Source code for

# used by GameKey
import nhlscrapi.constants as C
from nhlscrapi._tools import build_enum

# used by Game
from import TOI
from import Rosters
from import PlayByPlay
from import FaceOffComparison
from import EventSummary

"""Enum denoting whether the game is regular season or playoff"""
GameType = build_enum(PreSeason=1, Regular=2, Playoffs=3)

class GameKey(object):
[docs] """ Unique identifier for a game. See constants for acceptable seasons and game counts. The key can be initialized by setting key_tup or the set of season, game type and game number. :param season: the season number denoted by year season ends :param game_type: enum, (1) pre season, (2) regular season or (3) playoffs :param game_num: the index number of the game :param key_tup: tuple (season, game_type, game_num) """ def __init__(self, season = C.MIN_SEASON, game_type = GameType.Regular, game_num = 1, key_tup=None): if key_tup is None: self.season = season self.game_num = game_num self.game_type = game_type else: self.season, self.game_num, self.game_type = key_tup @property def season(self): """ Season of the keyed game. Season year is denoted by when the season ends. See constants for acceptable range of seasons considered. Not all years have supported summary reports ... or any reports at all. :returns: int """ return self._season @season.setter def season(self, value): if value < C.MIN_SEASON or value > C.MAX_SEASON: raise ValueError("Only seasons starting from " + str(C.MIN_SEASON) + " until " + str(C.MAX_SEASON)) self._season = int(value) @property def game_type(self): """ Code indicating pre season (1), regular season (2) or playoffs (3) :returns: int """ return self._game_type @game_type.setter def game_type(self, value): if value in GameType.Name: self._game_type = value else: raise TypeError("GameKey.game_type must be of type GameType") def to_tuple(self):
[docs] """ Return tuple version of the game key :returns: tuple(season, game_type, game_num) """ return (self.season, self.game_type, self.game_num) class Game(object):
[docs] """ This the primary interface to the collection of summary reports associated with every game. The supported reports include :py:class:`.PlayByPlay`, :py:class:`.TOI`, :py:class:`.Rosters`, and :py:class:`.FaceOffComparison`. Reports can be either lazy loaded at time of property calls or all loaded at once by calling ``load_all()``. :param game_key: either object :py:class:`.GameKey` or (season, game_type, game_num) tuple :param cum_stats: dict, values are of type :py:class:`.AccumulateStats` to be collected in play-by-play :Example: .. code:: python # # example: using the Game object # from import GameKey, Game from import Corsi gk = GameKey(2015, 2, 224) g = Game(gk, { 'Corsi': Corsi() }) # since play-by-play hasn't yet been loaded the RTSS report will # be parsed and the Corsi computed for each team print(g.cum_stats['Corsi'].share()) # load the rest of the reports g.load_all() # report back the game's linesman print(g.linesman) """ def __init__(self, game_key = None, cum_stats = {}): # conversion to GameKey from tuple allowed self.game_key = game_key if hasattr(game_key, 'to_tuple') else GameKey(key_tup=game_key) self.toi = TOI(self.game_key) """The :py:class:`.TOI` summary""" self.rosters = Rosters(self.game_key) """The :py:class:`.Rosters` summary""" #self.summary = GameSummary(game_key) self.face_off_comp = FaceOffComparison(self.game_key) """The :py:class:`.FaceOffComparison` summary""" self.play_by_play = PlayByPlay(self.game_key, cum_stats) """The :py:class:`.PlayByPlay` summary""" self.event_summary = EventSummary(self.game_key) """The :py:class:`.EventSummary` summary""" def load_all(self):
[docs] """ Force all reports to be loaded and parsed instead of lazy loading on demand. :returns: ``self`` or ``None`` if load fails """ try: self.toi.load_all() self.rosters.load_all() #self.summary.load_all() self.play_by_play.load_all() self.face_off_comp.load_all() return self except Exception as e: print(e) return None ######################################### ## ## convenience wrapper properties ## ######################################### @property
def matchup(self): """ Return the game meta information displayed in report banners including team names, final score, game date, location, and attendance. Data format is .. code:: python { 'home': home, 'away': away, 'final': final, 'attendance': att, 'date': date, 'location': loc } :returns: matchup banner info :rtype: dict """ if self.play_by_play.matchup: return self.play_by_play.matchup elif self.rosters.matchup: return self.rosters.matchup elif self.toi.matchup: return self.toi.matchup else: self.face_off_comp.matchup # # play related # @property def plays(self): """ :returns: the plays from the game :rtype: list """ return self.play_by_play.plays #@property #def extractors(self): # return self.play_by_play.extractors @property def cum_stats(self): """ :returns: the computed cumulative stats of :py:class:`.AccumulateStats` from play-by-play :rtype: dict passed to ctor, values are type """ return self.play_by_play.compute_stats() # # personnel related # @property def home_skaters(self): """ :returns: the skaters that dressed for the home team :rtype: dict keyed by player number """ return self.rosters.home_skaters @property def home_coach(self): """ :returns: coach for the home team :rtype: string """ return self.rosters.home_coach @property def away_skaters(self): """ :returns: the skaters that dressed for the away team :rtype: dict keyed by player number """ return self.rosters.away_skaters @property def away_coach(self): """ :returns: coach for the away team :rtype: string """ return self.rosters.away_coach @property def refs(self): """ :returns: refs for the game :rtype: dict ``{ number: 'name' }`` """ return self.rosters.refs @property def linesman(self): """ :returns: the linesman for the game :rtype: dict ``{ number: 'name' }`` """ return self.rosters.linesman # # toi related # @property def home_toi(self): """ :returns: TOI shift summary for skaters on the home team :rtype: dict keyed by player number, value :py:class:`.ShiftSummary` """ return self.toi.home_shift_summ @property def away_toi(self): """ :returns: TOI shift summary for skaters on the away team :rtype: dict keyed by player number, value :py:class:`.ShiftSummary` """ return self.toi.away_shift_summ # # face off related # @property def home_fo_summ(self): """ :returns: home face off summary :rtype: dict keyed by player number """ return self.face_off_comp.home_fo @property def away_fo_summ(self): """ :returns: away face off summary :rtype: dict keyed by player number """ return self.face_off_comp.away_fo