.. |neuralpy| replace:: :mod:`neuralpy` .. |neuralpy2| replace:: :mod:`neuralpy2` .. |true| replace:: :mod:`True` .. |false| replace:: :mod:`False` .. |0| replace:: :mod:`0` .. |1| replace:: :mod:`1` .. |pip| replace:: :mod:`pip` .. |matplotlib| replace:: :mod:`matplotlib` .. |numpy| replace:: :mod:`numpy` .. |easy_install| replace:: :mod:`easy_install` .. |cd| replace:: :mod:`cd` Installing ---------- It's recommended that you use |pip| to install |neuralpy|. There are also alternative methods for doing so listed below. .. note:: You'll need |numpy| and |matplotlib| in order to run |neuralpy|. Those will be downloaded automatically if you install from |pip|, which is why it's recommended. At this time, it is a known issue that |numpy| and |matplotlib| do not automatically install as dependencies when using alternative methods of installation. If you would like to use easy_install you'll have to manually install |numpy|. If you are downloading the compressed archive, you must install |numpy| and |matplotlib| manually. Install with |pip|:: $ pip install neuralpy