Test case

noseapp is supporting own test case class only! In order to your test case class will be have support of noseapp, you are must to inherit mixin class noseapp.case.base.ToNoseAppTestCase

Simple Example

from noseapp import Suite
from noseapp import TestCase

suite = Suite(__name__)

class MyTestCase(TestCase):

    def runTest(self):

def my_test_case(case):

def my_simple_test_case():
    assert True

Require extension

suite = Suite(__name__, require=['extension_name'])

class MyTestCase(TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        extension = self.ext('extension_name')

suite2 = Suite(__name__)

def my_test(case):
    extension = case.ext('extension_name')

Implement step by step

from noseapp import step
from noseapp import ScreenPlayCase

suite = Suite(__name__)

class MyTestCase(ScreenPlayCase):

    @step(1, 'step description')
    def step_one(self):
        print 'Hello NoseApp!'

    @step(2, 'step 2 description')
    def step_two(self):
        print 'Just saying hi'

Base class give you callbacks methods. If exception in step method will be raised, finalize method can not be called!

class MyTestCase(ScreenPlayCase):

    def begin(self):
        print('do something')

    @step(1, 'step description')
    def step_one(self):
        print('Hello NoseApp!')

    @step(2, 'step 2 description')
    def step_two(self):
        print('Just saying hi')

    def finalize(self):
        print('do something')

You can parametrize flow step.

from noseapp.datastructures import Context

class MyTestCase(ScreenPlayCase):

    FLOWS = (

    @step(1, 'step description')
    def step_one(self, ctx):
        print 'Hello {}'.format(ctx.name)

    @step(2, 'step 2 description')
    def step_two(self, ctx):
        print 'Just say hi, {}'.format(ctx.name)

Debug for steps.

class MyTestCase(ScreenPlayCase):

    USE_PROMPT = True

    # or

    def setUp(self):
        self.USE_PROMPT = True
Exception message template. You can change it. Use ScreenPlayCase.ERROR_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE for that. Parameters in template isn’t necessarily required.
This is full template:
* {traceback}

* History:

* Point:
{case}.{method} -> Step {step} "{step_doc}"

* Flow:

* Raised:

* Message: