Source code for monk.manipulation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#    Monk is a lightweight schema/query framework for document databases.
#    Copyright © 2011  Andrey Mikhaylenko
#    This file is part of Monk.
#    Monk is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
#    by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    Monk is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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Data manipulation

.. attribute:: VALUE_MERGERS

    Default series of mergers:

    * :class:`TypeMerger`
    * :class:`DictMerger`
    * :class:`ListMerger`
    * :class:`FuncMerger`
    * :class:`AnyMerger`

import types

[docs]class ValueMerger(object): """ Base class for value mergers. """ def __init__(self, spec, value): self.spec = spec self.value = value
[docs] def check(self): """ Returns ``True`` if this merger can handle given spec/value pair, otherwise returns ``False``. Subclasses must overload this method. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def process(self): """ Returns a merged version or `self.spec` and `self.value`. Subclasses must overload this method. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class TypeMerger(ValueMerger): """ Type definition. Preserves empty values. Example:: >>> TypeMerger(int, None).process() None >>> TypeMerger(int, 123).process() 123 """ def check(self): return isinstance(self.spec, type) def process(self): # there's no default value for this key, just a restriction on type return self.value
[docs]class DictMerger(ValueMerger): """ Nested dictionary. Example:: >>> DictMerger({'a': 123}, {}).process() {'a': 123} >>> DictMerger({'a': 123}, {'a': 456}).process() {'a': 456} """ def check(self): return self.spec == dict or isinstance(self.spec, dict) def process(self): if self.value is not None and not isinstance(self.value, dict): # bogus value; will not pass validation but should be preserved return self.value return merged(self.spec or {}, self.value or {})
[docs]class ListMerger(ValueMerger): """ Nested list. """ def check(self): return self.spec == list or isinstance(self.spec, list) def process(self): item_spec = self.spec[0] if self.spec else None if isinstance(item_spec, type): return [] elif isinstance(item_spec, dict): # list of dictionaries if self.value: return [merged(item_spec, item) for item in self.value] else: return [] elif item_spec == None: # any value is accepted as list item return self.value else: # probably default list item like [1] return self.value
[docs]class FuncMerger(ValueMerger): """ Default value is obtained from a function with no arguments. It is expected that the callable does not have side effects. Example:: >>> FuncMerger(lambda: 123, None).process() 123 >>> FuncMerger(lambda: 123, 456).process() 456 """ def check(self): func_types = types.FunctionType, types.BuiltinFunctionType return isinstance(self.spec, func_types) def process(self): if self.value is None: return self.spec() else: return self.value
[docs]class AnyMerger(ValueMerger): """ Any value from spec that can be checked for type. """ def check(self): return True def process(self): if self.value is None: return self.spec else: return self.value
VALUE_MERGERS = TypeMerger, DictMerger, ListMerger, FuncMerger, AnyMerger
[docs]def merge_value(spec, value, mergers): """ Returns a merged value based on given spec and data, using given sequence of mergers. The mergers are polled expected to be subclasses of :class:`ValueMerger`. They are polled one by one; the first one that agrees to process given value is used to produce the result. Example:: >>> merge_value({'a': 123}, {}, [DictMerger]) {'a': 123} >>> merge_value({'a': 123}, {'a': 456}, [DictMerger]) {'a': 456} """ for merger_class in mergers: merger = merger_class(spec, value) if merger.check(): return merger.process() return value
[docs]def merged(spec, data, value_processor=None, mergers=VALUE_MERGERS): """ Returns a dictionary based on `spec` + `data`. Does not validate values. If `data` overrides a default value, it is trusted. The result can be validated later with :func:`~monk.validation.validate_structure`. Note that a key/value pair is added from `spec` either if `data` does not define this key at all, or if the value is ``None``. This behaviour may not be suitable for all cases and therefore may change in the future. You can fine-tune the process by changing the list of mergers. :param spec: `dict`. A document structure specification. :param data: `dict`. Overrides some or all default values from the spec. :param value_processor: function, must take one argument and return the modified value. :param mergers: `tuple`. An ordered series of :class:`ValueMerger` subclasses. Default is :attr:`VALUE_MERGERS`. The mergers are passed to :func:`merge_value`. """ result = {} if not isinstance(data, dict): raise TypeError('data must be a dictionary') for key in set(spec.keys() + data.keys()): if key in spec: value = merge_value(spec[key], data.get(key), mergers=mergers) else: # never mind if there are nested structures: anyway we cannot check # them as they aren't in the spec value = data[key] if value_processor: value = value_processor(value) result[key] = value return result