.. |neuralpy| replace:: :mod:`neuralpy` .. |neuralpy2| replace:: :mod:`neuralpy2` .. |true| replace:: :mod:`True` .. |false| replace:: :mod:`False` .. |0| replace:: :mod:`0` .. |1| replace:: :mod:`1` .. |matplotlib| replace:: :mod:`matplotlib` Welcome to neuralpy's documentation! ************************************ This page desribes how to get set up with |neuralpy| and how to start using it. We always need help! Contribute on `Github `_! |neuralpy| is a machine learning library specializing in neural networks. It's intuitive interface makes it easy for you to quickly start training data and testing models. The newest package features: * simple processes for loading, training, and testing data * variable input and output sizes. * flexibility with various network structures, activation/output functions, and layer connectivity. * graphical cost and epoch surveillance through |matplotlib|. * variable mini-batch sizes for stochastic gradient descent. * abstraction and modularization of backpropagation. * extensibility for developers to add their own features, layer types and activation functions. Table of Contents ----------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 installing neuralpy