Moesif Middleware for Python WSGI based Frameworks

WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) is a standard (PEP 3333) that describes how a web server communicates with web applications. Many Python Frameworks are build on top of WSGI, such as Flask, Bottle, Pyramid etc. Moesif WSGI Middleware help APIs that are build on top of these Frameworks to easily integrate with Moesif.

How to install

pip install moesifwsgi

How to use


Wrap your wsgi_app with the Moesif middleware.

from moesifwsgi import MoesifMiddleware

moesif_settings = {
    'APPLICATION_ID': 'Your application id'

app.wsgi_app = MoesifMiddleware(app.wsgi_app, moesif_settings)

You can find your Application Id from Moesif Dashboard -> Top Right Menu -> App Setup


Wrap your bottle app with the Moesif middleware.

from moesifwsgi import MoesifMiddleware

app = bottle.Bottle()

moesif_settings = {
    'APPLICATION_ID': 'Your application id',
}, moesif_settings))


from pyramid.config import Configurator
from moesifwsgi import MoesifMiddleware

if __name__ == '__main__':
    config = Configurator()
    config.add_route('hello', '/')
    app = config.make_wsgi_app()

    # configure your moesif settings
    moesif_settings = {
        'APPLICATION_ID': 'Your application id',
        # ... other options see below.
    # Put middleware
    app = MoesifMiddleware(app, moesif_settings)

    server = make_server('', 8080, app)

Other WSGI frameworks

If you are using a framework that is built on top of WSGI, it should work just by adding the Moesif middleware. Please read the documentation for your specific framework on how to add middleware.

Configuration options


(required), string, is obtained via your Moesif Account, this is required.


(optional) (app, environ) => boolean, a function that takes a WSGI app and an environ, and returns true if you want to skip this particular event. The app is the original WSGI app instance, and the environ is a WSGI environ.


(optional, but highly recommended) (app, environ) => string, a function that takes an app and an environ, and returns a string that is the user id used by your system. While Moesif tries to identify users automatically, but different frameworks and your implementation might be very different, it would be helpful and much more accurate to provide this function.


(optional) (app, environ) => string, a function that takes an app and an environ, and returns a string that is the session token for this event. Again, Moesif tries to get the session token automatically, but if you setup is very different from standard, this function will be very help for tying events together, and help you replay the events.


(optional) (EventModel) => EventModel, a function that takes an EventModel and returns an EventModel with desired data removed. Use this if you prefer to write your own mask function than use the string based filter options: REQUESTBODYMASKS, REQUESTHEADERMASKS, RESPONSEBODYMASKS, & RESPONSEHEADERMASKS. The return value must be a valid EventModel required by Moesif data ingestion API. For details regarding EventModel please see the Moesif Python API Documentation.


(optional) boolean, a flag to see debugging messages.


def identifyUser(app, environ):
    # if your setup do not use the standard request.user.username
    # return the user id here
    return "user_id_1"

def should_skip(app, environ):
    if "healthprobe" in environ.get('PATH_INFO', ''):
        return True
        return False

def get_token(app, environ):
    # if your setup do not use the standard Django method for
    # setting session tokens. do it here.
    return "token"

def mask_event(eventmodel):
    # do something to remove sensitive fields
    # be sure not to remove any required fields.
    return eventmodel

moesif_settings = {
    'APPLICATION_ID': 'Your application id',
    'DEBUG': False,
    'IDENTIFY_USER': identifyUser,
    'GET_SESSION_TOKEN': get_token,
    'SKIP': should_skip,
    'MASK_EVENT_MODEL': mask_event,

app.wsgi_app = MoesifMiddleware(app.wsgi_app, moesif_settings)

Other integrations

To view more more documentation on integration options, please visit the Integration Options Documentation.