.. index:: omics_pipe; pipelines ============ Omics Pipe Available Pipelines ============ .. rst-class:: html-toggle RNA-seq (Tuxedo) =================== :doc:`RNAseq_Tuxedo_Modules` Modules included in the Tuxedo RNA-seq pipeline. * FASTQC * TopHat * Cufflinks * Cuffmerge * Cuffmergetocompare * Cuffdiff * R Summary Report - CummeRbund .. rst-class:: html-toggle RNA-seq(Anders 2013) ======================= :doc:`RNAseq_counts_modules` Modules included in the count-based RNA-seq pipeline. * FASTQC * STAR * HTSEQ * R Summary Report - DESEQ2 .. rst-class:: html-toggle Whole Exome Sequencing (GATK) ============================ :doc:`WGS_WES_modules` Modules included in the whole exome sequencing pipeline. * FASTQC * BWA-MEM * PICARD Mark Duplicates * GATK Preprocessing * GATK Variant Discovery * GATK Variant Filtering .. rst-class:: html-toggle Whole Genome Sequencing (GATK) ================================= :doc:`WGS_WES_modules` Modules included in the whole genome sequencing pipeline. * FASTQC * BWA-MEM * PICARD Mark Duplicates * GATK Preprocessing * GATK Variant Discovery * GATK Variant Filtering .. rst-class:: html-toggle Whole Genome Sequencing (MUTECT) ================================= :doc:`mutect_modules` Modules included in the cancer (paired tumor/normal) whole genome sequencing pipeline. * FASTQC * BWA-MEM * MUTECT .. rst-class:: html-toggle ChIP-seq (MACS) ====================== :doc:`ChIPseq_modules_MACS` Modules included in the ChIP-seq MACS pipeline. * FASTQC * Homer ChIP Trim * Bowtie * MACS .. rst-class:: html-toggle ChIP-seq (HOMER) ==================== :doc:`ChIPseq_modules_HOMER` Modules included in the ChIP-seq HOMER pipeline. * FASTQC * Homer ChIP Trim * Bowtie * Homer Read Density * Homer Peaks * Homer Peak Track * Homer Annotate Peaks * Homer Find Motifs .. rst-class:: html-toggle Breast Cancer Personalized Genomics Report- RNAseq ================================ :doc:`RNAseq_cancer_modules` Modules included in the RNAseq Cancer pipeline. * FASTQC * STAR * RSEQC * Fusion Catcher * BWA/SNPiR * Filter Variants * HTseq * Intogen * `OncoRep Cancer Report`_ .. rst-class:: html-toggle TCGA Reanalysis Pipeline - RNAseq ========================= :doc:`RNAseq_cancer_modules_TCGA` Modules included in the RNAseq Cancer pipeline. * TCGA Download (GeneTorrent) * FASTQC * STAR * RSEQC * Fusion Catcher * BWA/SNPiR * Filter Variants * HTseq * Intogen * `OncoRep Cancer Report`_ .. rst-class:: html-toggle TCGA Reanalysis Pipeline - RNAseq Counts ========================= :doc:`RNAseq_counts_modules_TCGA` Modules included in the RNAseq counts pipeline for TCGA reanalysis. * TCGA Download (GeneTorrent) * FASTQC * STAR * HTSEQ * Report .. rst-class:: html-toggle miRNAseq Counts (Anders 2013) ========================= :doc:`miRNAseq_counts_modules` Modules included in the miRNAseq counts pipeline. * Cutadapt * FASTQ Length Filter * FASTQC * STAR * HTSEQ * Report .. rst-class:: html-toggle miRNAseq (Tuxedo) ========================= :doc:`miRNAseq_Tuxedo_Modules` Modules included in the miRNAseq Tuxedo pipeline. * Cutadapt * FASTQ Length Filter * TopHat * Cufflinks * Cuffmerge * Cuffmergetocompare * Cuffdiff * R Summary Report .. _OncoRep Cancer Report: https://bitbucket.org/sulab/oncorep .. rst-class:: html-toggle All Available Modules ========================= :doc:`all_modules`