Source code for mwreverts.api

This module provides a set of convenience function for detecting revert
status via a MediaWiki API.

.. autofunction:: check

.. autofunction:: check_deleted

from itertools import chain

from mwtypes import Timestamp

from . import defaults
from .dummy_checksum import DummyChecksum
from .functions import detect

def n_edits_after(session, rev_id, page_id, n, timestamp=None, rvprop=None):
    doc = session.get(action='query', prop='revisions', pageids=page_id,
                      rvstartid=rev_id, rvend=timestamp, rvdir='newer',
                      rvlimit=n, rvprop=rvprop)

    page_doc = list(doc['query']['pages'].values())[0]
    revisions = page_doc.get('revisions', [])
    if 'revisions' in page_doc:
        del page_doc['revisions']
    for revision_doc in revisions:
        revision_doc['page'] = page_doc
        yield revision_doc

def n_edits_before(session, rev_id, page_id, n, timestamp=None, rvprop=None):
    doc = session.get(action='query', prop='revisions', pageids=page_id,
                      rvstartid=rev_id, rvend=timestamp, rvdir='older',
                      rvlimit=n, rvprop=rvprop)

    page_doc = list(doc['query']['pages'].values())[0]
    # Reverse order because of the query pattern
    revisions = reversed(page_doc.get('revisions', []))
    if 'revisions' in page_doc:
        del page_doc['revisions']
    for revision_doc in revisions:
        revision_doc['page'] = page_doc
        yield revision_doc

def get_page_id(session, rev_id):
    doc = session.get(action='query', prop='revisions', revids=rev_id,

    if 'badrevids' in doc['query']:
        raise KeyError("Revision {0} not found.".format(rev_id))
    page_doc = list(doc['query']['pages'].values())[0]
    return page_doc['pageid']

[docs]def check(session, rev_id, page_id=None, radius=defaults.RADIUS, before=None, window=None, rvprop=None): """ Checks the revert status of a revision. With this method, you can determine whether an edit is a 'reverting' edit, was 'reverted' by another edit and/or was 'reverted_to' by another edit. :Parameters: session : :class:`mwapi.Session` An API session to make use of rev_id : int the ID of the revision to check page_id : int the ID of the page the revision occupies (slower if not provided) radius : int a positive integer indicating the maximum number of revisions that can be reverted before : :class:`mwtypes.Timestamp` if set, limits the search for *reverting* revisions to those which were saved before this timestamp window : int if set, limits the search for *reverting* revisions to those which were saved within `window` seconds after the reverted edit rvprop : set( str ) a set of properties to include in revisions :Returns: A triple :class:`mwreverts.Revert` | `None` * reverting -- If this edit reverted other edit(s) * reverted -- If this edit was reverted by another edit * reverted_to -- If this edit was reverted to by another edit :Example: >>> import mwapi >>> import mwreverts.api >>> >>> session = mwapi.Session("") >>> >>> def print_revert(revert): ... if revert is None: ... print(None) ... else: ... print(revert.reverting['revid'], ... [r['revid'] for r in revert.reverteds], ... revert.reverted_to['revid']) ... >>> reverting, reverted, reverted_to = \ ... mwreverts.api.check(session, 679778587) >>> print_revert(reverting) None >>> print_revert(reverted) 679778743 [679778587] 679742862 >>> print_revert(reverted_to) None """ rev_id = int(rev_id) radius = int(radius) if radius < 1: raise TypeError("invalid radius. Expected a positive integer.") page_id = int(page_id) if page_id is not None else None before = Timestamp(before) if before is not None else None rvprop = set(rvprop) if rvprop is not None else set() # If we don't have the page_id, we're going to need to look them up if page_id is None: page_id = get_page_id(session, rev_id) # Load history and current rev current_and_past_revs = list(n_edits_before( session, rev_id, page_id, n=radius + 1, rvprop={'ids', 'timestamp', 'sha1'} | rvprop )) if len(current_and_past_revs) < 1: raise KeyError("Revision {0} not found in page {1}." .format(rev_id, page_id)) current_rev, past_revs = ( current_and_past_revs[-1], # Current current_and_past_revs[:-1] # Past revisions ) if window is not None and before is None: before = Timestamp(current_rev['timestamp']) + window # Load future revisions future_revs = list(n_edits_after( session, rev_id + 1, page_id, n=radius, timestamp=before, rvprop={'ids', 'timestamp', 'sha1'} | rvprop )) return build_revert_tuple( rev_id, past_revs, current_rev, future_revs, radius)
def n_deleted_edits_after(session, rev_id, title, timestamp, n, before=None, rvprop=None): doc = session.get(action='query', prop='deletedrevisions', titles=title, drvstart=timestamp, drvend=before, drvdir='newer', drvlimit=n, drvprop=rvprop) page_doc = list(doc['query']['pages'].values())[0] revisions = page_doc.get('deletedrevisions', []) revisions = [r for r in revisions if r['revid'] >= rev_id] if 'revisions' in page_doc: del page_doc['revisions'] for revision_doc in revisions: revision_doc['page'] = page_doc yield revision_doc def n_deleted_edits_before(session, rev_id, title, timestamp, n, rvprop=None): doc = session.get(action='query', prop='deletedrevisions', titles=title, drvstart=timestamp, drvdir='older', drvlimit=n, drvprop=rvprop) page_doc = list(doc['query']['pages'].values())[0] # Reverse order because of the query pattern revisions = list(reversed(page_doc.get('deletedrevisions', []))) revisions = [r for r in revisions if r['revid'] <= rev_id] if 'revisions' in page_doc: del page_doc['revisions'] for revision_doc in revisions: revision_doc['page'] = page_doc yield revision_doc def get_deleted_title_and_timestamp(session, rev_id): doc = session.get(action='query', prop='deletedrevisions', revids=rev_id, drvprop=['ids', 'timestamp']) if 'badrevids' in doc['query']: raise KeyError("Archived revision {0} not found.".format(rev_id)) page_doc = list(doc['query']['pages'].values())[0] return (page_doc['title'], Timestamp(page_doc['deletedrevisions'][0]['timestamp']))
[docs]def check_deleted(session, rev_id, title=None, timestamp=None, radius=defaults.RADIUS, before=None, window=None, rvprop=None): """ Checks the revert status of a deleted revision. With this method, you can determine whether an edit is a 'reverting' edit, was 'reverted' by another edit and/or was 'reverted_to' by another edit. :Parameters: session : :class:`mwapi.Session` An API session to make use of rev_id : int the ID of the revision to check title : str the title of the page the revision occupies (slower if not provided) Note that the MediaWiki API expects the title to include the namespace prefix (e.g. "User_talk:EpochFail") radius : int a positive integer indicating the maximum number of revisions that can be reverted before : :class:`mwtypes.Timestamp` if set, limits the search for *reverting* revisions to those which were saved before this timestamp window : int if set, limits the search for *reverting* revisions to those which were saved within `window` seconds after the reverted edit rvprop : set( str ) a set of properties to include in revisions :Returns: A triple :class:`mwreverts.Revert` | `None` * reverting -- If this edit reverted other edit(s) * reverted -- If this edit was reverted by another edit * reverted_to -- If this edit was reverted to by another edit """ rev_id = int(rev_id) radius = int(radius) if radius < 1: raise TypeError("invalid radius. Expected a positive integer.") title = str(title) if title is not None else None before = Timestamp(before) if before is not None else None rvprop = set(rvprop) if rvprop is not None else set() # If we don't have the title, we're going to need to look it up if title is None or timestamp is None: title, timestamp = get_deleted_title_and_timestamp(session, rev_id) # Load history and current rev current_and_past_revs = list(n_deleted_edits_before( session, rev_id, title, timestamp, n=radius + 1, rvprop={'ids', 'timestamp', 'sha1'} | rvprop )) if len(current_and_past_revs) < 1: raise KeyError("Revision {0} not found in page {1}." .format(rev_id, title)) current_rev, past_revs = ( current_and_past_revs[-1], # Current current_and_past_revs[:-1] # Past revisions ) if window is not None and before is None: before = Timestamp(current_rev['timestamp']) + window # Load future revisions future_revs = list(n_deleted_edits_after( session, rev_id + 1, title, timestamp, n=radius, before=before, rvprop={'ids', 'timestamp', 'sha1'} | rvprop )) return build_revert_tuple( rev_id, past_revs, current_rev, future_revs, radius)
def build_revert_tuple(rev_id, past_revs, current_rev, future_revs, radius): # Convert to an iterable of (checksum, rev) pairs for detect() to consume checksum_revisions = chain( ((rev['sha1'] if 'sha1' in rev else DummyChecksum(), rev) for rev in past_revs), [(current_rev.get('sha1', DummyChecksum()), current_rev)], ((rev['sha1'] if 'sha1' in rev else DummyChecksum(), rev) for rev in future_revs), ) reverting, reverted, reverted_to = None, None, None for revert in detect(checksum_revisions, radius=radius): if reverting is None and revert.reverting['revid'] == rev_id: reverting = revert if reverted is None and \ rev_id in {rev['revid'] for rev in revert.reverteds}: reverted = revert if reverted_to is None and revert.reverted_to['revid'] == rev_id: reverted_to = revert return reverting, reverted, reverted_to