Changelog ========= Changes in v0.5.5.1 ------------------- * change DifferentialExpressionResults.scatter default plotting style to have linewidths > 0. Previously, using linewidths=0 cause plots to show up blank in IPython Notebook on Mac Changes in v0.5.5 ----------------- * add `metaseq.tableprinter` module Changes in v0.5.4 ----------------- * `metaseq.results_table.DESeq2Results` class * handle cases where callbacks could be called multiple times * support marginal histograms of length-1 arrays * `metaseq.persistence` functions use absolute path for features to make symlinking more robust * differential expression classes cleaned up and refactored * new kwargs for `metaseq.plotutils.imshow`: `figure_kwargs`, `subset_by`, `subset_order` * new `metaseq.plotutils.add_labels_to_subsets` helper function Changes in v0.5 --------------- v0.5 marks a major improvement and maturation of `metaseq` but at the expense of backward-compatibility. The changes are too numerous to list, but include massive plotting improvements, speedups, more flexible API, and much more.