
This package is developed using continuous integration which can be found here:

The latest development version of the documentation can be found here:

If you wish to contribute to this project, then you should fork the repository found here:

Once that has been done and you have a checkout, you can follow these instructions to perform various development tasks:

Setting up a virtualenv

The recommended way to set up a development environment is to turn your checkout into a virtualenv and then install the package in editable form as follows:

$ virtualenv .
$ bin/pip install -U -e .[test,build]

Running the tests

Once you’ve set up a virtualenv, the tests can be run as follows:

$ bin/nosetests

Some of the tests can be run against a specific database to check compatibility with specific database back ends. To do this, set the DB_URL environment variable to the SQLAlchemy url of the database you’d like to use. For example, if you are testing in a unix-like environment and want to test against a MySQL database, you could do:

$ DB_URL=mysql://scott:tiger@localhost/mortar_rdb_tests bin/test

Building the documentation

The Sphinx documentation is built by doing the following from the directory containing

$ source bin/activate
$ cd docs
$ make html

To check that the description that will be used on PyPI renders properly, do the following:

$ python --long-description | > desc.html

The resulting desc.html should be checked by opening in a browser.

Making a release

To make a release, just update the version in, update the change log, tag it and push to and Travis CI should take care of the rest.

Once Travis CI is done, make sure to go to and make sure the new release is marked as an Active Version.