CHANGELOG ========= List of release changes. 0.21dev ------- ``Wed Jan 05, 2014`` - migrated from mercurial to git repository, and the project is now tracked in github. - rst plugin to embed gist file is added. - configuration settings like ``disqus``, ``show_email``, ``social_sharing``, ``copyright``, ``google_webfonts``, ``style`` are automatically made available in page-context. - ITemplate, IXContext, IContent plugins are instantiated by layout using the newly added ``plugin()`` library function. - Support ``summary`` metadata for articles. It must be rendered below the title. - age()-scale is calculated statically, so it does not make sense if the site is going to be generated once in a while. On the other hand if the site is going to be generated periodically, then corresponding scale-factor can be choosen by user. - Styling for TOC. - default configuration file config.json. - updated CSS for myblog layout. 0.2dev ------ ``Wed Jun 22, 2013`` - added youtube directive for reStructured Text, added image-gallery directive for rst using maginific-popup jquery plugin. created a `pagd.rst` sub-package, that contains reStructured text directives - sourcecode, youtube, gallery. - any number of google webfonts can be referenced for every blog-page. - added social-sharing feature to `pagd.myblog` layout. Social sharing templates are added under `_templates/_social/` directory. Right now supports twitter, disqus, hackernews, reddit, linkedin, google+ and facebook. `disqus.html` can contain disqus plugin. And other social plugins referred by "social_sharing" configuration option has `html` file under _template/_social/ directoy by the same name. For Eg, if social_sharing is `twitter,hn`, then users must generate their plugins snippets and save them under files `_templates/_social/twitter.html` and `_templates/_social/hn.html` respectively. social plugins also have CSS styling under myblog.css. - Integration with git and hg through `IXContext` interface, fetches page meta information like, author, emailid, created-date, modified date etc .. from repository. - ``pagd.git`` and ``pagd.hg`` plugins will use "day" scale while calculating last modified time for every article. - added jquery link. - moved "style", "google_webfonts", "copyright" out of _context.json to config.json. Felt that these attributes are more like configuration attributes than context attributes. Since templates can access the config dictionary as ``, this does not cripple them. - myblog pages contain only one article. - blog pages have `author-name`, `created-time`, `last-modified-time` and `author's email reference`. Any or all of them can be disabled through ``config.json``. - skip_context configuration option added using config.json. Using this it is possible to restrict usage of context information from `_contents/`. skip_context makes context attribute refer to None. - CSS style blocks are added in `media/myblog.css`, meaningful comments added to myblog.css. Prefixes CSS id names with myblob- for pagd.myblog layout. - Added a helper module ``pagd.h`` to contain helper functions for tayra templates. All functions inside this module will automatically be made available under ``h`` namespace inside ttl-script. - Changed fetch() interface method for `IXContext` interface. Reasoning behind this is that, IXContext plugin's fetch() method can be called for entire page or for every article for this page. - template plugins must be included under try ... except blocks to avoid crashing when they are not being used. - removed duplicate dependencies. - minor fixes in error logging and documentation - Source documentation, using sphinx, is updated. - pagd.myblog layout show email-id by default. 0.11dev ------ ``Wed Jun 12, 2013`` - Added disqus plugin for pagd.myblog plugin. Can be enabled in config.json. - Experimental support for mako and jinja2 templates. 0.1dev ------ ``Tue Jun 11, 2013`` - generates static output, hence can be hosted anywhere. - pluggable layouts. - I am currently using `pagd.myblog` layout for publishing my blog articles. - It is possible to create any number of layout either as part of `pagd` tool or as separate package. - although layouts are encouraged to follow the Model-View-Controller concept explained above, it is entire upto the layout-plugin to define structure and meaning of source directory-tree. - everything that needs to get done by pagd is done through ``pagd`` command line interface. - command line interface comes with simple sub-commands like, - `create`, to create a new layout. - `gen`, to generate static web site from a source layout. - sub-commands are plugins and can be extended by implementing pagd.interfaces.ICommand interface. - to use pagd as python library, refer to ```` module under pagd package. - only part that cannot be configured, constumized or entirely replaced, is the name of the tool ;)