Source code for mwapi.session


Sessions encapsulate a a set of interactions with a MediaWiki API.
:class:`mwapi.Session` provides both a set of convenience functions (e.g.
:func:`~mwapi.Session.get` and :func:``) that
automatically convert parameters and handle error code responses and raise
them as exceptions.  You can also maintain a logged-in connection to the
API by using :func:`~mwapi.Session.login` to authenticate and using the
same session call :func:`~mwapi.Session.get` and :func:``

.. autoclass:: mwapi.Session
import logging

import requests
import requests.exceptions

from .errors import (APIError, ClientInteractionRequest, ConnectionError,
                     HTTPError, LoginError, RequestError, TimeoutError,

DEFAULT_USERAGENT = "mwapi (python) -- default user-agent"

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Session: """ Constructs a new API session. :Parameters: host : `str` Host to which to connect to. Must include http:// or https:// and no trailing "/". user_agent : `str` The User-Agent header to include with all requests. Use this field to identify your script/bot/application to system admins of the MediaWiki API you are using. formatversion : int The formatversion to supply to the API for all requests. api_path : `str` The path to "api.php" on the server -- must begin with "/". timeout : `float` How long to wait for the server to send data before giving up and raising an error (:class:`requests.exceptions.Timeout`, :class:`requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout` or :class:`requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout`). The default behavior is to hang indefinitely. session : `requests.Session` (optional) a `requests` session object to use """ def __init__(self, host, user_agent=None, formatversion=None, api_path=None, timeout=None, session=None, **session_params): = str(host) self.formatversion = int(formatversion) \ if formatversion is not None else None self.api_path = str(api_path or "/w/api.php") self.api_url = + self.api_path self.timeout = float(timeout) if timeout is not None else None self.session = session or requests.Session() for key, value in session_params.items(): setattr(self.session, key, value) self.headers = {} if user_agent is None: logger.warning("Sending requests with default User-Agent. " + "Set 'user_agent' on mwapi.Session to quiet this " + "message.") self.headers['User-Agent'] = DEFAULT_USERAGENT else: self.headers['User-Agent'] = user_agent def _request(self, method, params=None, files=None, auth=None): params = params or {} if self.formatversion is not None: params['formatversion'] = self.formatversion if method.lower() == "post": data = params data['format'] = "json" params = None else: data = None params = params or {} params['format'] = "json" try: resp = self.session.request(method, self.api_url, params=params, data=data, files=files, timeout=self.timeout, headers=self.headers, verify=True, stream=True, auth=auth) except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e: raise TimeoutError(str(e)) from e except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise ConnectionError(str(e)) from e except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: raise HTTPError(str(e)) from e except requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects as e: raise TooManyRedirectsError(str(e)) from e except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: raise RequestError(str(e)) from e except Exception as e: raise RequestError(str(e)) from e try: doc = resp.json() except ValueError: if resp is None: prefix = "No response data" else: prefix = resp.text[:350] raise ValueError("Could not decode as JSON:\n{0}" .format(prefix)) if 'error' in doc: raise APIError.from_doc(doc['error']) if 'warnings' in doc: logger.warning("The following query raised warnings: {0}" .format(params or data)) for module, warning in doc['warnings'].items(): logger.warning("\t- {0} -- {1}" .format(module, warning)) return doc
[docs] def request(self, method, params=None, query_continue=None, files=None, auth=None, continuation=False): """ Sends an HTTP request to the API. :Parameters: method : `str` Which HTTP method to use for the request? (Usually "POST" or "GET") params : `dict` A set of parameters to send with the request. These parameters will be included in the POST body for post requests or a query string otherwise. query_continue : `dict` A 'continue' field from a past request. This field represents the point from which a query should be continued. files : `dict` A dictionary of (filename : `str`, data : `bytes`) pairs to send with the request. auth : mixed Auth tuple or callable to enable Basic/Digest/Custom HTTP Auth. continuation : `bool` If true, a continuation will be attempted and a generator of JSON response documents will be returned. :Returns: A response JSON documents (or a generator of documents if `continuation == True`) """ normal_params = _normalize_params(params, query_continue) if continuation: return self._continuation(method, params=normal_params, auth=auth, files=files) else: return self._request(method, params=normal_params, auth=auth, files=files)
[docs] def continuation(self, method, params=None, query_continue=None, auth=None, files=None): """ Makes a request and, if the response calls for a continuation, performs that continuation. :Parameters: method : `str` Which HTTP method to use for the request? (Usually "POST" or "GET") params : `dict` A set of parameters to send with the request. These parameters will be included in the POST body for post requests or a query string otherwise. files : `dict` A dictionary of (filename : `str`, data : `bytes`) pairs to send with the initial request. auth : mixed Auth tuple or callable to enable Basic/Digest/Custom HTTP Auth. query_continue : `dict` A 'continue' field from a past request. This field represents the point from which a query should be continued. :Returns: A generator of response JSON documents. """
def _continuation(self, method, params=None, files=None, auth=None): if 'continue' not in params: params['continue'] = '' while True: doc = self._request(method, params=params, files=files, auth=None) yield doc if 'continue' not in doc: break # re-send all continue values in the next call params.update(doc['continue']) files = None # Don't send files again
[docs] def login(self, username, password, login_token=None): """ Authenticate with the given credentials. If authentication is successful, all further requests sent will be signed the authenticated user. Note that passwords are sent as plaintext. This is a limitation of the Mediawiki API. Use a https host if you want your password to be secure :Parameters: username : str The username of the user to be authenticated password : str The password of the user to be authenticated :Raises: :class:`mwapi.errors.LoginError` : if authentication fails :class:`mwapi.errors.ClientInteractionRequest` : if authentication requires a continue_login() call :class:`mwapi.errors.APIError` : if the API responds with an error """ if login_token is None: token_doc ='query', meta='tokens', type='login') login_token = token_doc['query']['tokens']['logintoken'] login_doc = action="clientlogin", username=username, password=password, logintoken=login_token, loginreturnurl="") if login_doc['clientlogin']['status'] == "UI": raise ClientInteractionRequest.from_doc( login_token, login_doc['clientlogin']) elif login_doc['clientlogin']['status'] != 'PASS': raise LoginError.from_doc(login_doc['clientlogin']) return login_doc['clientlogin']
[docs] def continue_login(self, login_token, **params): """ Continues a login that requires an additional step. This is common for when login requires completing a captcha or supplying a two-factor authentication token. :Parameters: login_token : `str` A login token generated by the MediaWiki API (and used in a previous call to login()) params : `mixed` A set of parameters to include with the request. This depends on what "requests" for additional information were made by the MediaWiki API. """ login_params = { 'action': "clientlogin", 'logintoken': login_token, 'logincontinue': 1 } login_params.update(params) login_doc =**login_params) if login_doc['clientlogin']['status'] != 'PASS': raise LoginError.from_doc(login_doc['clientlogin']) return login_doc['clientlogin']
[docs] def logout(self): """ Logs out of the session with MediaWiki :Raises: :class:`mwapi.errors.APIError` : if the API responds with an error """'logout')
[docs] def get(self, query_continue=None, auth=None, continuation=False, **params): """Makes an API request with the GET method :Parameters: query_continue : `dict` Optionally, the value of a query continuation 'continue' field. auth : mixed Auth tuple or callable to enable Basic/Digest/Custom HTTP Auth. continuation : `bool` If true, a continuation will be attempted and a generator of JSON response documents will be returned. params : Keyword parameters to be sent in the query string. :Returns: A response JSON documents (or a generator of documents if `continuation == True`) :Raises: :class:`mwapi.errors.APIError` : if the API responds with an error """ return self.request('GET', params=params, auth=auth, query_continue=query_continue, continuation=continuation)
[docs] def post(self, query_continue=None, upload_file=None, auth=None, continuation=False, **params): """Makes an API request with the POST method :Parameters: query_continue : `dict` Optionally, the value of a query continuation 'continue' field. upload_file : `bytes` The bytes of a file to upload. auth : mixed Auth tuple or callable to enable Basic/Digest/Custom HTTP Auth. continuation : `bool` If true, a continuation will be attempted and a generator of JSON response documents will be returned. params : Keyword parameters to be sent in the POST message body. :Returns: A response JSON documents (or a generator of documents if `continuation == True`) :Raises: :class:`mwapi.errors.APIError` : if the API responds with an error """ if upload_file is not None: files = {'file': upload_file} else: files = None return self.request('POST', params=params, auth=auth, query_continue=query_continue, files=files, continuation=continuation)
def _normalize_value(value): if isinstance(value, str): return value elif hasattr(value, "__iter__"): return "|".join(str(v) for v in value) else: return value def _normalize_params(params, query_continue=None): normal_params = {k: _normalize_value(v) for k, v in params.items()} if query_continue is not None: normal_params.update(query_continue) return normal_params