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moecache Module

A memcached client with a different shading strategy.

Usage example:

import moecache

with moecache.Client([("", 11211), ("", 11213)],
                     timeout=1, connect_timeout=5) as mc:
    mc.set("some_key", "Some value")
    value = mc.get("some_key")


If the value to store is of type str, the entry is binary compatible with EnyimMemcached; otherwise, the value will be “pickled” with protocol version 2 and can only be read by moecache.

class moecache.Client(servers[, timeout[, connect_timeout]])

Creates an object to hold a moecache session. The object is also a context manager, which automatically closes the sockets when the control leaves the with statement.

servers can be a single server, or a list of servers, where each server is a (host, port) tuple, same as a socket AF_INET address.

If timeout is not specified, socket operations may block forever. If connect_timeout is not specified, the timeout setting will also be applied to the socket connect() operations.

set(key, val, exptime=0)

Sets a key to a value with an optional expire time in seconds (0 means don’t auto-expire).

A valid key is a string with a minimal length of 1 and a maximal length of 250, and each character is an ASCII graph character (printable except spaces).

A valid exptime is a non-negative integer.

If any of these arguments is invalid, ValidationException will be raise. May also raise ClientException and socket errors.


Gets a single value. Returns None if the key does not exist.

Raises ValidationException if key is invalid. May also raise ClientException and socket errors.


Deletes a key/value pair.

Raises ValidationException if key is invalid. May also raise ClientException and socket errors.


The postcondition of this operation is that the entry no longer exists, so if the key does not exists at the first place, nothing happens and the function returns without error.


Aggregates the stats from all the servers.

additional_args is a byte string being passed verbatim to the servers. See the memcached wiki for details or the spec for even more details.

Raises ClientException and socket errors.


Closes any opened socket.

Sockets are automatically closed when the Client object gets out of the context.

Raises socket errors.

exception moecache.ClientException(msg[, item])

Raised when memcached does something we don’t expect, or the memcached deployment is not compatible with moecache.


This does not include socket errors.

exception moecache.ValidationException(msg, item)

Bases: moecache.ClientException

Raised when the user input is invalid to this library.

Indices and tables