param = AxisParam(title=title) param.update_param(self, axis_id) if param.edit(parent=self): param.update_axis(self, axis_id) self.replot()
[docs] def do_autoscale(self, replot=True, axis_id=None): """Do autoscale on all axes""" for axis_id in self.AXIS_IDS if axis_id is None else [axis_id]: self.setAxisAutoScale(axis_id) if replot: self.replot()
[docs] def disable_autoscale(self): """Re-apply the axis scales so as to disable autoscaling without changing the view""" for axis_id in self.AXIS_IDS: vmin, vmax = self.get_axis_limits(axis_id) self.set_axis_limits(axis_id, vmin, vmax)
[docs] def invalidate(self): """Invalidate paint cache and schedule redraw use instead of replot when only the content of the canvas needs redrawing (axes, shouldn't change) """ self.canvas().replot() self.update() ## Keep this around to debug too many replots ## def replot(self): ## import traceback ## traceback.print_stack() ## QwtPlot.replot(self)