Source code for petlx.gff3

Utilities for working with GFF3 files.

from import fromtsv
from petl.transform import skipcomments, rowlenselect, convert, pushheader
from urllib import unquote_plus
from petl.util import HybridRow, RowContainer
from petlx.interval import facetintervallookup, intervaljoin, intervalleftjoin

def gff3_parse_attributes(attributes_string):
    Parse a string of GFF3 attributes ('key=value' pairs delimited by ';') 
    and return a dictionary.
    .. versionadded:: 0.2
    attributes = dict()
    fields = attributes_string.split(';')
    for f in fields:
        key, value = f.split('=')
        attributes[unquote_plus(key).strip()] = unquote_plus(value.strip()) 
    return attributes

[docs]def fromgff3(filename): """ Extract feature rows from a GFF3 file. .. versionadded:: 0.2 """ # parse file as tab-delimited t0 = fromtsv(filename) # push header t1 = pushheader(t0, ('seqid', 'source', 'type', 'start', 'end', 'score', 'strand', 'phase', 'attributes')) # skip comments t2 = skipcomments(t1, '#') # ignore any row not 9 values long (e.g., trailing fasta) t3 = rowlenselect(t2, 9) # parse attributes into a dict t4 = convert(t3, 'attributes', gff3_parse_attributes) # parse coordinates t5 = convert(t4, ('start', 'end'), int) return HybridRowView(t5) # TODO move this to petl.base?
class HybridRowView(RowContainer): def __init__(self, wrapped): self.wrapped = wrapped def cachetag(self): return self.wrapped.cachetag() def __iter__(self): it = iter(self.wrapped) fields = yield fields for row in it: yield HybridRow(row, fields, missing=None)
[docs]def gff3lookup(features, facet='seqid'): """ Build a GFF3 feature lookup based on interval trees. See also :func:`petlx.interval.facetintervallookup`. .. versionadded:: 0.2 """ return facetintervallookup(features, key=facet, start='start', stop='end')
[docs]def gff3join(table, features, seqid='seqid', start='start', end='end', proximity=1): """ Join with a table of GFF3 features. See also :func:`petlx.interval.intervaljoin`. .. versionadded:: 0.2 """ return intervaljoin(table, features, lstart=start, lstop=end, lfacet=seqid, rstart='start', rstop='end', rfacet='seqid', proximity=proximity)
[docs]def gff3leftjoin(table, features, seqid='seqid', start='start', end='end', proximity=1): """ Left join with a table of GFF3 features. See also :func:`petlx.interval.intervalleftjoin`. .. versionadded:: 0.2 """ return intervalleftjoin(table, features, lstart=start, lstop=end, lfacet=seqid, rstart='start', rstop='end', rfacet='seqid', proximity=proximity)