mkdocs-cluster theme
This project provides an MkDocs Bootstrap theme heavily based on mkdocs-bootstrap
- Conditional TOC
- Hidden pages
- Put specific pages links in navbar-right
- font awesome 4.6.3
- bootstrap 3.0.3
- jquery 1.10.2
- highlight 9.4.0
From pip
pip install mkdocs-cluster
Then edit your mkdocs.yml file and set the theme
to cluster
theme: cluster
From source
# Install from source:
git clone cluster
# fecth web libaries
cd cluster && sh ./do get_libs
After the theme is built, edit your mkdocs.yml file and set the theme_dir
to mkdocs_cluster
theme_dir: cluster/mkdocs_cluster
Or you can build/install:
# fecth web libaries
cd cluster && sh ./do get_libs
./ install
Repo name
Handles GitLab, Bitbucket, GitHub and falls back to fa-code-fork
Table of content
TOC is generated when:
- there is more than 1 first level header
- there is unique first level header and more than 1 sub-levels within
For instance:
# Title
This will not trigger TOC rendering
# Title
## SubTitle0
Some text
## SubTitle1
This will trigger TOC rendering
# Title0
# Title1
Some text
# Title2
This obviously will…
Theme configuration is done thanks to extra vars:
- About: about/
- Contact: about/
- MailUs: about/
prev_next_enabled: False
nav_right: ['About', 'Contact']
hidden: ['Home', 'MailUs']
fa_logo: 'fa-cube'
: enable previous/next page nav linknav_right
: pages to put in navbar-righthidden
: pages to hide from all nav-bar Special Home value will hide Home link in nav bar, Home is the default menu entry for when not provided in mkdocs.yml.fa_logo
: Font Awesome icon as a navbar-brand logo, pick a existing icon from