Synchronous/Asynchronous Model ============================== AMQP as a protocol provides both synchronous and asynchronous methods that can be called by the client. Synchronous methods return a response. Asynchronous methods do not return a response. Additionally there are asynchronous methods that can be received by the client at any time, including :ref:`error methods `, or messages that are being delivered. Existing AMQP libraries take a variety of approaches to expose this to the programmer. `Pika`_, for example, is normally based around a chain of callbacks, leading to out-of-order code such as this:: from pika.adapters import SelectConnection # Create a global channel variable to hold our channel object in channel = None def on_connected(connection): """Called when we are fully connected to RabbitMQ""" # Open a channel def on_channel_open(new_channel): """Called when our channel has opened""" global channel channel = new_channel channel.queue_declare( queue="test", durable=True, exclusive=False, auto_delete=False, callback=on_queue_declared ) def on_queue_declared(frame): """Called when RabbitMQ has told us our Queue has been declared, frame is the response from RabbitMQ""" channel.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key='test', body='Hello world!') connection = SelectConnection(parameters, on_connected) try: connection.ioloop.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: connection.close() connection.ioloop.start() Note that the above code includes no error handling at all. `Puka`_, on which nucleon.amqp was originally based, forces the developer to choose the point at which to block, for flexibility but much less convenience:: import puka client = puka.Client("amqp://localhost/") promise = client.connect() client.wait(promise) promise = client.queue_declare(queue='test') client.wait(promise) promise = client.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key='test', body="Hello world!") client.wait(promise) promise = client.close() client.wait(promise) nucleon.amqp attempts to make code as synchronous as possible:: from nucleon.amqp import Connection conn = Connection('amqp://localhost/') with as channel: channel.queue_declare(queue='test') channel.basic_publish( exchange='', routing_key='test', body='Hello world!' ) This code is clear and concise and raises errors as soon as possible, as described below. .. _`Pika`: .. _`Puka`: Synchronous Methods ------------------- The **synchronous** methods follow a simple request-response model, where the client makes a request method and expects a response of one form or another. When these methods are called, nucleon.amqp blocks awaiting the appropriate response, which is returned. So for example if we declare a queue without specifying a name, the server will generate a name and which is part of the returned object:: with as channel: resp = channel.queue_declare() return resp.queue If an error was received instead, this is raised immediately:: with as channel: channel.queue_bind( queue='nosuchqueue', exchange='nosuchexchange') # exception will be raised here To perform a synchronous operation asynchronously, for example to do several operations in parallel, simply run each in a new greenlet:: channel = conn.allocate_channel() greenlets = [] for qname in ('foo', 'bar', 'baz'): greenlets.append( gevent.spawn(channel.queue_declare, queue=qname) ) gevent.joinall(greenlets) Asynchronous Methods -------------------- All nucleon.amqp methods are synchronous unless the documentation specifically includes a box like this: .. warning:: This is an asynchronous method. These **asynchronous** methods do not expect a response. If nucleon.amqp already knows of a connection or channel error then this is raised, but otherwise we have no choice but to return immediately. Error messages will be received and processed but can't be raised in your code until the next operation is attempted, such as in this example with the asynchronous :py:meth:`basic_publish ` method:: with as channel: # This operation will return immediately # but the exchange is invalid so the server will send back an error channel.basic_publish( exchange='no-such-exchange', routing_key='status.update', payload='amqp is teh cool' ) time.sleep(0.2) # This operation would succeed, but we've probably now received # the error, so the exception is raised here channel.basic_publish( exchange='valid-exchange', routing_key='status.update', payload='AMQP is teh cool' ) If you are optimistic about the likelihood of channel problems, and are happy with a "best effort" delivery policy, then perhaps this will be satisfactory. Otherwise you may want to take steps to force a synchronous model - but be aware that the cost of this is in reduced message throughput. The simplest thing that will force a synchronous model is to not re-use channels for asynchronous operations. Closing the channel is a synchronous operation and exceptions will be raised on exiting the ```` context manager:: with as channel: channel.basic_publish( exchange='nosuchexchange', routing_key='status.update', payload='amqp is teh cool' ) # Exception will be raised before we get to the next statement return True It is also possible to use the :doc:`AMQP transactions system ` to make various asynchronous methods synchronous or the :ref:`publish confirmation` to make ``basic_publish`` synchronous. Various asynchronous methods may be received from the server at any time - for example, ``basic.deliver``, delivering a message from a queue the client has previously started consuming messages from. .. _error-handling: Error Handling -------------- If any AMQP operation fails the error message is sent as over the wire as ``connection.close`` and ``channel.close`` methods. These methods have implied side effects - the server is closing the connection or channel respectively. When these error messages are received they are converted to exceptions and raised as soon as possible. .. module:: nucleon.amqp.exceptions .. autoclass:: AMQPError .. autoclass:: AMQPSoftError .. autoclass:: AMQPHardError There is also a pseudo-error ``basic.return`` sent if a message is published with immediate or mandatory flags set - basically meaning "publish succeeded, but was not consumed". See :ref:`basic_return`.