Making AMQP Connections ======================= .. automodule:: nucleon.amqp.connection .. autoclass:: Connection .. automethod:: connect .. automethod:: on_connect .. automethod:: on_error .. automethod:: allocate_channel .. automethod:: channel .. automethod:: close .. automethod:: join Connection will automatically reconnect to the AMQP server if it detects that the connection has been lost. Performing actions upon connect or reconnect '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Many applications will want to set up exchanges, queues and bindings as soon as the connection is ready. This action also needs to happen whenever the connection is *re-established*, in case the broker has recovered with incomplete or inconsistent state. This is also an excellent time to start consuming messages, because of course consumers do not survive a reconnection either. nucleon.amqp provides a simple "on connect" hook which is called both on initial connect and on subsequent reconnects. To use this, register a callback function when the connection is declared (but before it is connected, obviously :) ):: conn = Connection(AMQP_URL) @conn.on_connect def on_connect(conn): """Declare exchanges, queues and bindings.""" with as channel: channel.exchange_declare(exchange='cmscontent', type='topic') channel.queue_declare(queue='updates') channel.queue_bind( exchange='cmscontent', queue='updates', routing_key='*.update' ) Note that ``on_connect`` is current dispatched asynchronously, so you can't know what order these print statements will be output in:: conn = Connection(AMQP_URL) @conn.on_connect def on_connect(conn): print "on_connect()" conn.connect() print "after connect() Channels '''''''' AMQP allows multiple **channels** to be multiplexed onto a single connection. This allows multiple operations to be performed at the same time - even publishing and receiving large messages. It is recommended that each channel should usually be used for one suite of operations only, not recycled between requests. This is because any errors will force the channel to close and any subsequent operations will raise an error immediately. ``nucleon.amqp`` uses a system of channel reservation to reserve a channel on a connection and release it when done:: conn = Connection(AMQP_URL) conn.connect() with as channel: channel.basic_publish( exchange='messages', routing_key='service', body='this is a message' ) The Channel that is returned is actually a subclass called MessageChannel that adds default semantics for publishing and consuming messages. For the purposes of much of this documentation Channel and MessageChannel can be treated interchangeably. It is also possible to allocate a channel without using a context manager:: conn = Connection(AMQP_URL) conn.connect() channel = conn.allocate_channel() ... channel.close() This is useful if the channel will be shared between greenlets or used for callback-based consumers. Note that the channel is closed by the server in the case of an error, or if the connection is lost, so applications will need to take care to handle this. For example, they should use the ``on_connect`` hook described above to allocate/re-allocate the channel, set up exchanges, queues, consumers and so on.