
Modify this configuration file to suit your needs:

# Set the source for the starting question sequence
# This can be the local file name for a plain text file
# with the syntax specified at
# OR an internet address (URL) for a web page that contains
# the question sequence tagged as preformatted text
# (i.e. text between the tags <pre> and </pre>)
url = jg.txt
#url = cielo.txt
#url = about.txt
#url = input_only.txt
#url =
#url =

# delayTime determines the default delay for an automatic page turn (in milliseconds)
# allowNext allows voice command Next or right arrow on keyboard to skip to
#   next question without giving answer or hearing response
delayTime = 6000
allowNext = 1

# windowsBrowser is the browser that will be used in Windows
# darwinBrowser is the browser that will be used in Mac
windowsBrowser = d:\\firefox\\firefox
darwinBrowser = open

# Copy the desired (Red, Green, Blue) color codes into the things to color below
# black = 0,0,0
# gray  = 200,200,200
# white = 255,255,255
# red   = 255,0,0
# green = 0,255,0
# blue  = 0,0,255
# yellow= 255,255,0
# purple= 255,0,255
background      = 255,255,255
unreadText      = 0,255,0
readText        = 200,200,200
selectedText    = 255,0,0
highlightedText = 255,255,0

# Default uses system font
# heititc supports Chinese characters
font = heititc
size = 40

# Smile is the awaiting-input image
# Listen is the image when user input has begun
# Talk is the image when text-to-speech is in progress
# TODO: Support for multiple speakers (for example, the characters in a play)
smile  = jg-smile-small.jpg
listen = jg-listening-small.jpg
talk   = jg-gesturing-small.jpg

# Indicate which text-to-speech engine will generate spoken output
# If none is selected, the default is to just print output to the console
# Dragonfly may be available on Mac and PC systems
# eSpeak may be available on Unix systems
# Say may be available on Mac systems
# (optional) language is added to the command line string for eSpeak and say
# to permit different voices/accents
useDragonfly = 0
useEspeak = 0
useSay = 0
#language = -v french
#language = -v english
language =

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