Source code for mccdaq.usb2600.usb2600

High-level, object-oriented Python interface for MCCDAQ's USB2600 data acquisition devices.

Built on top of the low-level Cython :mod:`usb2600.wrapper` module.

It includes advanced functionalities for analog input and output scans
of arbitrary length and synchronous analog input/output scanning.

.. todo::

   Add support for ``retrigger`` and ``burst`` options


>>> from mccdaq import usb2600
>>> daq = usb2600.USB2600()   # Initialise device
>>> daq.device.blink(10)      # blink LED 10 times
>>> daq.device.temperature()  # read temperature
>>> daq.status                # return info about AI/AO scans


>>> daq.counter0.init()  # Initialiase Counter 0
>>>  # Read number of detected edges since init()


>>> daq.timer0.configure(frequency=1000, duty_cycle=0.25) #1 kHz, 0.25 duty cycle square waveform
>>> daq.timer0.start()
>>> daq.timer0.stop()

:Analog input:

>>> v =         # Single sample from AI0
>>> v =,4,16))  # Single sample from multiple channels
>>> aiscan = daq.AIScan((0,1,2), nsamples=1000, rate=1000)  # AI scan: 1kS at 1kS/s from channels 0,1 and 2
>>>           # Run the scan
>>>            # Acquired data (numpy array)

:Analog output:

>>> daq.ao0(1)           # Set AO0 to 1V
>>> wf = waveform.sine(10, nsamples=1000, rate=1000) # Sine waveform, 10Hz, 1kS @ 1kS/s
>>> aoscan = daq.AOScan((3,), wf)  # Set up analog output of waveforms in data
>>>    # run the scan in background
>>>           # output the waveform 10 times
>>>           # output the waveform forever

:Synchronous analog input/output:

>>> wf = waveform.helixscan(1, 10)         # Create 2D waveform
>>> aio = daq.AIOScan((0,1,2), (0,1), wf)  # Output waveform on AO channels 0 and 1 while acquiring on AI channels 0, 1 and 2
>>>                              # start scan
>>>                        # visualise acquired data

:Triggering analog scans:

>>> daq.external_trigger.configure()           # Configure external trigger
>>> daq.internal_trigger.configure(daq.dio.A7) # Configure internal trigger, source is A7

:Digital input/outputs:

>>> daq.dio.A.direction = 0x0F  # Configure bits 7-4 as outputs, 3-0 as input on port A
>>> daq.dio.A()                 # Read whole port
>>> daq.dio.A(0xAA)             # Set all bits on port
>>> daq.dio.A0.isoutput = True  # Configure pin A0 as output
>>> daq.dio.A1.isinput = True   # Configure pin A1 as input
>>> # Several methods to set an output pin
>>> daq.dio.A0(True)          # pin is callable
>>> daq.dio.A0.set()          # set() = HIGH
>>> daq.dio.A0.reset()        # reset() = LOW
>>> daq.dio.A0.state = True   # property
>>> # Several methods to read an input pin
>>> daq.dio.A1()              # pin is callable
>>> daq.dio.A1.get()          # method
>>> daq.dio.A1.state          # property

.. note::
   If the :mod:`waveform` module is not available, :class:`AO_Scan` and 
   :class:`AIO_Scan` will not work.

(c) 2014 Guillaume Lepert, Imperial College London.


# v1.1 : Create a package
# v1.2 : Fix Trigger class to support internal triggering.
#        Rewrite AO, AI and AIO Scan accordingly
#        Add waveform module to package
# v1.3 : Add _run_all_samples() method to AOScan
# v1.4 : Improve triggering
#        Add individual DIO pins access

# Known bugs:
#   - AI scan will fail if number of samples is less than packet_size

from wrapper import USB2600_Wrapper

import numpy as np

import threading
from time import sleep, clock
import math
import sys
import warnings
from ..utilities import waveform
print waveform
#  from ..utilities import waveform
#  #import waveform
#except ImportError:
#  warnings.warn("Module 'waveform' not found. Analog input/output scan will not available.")

[docs]class USB2600Error(RuntimeError): """Alias of :exc:`exceptions.RuntimeError` to represent USB2600 exceptions.""" pass
[docs]class USB2600(object): """High-level interface for MCCDAQ USB-2600 series data acquisition device. This top-level container provides access to: - analog inputs ``ai0``, ``ai1``, ... are instances of :class:`AI_Single`. - ``ai`` represents several analog input channels to be read simultaneously: see :class:`AI_Multichannel`. - analog outputs ``ao0``, ``ao1``, ... are instances of :class:`AO_Single`. - digital input/output ports ``dio.A``, ``dio.B``, ..., are instances of :class:`DIO_Port`. Each contains 8 ``pin0``, ``pin1``, etc. , instances of :class:`DIO_Pin`. - counters ``counter0``, ``counter1``, ... are instances of :class:`Counter`. - timers ``timer0``, ``timer1``, ... are instances of :class:`Timer`. Create analog scans (AI, AO and synchronous AIO) with the methods :func:`AIScan`, :func:`AOScan` and :func:`AIOScan`. Blink the LED with :func:`blink`. Read the device :attr:`temperature`, :attr:`serial_number`, and :attr:`status`. """ def __init__(self, device=None, model=2627): """ :param device: a :class:`usb2600.wrapper.USB2600_Wrapper` instance. If None, creates a new instance. :param int model: the model of the device to look for (2623, 2627, 2633 or 2637) """ if device is None: self.device = USB2600_Wrapper(model) # Instantiate device else: self.device = device # Instantiate the counters for i in range(4): setattr(self, 'counter'+str(i), Counter(self.device, i)) # Instantiate the timers for i in range(4): setattr(self, 'timer'+str(i), Timer(self.device, i)) # Instantiate the 8-bits digital input/output ports #for i, p in enumerate(('A', 'B', 'C')): # setattr(self, 'dio'+p, DIO_Port(self.device, i)) self.dio = DIO(self.device) # Instantiate the Analog inputs (single) for i in range(16): setattr(self, 'ai'+str(i), AI_Single(self.device, i)) # Instantiate the multichannel analog input object = AI_Multichannel(self.device) # Instantiate the Analog outputs for i in range(4): setattr(self, 'ao'+str(i), AO_Single(self.device, i)) # Default internal trigger self.internal_trigger = InternalTrigger(self.dio.A7) # Default external trigger self.external_trigger = ExternalTrigger(self.device) def __repr__(self): return "<MCC USB-2627, S/N: " + self.serial_number + " (object-oriented interface)>" @property def serial_number(self): """Return the device's serial number.""" return self.device.serialNumber() @property def temperature(self): """Return the device internal temperature, in Celsius.""" return self.device.temperature() @property def status(self): """Return the device status as a dictionary.""" return self.device.status() def _check_FIFO_status(self, status=None): """Raise a USB2600 Exception if AI/AO FIFO has over/underrun. :param status: the status dict returned by status(). If None, call :func:`status` to get it. :raise: :class:`USB2600Error` Note: not currently in use. """ if status is None: status = self.status if status['AIN_SCAN_OVERRUN']: raise USB2600Error('Analog input FIFO overrun! Consider decreasing tf parameter.') if status['AOUT_SCAN_UNDERRUN']: raise USB2600Error('Analog output FIFO underrun! Consider decreasing tf parameter.')
[docs] def AIScan(self, channels, nsamples, rate, trigger=False, retrigger=1, burst = True, packet_size = 240, tf = 0.5, verbose=False): """Returns an Analog Input object (:class:`AI_Scan`) :param channels: tuple of integers indicatings the analog input channels. :param nsamples: number of samples to acquire :param rate: sampling frequency (Hz) :param trigger: if True, start the scan on XTTLTRG. """ return AI_Scan(self.device, channels, nsamples, rate, trigger, retrigger, burst, packet_size, tf, verbose)
[docs] def AOScan(self, channels, waveform, rate=None, trigger=False, retrigger=1, packet_size = 240, tf = 0.5, verbose=False): """ Returns an Analog Output object (see :class:`AO_Scan`) :param channels: tuple of integers indicatings the analog output channels. :param waveform: a :class:`Waveform` instance containing the data. Must have the same number of rows as *channels* :param rate: sampling frequency (Hz). if not given, use that of the waveform. :param trigger: if True, start the scan on XTTLTRG. """ return AO_Scan(self.device, channels, waveform, rate, trigger, retrigger, packet_size, tf, verbose)
[docs] def AIOScan(self, AIchans, AOchans, AOwaveform, rate=None, packet_size = 240, tf = 0.5, verbose=False): """Return a Synchronous Analog Input/Output scan object (:class:`AIO_Scan`). :param AIchans: tuple of integers indicatings the analog input channels. :param AOchans: tuple of integers indicatings the analog ouput channels. :param AOdata: :class:`Waveform` object .. Note:: - The sampling frequency is taken from the ``AOdata`` waveform. - The trigger's digital output must be connected to the external trigger input XTTLTRG. """ return AIO_Scan(self, AIchans, AOchans, AOwaveform, rate, packet_size, tf, verbose)
[docs]class Timer(object): """Each timer on the device is an instance of this class.""" def __init__(self, device, timer): """ :param device: the :class:`USB2600` instance :param timer: timer index on the device :type timer: int """ self._device = device self.timer = timer self.is_configured = False self.is_running = False def __repr__(self): if self.is_configured: return "USB2600 Timer %(timer)d configuration: %(frequency)0.1f Hz, duty cycle %(duty_cycle)0.2f, %(counts)s pulses." % self.__dict__ else: return "USB2600 Timer %(timer), unconfigured." % self.__dict__
[docs] def status(self, read_configuration = False): """Check the timer status (Enable, Running). Optionally query the current configuration (Period, Pulse width, Delay, Count) and writes to the corresponding attributes. """ if read_configuration == True: self.period = self._device.timerPeriodRead(self.timer) pw = self._device.timerPulseWidthRead(self.timer) self.duty = pw / float(self.period) self.delay = self._device.timerDelayRead(self.timer) self.counts = self._device.timerCountRead(self.timer) return self._device.timerControlRead(self.timer)
[docs] def configure(self, frequency=None, period=None, duty_cycle=0.5, pulse_width=None, counts=0, delay=0): """Configure the timer (either frequency (in Hz) or period (in units of the 64MHz clock cycles) can be specified. :param float frequency: in Hz :param int period: in units of the 64MHz clock :param float duty_cycle: [0...1] (default 0.5) :param int pulse_width: in units of the 64MHz clock :param int count: number of pulses to output (0=forever, default) :param int delay: delay before starting timer, in units of clock cycles. """ assert (frequency is not None) != (period is not None), "Either frequency or period must be specified." if self.is_running: raise Exception("Cannot reconfigure running timer! Stop it first.") # Calculate frequency/period if period is None: self.period = int(64.0E6/frequency - 1) self.frequency = frequency else: self.frequency = 64.0E6/(float(period+1)) self.period = period # Calculate duty cycle/pulse width if pulse_width is None: self.pulse_width = int(period * duty_cycle) self.duty_cycle = duty_cycle else: self.duty_cycle = float(pulse_width) / float(self.period) self.pulse_width = pulse_width self._device.timerPeriodWrite(self.timer, self.period) self._device.timerPulseWidthWrite(self.timer, self.pulse_width) self._device.timerDelayWrite(self.timer, delay) self.delay = delay self._device.timerCountWrite(self.timer, counts) self.counts = counts self.is_configured = True
[docs] def start(self, invert=False): """Start the timer.""" if not self.is_configured: raise RuntimeError("Cannot start timer: not configured") if self.is_running: raise RuntimeError("Cannot start timer: already running!") self._device.timerControlWrite(self.timer, enable=True, invert=invert) self.is_running = True
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the timer.""" self._device.timerControlWrite(self.timer, enable=False) self.is_running = False
[docs]class Counter(object): """ Each counter on the device will be an instance of this class. """ def __init__(self, device, counter): """ :param device: the :class:`USB2600` instance :param counter: counter index on the device :type counter: int """ self._counter = counter self._device = device
[docs] def init(self): """Initialise the counter.""" self._device.counterInit(self._counter)
[docs] def read(self): """Return the number of counts since the counter was initialised.""" return self._device.counterRead(self._counter)
[docs]class DIO(object): """Container for DIO ports and pins.""" def __init__(self, device): for (port_index, port_name) in enumerate('ABC'): _port = DIO_Port(device, port_index) setattr(self, port_name, DIO_Port(device, port_index)) for pin in range(8): setattr(self, port_name+str(pin), DIO_Pin(_port, pin)) def __repr__(self): return "<USB2600 DIO container>"
[docs]class DIO_Port(object): """Controls a DIO port.""" def __init__(self, device, port): """ :param device: the :class:`USB2600` instance :param int port: port index on the device """ self._device = device self._port = port for i in range(8): setattr(self, 'pin'+str(i), DIO_Pin(self, i)) def __repr__(self): return "<USB2600 DIO_Port %s>" % "ABC"[self._port] @property def state(self): """Set or query the port state.""" return self._device.dioRead(self._port) @state.setter def state(self, byte): self._device.dioWrite(self._port, byte) @property def direction(self): """Query or configure the port direction (0xFF all inputs, 0x00 all ouputs, or a mixture: 0x01, etc.)""" return self._device.dioConfig(self._port) @direction.setter def direction(self, byte): self._device.dioConfig(self._port, byte)
[docs] def read(self): """Read the port state.""" return self.state
[docs] def write(self, byte): """Write *byte* to the port.""" self.state = byte
def __call__(self, byte=None): """Set or query the port state.""" if byte is None: return self.state else: self.state = byte
def set_bit_in_byte(byte, bit, state): return byte & ~(1 << bit) | (state << bit) def get_bit_in_byte(byte, bit): return bool((byte >> bit) & 1)
[docs]class DIO_Pin(object): """Controls a single bit of a DIO port.""" def __init__(self, port, pin): """ :param port: a :class:`DIO_Port` instance :param int pin: the target pin on ``port`` """ self._device = port._device self._port = port self._port_index = port._port self._pin = pin def __repr__(self): return "<USB2600 DIO_Pin %s%d>" % ("ABC"[self._port_index], self._pin)
[docs] def get(self): """Return the pin state.""" return self.state
[docs] def set(self): """Set the pin to High.""" self.state = True
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the pin to Low.""" self.state = False
def __call__(self, boolean=None): """Set or query the pin state.""" if boolean is None: return self.state else: self.state = boolean @property def state(self): """Set or query the pin state.""" return bool((self._port.state >> self._pin) & 1) @state.setter def state(self, boolean): current = self._port.state self._port.state = (current & ~(1 << self._pin) | (boolean << self._pin)) @property def isinput(self): """Query whether the pin is configured as input, or configure it so by setting it to True.""" return bool((self._port.direction >> self._pin) & 1) @isinput.setter def isinput(self, boolean): current = self._port.direction byte_out = current & ~(1 << self._pin) | (boolean << self._pin) self._port.direction = byte_out @property def isoutput(self): """Query whether the pin is configured as output, or configure it so by setting it to True.""" return not self.isinput @isoutput.setter def isoutput(self, boolean): self.isinput = not boolean
[docs]class ExternalTrigger(object): """Represents an external trigger (external digital output connected to XTTLTRG).""" def __init__(self, device, mode='Edge', polarity='Rising'): """ :param mode: 'Edge' or 'Level'. :param polarity: in 'Edge' mode: 'Rising' or 'Falling'. In 'Level' mode : 'Low' or 'High'. """ self._device = device self.mode_string = mode self.polarity_string = polarity # No need to call configure(): device defaults as indicated. def __repr__(self): return "USB2600 external trigger: " + self.polarity_string + ' ' + self.mode_string
[docs] def configure(self, mode='Edge', polarity='Rising'): """ :param mode: 'Edge' or 'Level'. :param polarity: in 'Edge' mode: 'Rising' or 'Falling'. In 'Level' mode : 'Low' or 'High'. """ if mode == 'Edge': self.mode = 1 elif mode == 'Level': self.mode = 0 else: raise ValueError('Trigger mode must be "Edge" or "Level".') if polarity in ('Rising', 'High'): self.polarity = 1 elif polarity in ('Falling', 'Low'): self.polarity = 0 else: raise ValueError('Trigger polarity should be "Rising" or "Falling", or "High" or "Low".') self.mode_string = mode self.polarity_string = polarity self._device.TriggerConfig(mode=self.mode_string, polarity=self.polarity_string)
[docs]class InternalTrigger(object): """Internal trigger by connection XTTLTRG to a digital output pin.""" def __init__(self, dio_pin, mode='Edge', polarity='Rising'): """ :param dio_pin: a :class:`DIO_Pin` instance, physically connected to XTTLTRG. :param mode: 'Edge' or 'Level'. :param polarity: in 'Edge' mode: 'Rising' or 'Falling'. In 'Level' mode : 'Low' or 'High'. """ self._device = dio_pin._device self.trigger_input = ExternalTrigger(self._device, mode, polarity) self.configure(dio_pin, mode, polarity) def __repr__(self): return "USB2600 internal trigger: " + self.polarity_string + ' ' + self.mode_string def configure(self, dio_pin, mode='Edge', polarity='Rising'): self.trigger_ouput = dio_pin self.trigger_ouput.isoutput = True self.trigger_input.configure(mode, polarity) self.reset()
[docs] def trigger(self): """Fire the trigger.""" self.trigger_ouput.state = self.trigger_input.polarity
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the trigger so it can be fired again.""" self.trigger_ouput.state = not self.trigger_input.polarity
[docs]class AI_Single(object): """Single sample, single channel analog input. >>> volts = >>> volts = daq.ai0() # callable. """ def __init__(self, device, channel): self._device = device self._channel = channel
[docs] def read(self, nsamples=1, dt=1): """Read analog input samples. :param nsamples: number of samples to acquire :param dt: time (in s, default 1) between samples. """ # Channel is configured in low-level AIn() function self.last_reading = self._device.AIn(self._channel) if nsamples > 1: samples = [self.last_reading] for i in range(nsamples): sleep(dt) self.last_reading = self._device.AIn(self._channel) samples.append(self.last_reading) return samples else: return self.last_reading
def __call__(self): """Read single analog input sample.""" return
[docs]class AI_Multichannel(object): """ Single sample, multiple channel acquisition: out =, ..., chn)). """ def __init__(self, device): self._device = device
[docs] def read(self, channels): """ Single sample, single channel analog input. """ # Channel is configured in low-level AIn() function readings = [] for ch in channels: readings.append(self._device.AIn(ch)) return readings
# try not calling reconfigure every time??? def read_fast(self, channels): #if self._device.last_ai_config != channels: self._device.AInConfig(channels) readings = [] for ch in channels: readings.append(self._device.AIn(ch)) return readings
[docs]class AI_Scan(object): """Analog Input scan. Acquired data in :attr:`data`. TO DO: return data as a Waveform object.""" def __init__(self, device, channels, nsamples, rate, trigger=False, retrigger=1, burst=True, packet_size=240, tf=0.5, verbose=True): """ :param device: :class:`USB2600` instance :param channels: tuple of integers indicatings the analog input channels. :param nsamples: number of samples to acquire :param rate: sampling frequency (Hz). To use an external clock source (connected to ``AI_CLK_IN`` on the board), set ``rate=0``. :param trigger: Whether to wait for a trigger on XTTLTRG to start acquiring. If False, acquisition starts when calling :func:`run` :param retrigger: How often :param burst: burst mode (**UNTESTED**) :param packet_size: number of bytes in each USB read operation. :param tf: USB read time factor. If getting ``AI_FIFO_OVERRUN``, try decreasing *tf* to pop data from the FIFO faster. :param verbose: if True, print info to console while scan is running. """ self._device = device self.channels = channels self.nchannels = len(channels) self.rate = rate self.trigger = trigger self.retrigger = retrigger self.burst = burst self.packetSize = packet_size / self.nchannels # Split the request packet size between all channels # nsamples must be a multiple of packet_size if nsamples % self.packetSize > 0: self.nsamples = nsamples + self.packetSize - (nsamples % self.packetSize) else: self.nsamples = nsamples = tf self.last_sample_read = 0 self.all_samples_read = False self.throughput = self.nchannels * float(self.rate) self.t_update = self.nchannels * self.packetSize / self.throughput self.n_updates = self.nsamples / self.packetSize self.verbose = verbose self.__call__ = def __repr__(self): return "<USB2600 AI scan instance on channels %(channels)s: %(nsamples)d samples at %(rate)0.2f Hz.>" % self.__dict__
[docs] def config(self): """Configure the AI scan. """ self._device.AInConfig(self.channels)
[docs] def start(self): """ Start the AI scan. """ = np.empty(shape=(self.nchannels, self.nsamples), dtype=np.float) self._device.AInScanStart(self.channels, self.nsamples, self.rate, burst=self.burst, trigger=self.trigger, retrigger=self.retrigger, packet_size=self.nchannels*self.packetSize-1) if self.verbose: print "Started the AI scan." # reinitialise counters self.last_sample_read = 0 self.all_samples_read = False self.stopped = False
[docs] def read_basic(self, nsamples): """ Read nsamples per channel from FIFO. """ return self._device.AInScanRead(self.nchannels, nsamples)
[docs] def read(self): """ Read a single packet of data from FIFO. """ start = self.last_sample_read end = min(start + self.packetSize, self.nsamples) (data_part, bytes_read) = self._device.AInScanRead(self.nchannels, min(self.packetSize, self.nsamples - self.last_sample_read))[:, start:end] = data_part self.last_sample_read = end # Update counter if bytes_read != 2 * self.nchannels * (end - start): raise RuntimeError('Did not get all expected data!') if self.verbose: print('Got ' + str(data_part.size) + ' samples (' + str(bytes_read) + ' bytes) from AI FIFO.') if end == self.nsamples: self.all_samples_read = True if self.verbose: print("All AI samples have been read.") return bytes_read/2 # return no of samples read
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the AI scan. """ self._device.AInScanStop() self.stopped = True
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear the AI FIFO. Data will be lost! """ self._device.AInScanClear()
[docs] def flush(self): """Read all remaining elements in FIFO. It may be necessary to call flush() before an AI or AIO scan to remove old, unread samples from AI FIFO. """ b = 0 while True: # read packets from FIFO until it's empty and times out. try: (data, bytes_read) = self._device.AInScanRead(self.nchannels, self.packetSize) b += bytes_read if self.verbose: sys.stdout.write('Purging AI FIFO... %d bytes read\r' %bytes_read) sys.stdout.flush() except: if self.verbose: print("AI FIFO flushed, "+str(b)+" bytes read. ") break
def print_settings(self): print('AI throughput = '+ str(self.throughput) + ' S/s. '+ 'Read ' + str(self.packetSize * self.nchannels) + ' samples from FIFO every ' + str(self.t_update) + ' s' + ' in ' + str(self.n_updates) + ' iterations.') def print_status(self): if self.running: self.ai_status = 'AI Scan running, %(last_sample_read)d/%(nsamples)d read. [Ctrl-C to stop]' % self.__dict__ elif self.done: self.ai_status = 'AI Scan done, %(last_sample_read)d/%(nsamples)d samples read.' % self.__dict__ else: self.ai_status = "AI neither running nor done, I'm losing it!!!" if (not self.threaded): # and self.verbose: sys.stdout.write(self.ai_status + '\r') sys.stdout.flush() def _run(self): """Run a complete AI acquisition.""" self.stop() self.clear() self.config() self.last_sample_read = 0 self.all_samples_read = False self.print_settings() self.start() sleep(3*self.t_update) try: while (not self.stopped) and (not self.all_samples_read): sleep( * self.t_update) self.print_status() if self.fifo_overrun: raise USB2600Error('Analog input FIFO overrun! ') except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\nScan interrupted by user." self.stop() self.clear() global _WITH_WAVEFORM if _WITH_WAVEFORM: = waveform.Waveform(, self.rate)
[docs] def run(self, thread=False): """Start the scan in main or background thread. In a background thread, call stop() to stop the scan before completion. In the main thread, use Ctl+C.""" if thread: self.threaded = True self.verbose = False self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self._run, args=(), name='USB2600_AI_scan') self.thread.start() else: self.threaded = False self._run()
@property def fifo_overrun(self): """Return True if the AI FIFO is full.""" return self._device.status()['AIN_SCAN_OVERRUN'] == 1 @property def running(self): """Return True while samples are being read.""" return self._device.status()['AIN_SCAN_RUNNING'] == 1 @property def done(self): """Return True once all samples have been read.""" return self._device.status()['AIN_SCAN_DONE'] == 1
[docs]class AO_Single(object): """Single sample, single channel analog ouput. >>> daq.ao0.write(0.56) # output 0.56 volts to AO0 """ def __init__(self, device, channel): self._device = device self._channel = channel self.limits = (-10, +10)
[docs] def write(self, voltage): """Set the AO voltage. """ assert self.limits[0] <= voltage <= self.limits[1], 'Requested voltage %r V ouside allowed limits %s' %(voltage, str(self.limits)) self.last_output = self._device.AOut(self._channel, voltage)
[docs] def read(self): """Read the curreny AO voltage.""" return self._device.AOutRead(self._channel)
def __call__(self, voltage=None): """Set or query (if no argument is supplied) the output voltage.""" if voltage is None: return else: self.write(voltage)
[docs]class AO_Scan(object): """Single- or multi-channel analog output scan. To start the scan: >>> run(n=0, thread=True|False) * n: output the waveform n times (0=infinity) * thread: whether to run in a background thread (call stop() to stop it) or in the main thread (Ctl+C to stop) """ def __init__(self, device, channels, waveform, rate=None, trigger=False, retrigger=1, packet_size=240, tf=0.5, verbose=False): """ :param device: :class:`USB2600` instance :param channels: tuple of integers indicatings the analog output channels. :param waveform: a :class:`Waveform` instance containing the data. Must have the same number of rows as ``channels`` :param rate: sampling frequency (Hz). if not given, use ````. :param trigger: a :class:`Trigger` instance to use as external trigger. :param packet_size: number of bytes in each USB read operation. :param tf: USB read time factor. If getting ``AO_FIFO_UNDERRUN`` error, try decreasing *tf* to push data to the FIFO faster. :param verbose: if True, print info to console while scan is running.""" self._device = device self.channels = channels self.waveform = waveform assert waveform.nchannels == len(channels), 'Number of waveforms must match number of AO channels' self.nchannels = len(channels) self.nsamples = waveform.nsamples self.total_samples = self.nsamples*self.nchannels self.rate = waveform.rate if rate is None else float(rate) = self.get_waveform_data(waveform) self.trigger = trigger self.retrigger = retrigger self.packetSize = packet_size = tf self.last_sample_written = 0 self.timeout = 1000 self.throughput = self.nchannels * self.rate self.n_updates = / self.packetSize self.t_update = self.packetSize / self.throughput self.all_samples_written = False self.verbose = verbose self.__call__ =
[docs] def get_waveform_data(self, waveform): """Return a flattened and binary version of the waveform data.""" if == 2: data = np.reshape(,, 'F') else: data = if data.dtype == np.float: data = self._device.AOutData(data) return data
def __repr__(self): return "<USB2600 AO scan instance on channels %(channels)s: %(nsamples)d samples at %(rate)0.2f Hz.>" % self.__dict__
[docs] def start(self, repeat=1, continuous=False): """Start the AO scan. :param continuous: True for continuous operation (output until FIFO underruns). False to output a fixed number of samples, determined by the data waveform and the repeat parameter. :param repeat: number of time to output the waveform. 0 if forever. """ nsamples = 0 if continuous else self.nsamples*repeat self._device.AOutScanStart(self.channels, self.rate, nsamples, trigger=self.trigger, retrigger=self.retrigger) if self.verbose: print('Started the AO scan.') self.stopped = False
[docs] def write(self, n = 1): """Write *n* packet of samples to the AO FIFO.""" start = self.last_sample_written end = min(start + n * self.packetSize, bytes_written = self._device.AOutDataToFIFO([start:end], timeout=self.timeout) if bytes_written/2 != end - start: raise USB2600Error(str(end - start) +' samples send, only '+str(bytes_written/2) + ' written.') self.last_sample_written = end if self.verbose: print(str(bytes_written) + ' bytes written to AO FIFO') if end == self.all_samples_written = True if self.verbose: print("All AO samples have been written") return bytes_written/2
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the AO scan.""" self._device.AOutScanStop() self.stopped = True
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear the AO FIFO. Data will be lost! """ self._device.AOutScanClear()
def print_settings(self): print("Write %(packetSize)d samples to FIFO every %(t_update)ds. \ %(n_updates)d iterations/%(nsamples)d samples in total." % self.__dict__)
[docs] def print_status(self): """Pretty-print scan status on a single line.""" if self.running: self.string = "AO: running, %(last_sample_written)d/%(total_samples)d samples written to FIFO. [Ctrl-C to stop]" %self.__dict__ else: self.string = "AO: Done." sys.stdout.write(self.string + ("\n" if self.verbose else "\r")) sys.stdout.flush()
[docs] def write_waveform_to_fifo(self, n=1): """Write the whole waveform to FIFO n times (forever if n=0).""" counter = 1 # increase by 1 everytime a full waveform has been written to FIFO. while (not self.stopped) and (counter <= n or n==0): if self.fifo_underrun: raise USB2600Error('Analog output FIFO underrun! Maybe decrease tf=%r parameter?' sleep( * self.t_update) if not self.all_samples_written: self.write() # push one packet and update counter if not self.threaded: self.print_status() if self.all_samples_written: # reset counter after all samples have been written self.all_samples_written = False self.last_sample_written = 0 counter += 1
[docs] def wait_until_output_done(self): """Return after all samples have been written to output.""" while self.running: sleep( * self.t_update) if not self.threaded: self.print_status()
def _run_split_samples(self, n=1, wait=False): """Outputs the waveforms n times (forever if n=0). Samples will be pushed to AO FIFO in packet_size groups. Use :func:`_run_all_samples` instead when all samples can fit in FIFO.""" if self.verbose: self.print_settings() self.stop() self.clear() self.all_samples_written = False self.last_sample_written = 0 self.write(2) # Push two initial packets self.start(repeat=n) try: self.write_waveform_to_fifo(n) if wait: self.wait_until_output_done() except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\nScan interrupted by user." self.stop() self.clear() def _run_all_samples(self): """Write *all* samples to FIFO, start the scan, and return immediately. If the number of samples is larger than the 2kS AO FIFO, or to return only after the scan terminates, see :func:`_run_split_samples`.""" assert self.nchannels*self.nsamples <= 2000, "Too many samples for FIFO! Use _run_split_samples() instead." if self.verbose: print ("%d samples writtem to AO FIFO." % (self.nchannels*self.nsamples, )) self.stop() self.clear() bytes_written = self._device.AOutDataToFIFO(, timeout=self.timeout) if bytes_written/2 != self.nchannels*self.nsamples: raise USB2600Error("AOutDataToFIFO: %d samples send, only %d written." % (self.nchannels*self.nsamples, bytes_written/2)) self.start(continuous=True)
[docs] def run(self, n=1, wait=False, thread=False): """Start the scan. :param n: number of waveform repeats. 0=forever. :param thread: whether to run the scan in a background thread. if True, call :func:`stop` to interrupt the scan, other wise use :kbd:`Ctrl+C` :param wait: if True, block until the scan is complete. If False, return as soon as all data has been written to the FIFO. """ if (not wait) and self.nchannels*self.nsamples <= 2000: self._run_all_samples() elif thread: self.threaded = True self.verbose = False self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self._run_split_samples, args=(n, wait), name='USB2600_AO_scan') self.thread.start() else: self.threaded = False self._run_split_samples(n, wait)
@property def fifo_underrun(self): """Return True if the AO FIFO is empty.""" return self._device.status()['AOUT_SCAN_UNDERRUN'] == 1 @property def running(self): """Return True while samples are being output.""" return self._device.status()['AOUT_SCAN_RUNNING'] == 1 @property def done(self): """Return True once all samples have been ouput.""" return self._device.status()['AOUT_SCAN_DONE'] == 1
#@property #def status(self): # s = self._device.status() # return s.
[docs]class AIO_Scan(object): """Synchronous analog input and output scan. To start the scan: >>> run(thread=True|False) * thread: whether to run in a background thread (set running=False to stop it) or in the main thread (Ctl+C to stop). The acquired analog input data is in the :attr:`data` attribute. """ def __init__(self, device, AIchans, AOchans, AOwaveform, rate=None, packet_size = 240, tf = 0.5, verbose=False): """ :param device: :class:`USB2600_Wrapper` instance :param AIchans: tuple of integers indicating the analog input channels. :param AOchans: tuple of integers indicating the analog output channels. :param AOwaveform: a :class:`Waveform` instance containing the analog output data. Must have the same number of rows as ``AOchans`` :param rate: sampling frequency (Hz). If not given, use ``AOwaveform.rate``. :param packet_size: number of bytes in each USB read/write operation. :param tf: USB read time factor. If getting ``AO_FIFO_UNDERRUN`` or ``AI_FIFO_OVERRUN`` errors, try decreasing *tf* to pop/push data to the FIFO faster. :param verbose: if True, print info to console while scan is running. """ # Currently retrigger has no effect, but could add support for it later # Assume AI throughput is larger than AO throughput, so packet_size for AO will be smaller ao_packet_size = packet_size * len(AOchans) / (2 * len(AIchans)) _rate = rate if rate is not None else AOwaveform.rate self.aoscan = AO_Scan(device.device, AOchans, AOwaveform, _rate, trigger=True, packet_size=ao_packet_size, tf=tf, verbose=verbose) self.aiscan = AI_Scan(device.device, AIchans, 2 * self.aoscan.nsamples, 2 * _rate, trigger=True, packet_size=packet_size, tf=tf, verbose=verbose) self.aichans = AIchans self.aochans = AOchans self.rate = AOwaveform.rate self.nsamples = AOwaveform.nsamples self.verbose = verbose self._device = device self.__call__ = def __repr__(self): return "<USB2600 synchronous analog input/output scan. AI/O channels: %(aichans)s/%(aochans)s, %(nsamples)d samples at %(rate)0.2fHz.>" % self.__dict__
[docs] def print_status(self): """Pretty-print scan status to console.""" ai_status = 'done' if self.aiscan.done else 'running' ao_status = 'done' if self.aoscan.done else 'running' ai_info = (ai_status, self.aiscan.last_sample_read, self.aiscan.nsamples) ao_info = (ao_status, self.aoscan.last_sample_written, self.aoscan.nsamples*self.aoscan.nchannels) self.aio_status = "AI: %s, %d/%d samples read | AO: %s, %d/%d samples written." % (ai_info + ao_info) if not self.threaded: sys.stdout.write(self.aio_status + "\r") sys.stdout.flush()
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the scan.""" self.aiscan.stop() self.aiscan.clear() self.aoscan.stop() self.aoscan.clear() self.stopped = True
def _run(self): # set up AO scan. Push 5 packets of AO data self.aoscan.stop() self.aoscan.clear() self.aoscan.last_sample_written = 0 self.aoscan.all_samples_written = False self.aoscan.write(5) # set up AI scan self.aiscan.stop() self.aiscan.clear() self.aiscan.config() # start scans and trigger self._device.internal_trigger.reset() self.aiscan.start() self.aoscan.start() self._device.internal_trigger.trigger() self.stopped = False t_update = min(self.aiscan.t_update, self.aoscan.t_update) n_updates = min(self.aiscan.n_updates, self.aoscan.n_updates) sleep(3*t_update) try: while (not self.stopped) and (not self.aiscan.all_samples_read): sleep( * t_update) if not self.aoscan.all_samples_written: # Push AO data self.aoscan.write() if not self.aiscan.all_samples_read: # Pop AI data if not self.threaded: self.print_status() if self.aiscan.fifo_overrun: raise USB2600Error('Analog input FIFO overrun! ') if self.aoscan.fifo_underrun: raise USB2600Error('Analog output FIFO underrun! ') except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\nScan interrupted by user." self.stop() # Package data as waveform, keeping only the relevant parts, and copy attributes = waveform.Waveform([:,1:2*self.aoscan.nsamples:2], dt =1/self.aoscan.rate) try: = self.aoscan.waveform.linear_subset # copy original linear_subset, if present except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def run(self, thread=False): """Start the scan. :param thread: whether to run the scan in a background thread. if True, set :attr:`running` = False to interrupt the scan, otherwise use :kbd:`Ctrl+C` """ if thread: self.threaded = True self.verbose = False self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self._run, args=(), name='USB2600_SyncAIO') self.thread.start() else: self.threaded = False self._run()
# broken attempt at using property descriptors for DIO #class DIO_Port_Dir(object): #def __init__(self, device, port, direction): #""" #:param device: :class:`USB2600_wrapper` #:param int port: port number #:param bool direction: True for input, False for output #""" #self._device = device #self._port = port #self._dir = direction ##print "Port_Dir " + str(self._port) + ", dir=" + str(self._dir) #def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None): #byte_in = obj._device.dioConfig(self._port) ##print self._dir ##print byte_in #return (byte_in if obj._dir else (~byte_in & 0xFF)) #def __set__(self, obj, byte): #byte_out = (byte if self._dir else (~byte & 0xFF)) ##print byte_out #self._device.dioConfig(self._port, byte_out) #class DIO_Pin_Dir(object): #def __init__(self, device, port, pin, direction): #""" #:param device: :class:`USB2600_wrapper` #:param int port: port number #:param int pin: pin number #:param bool direction: True for input, False for output #""" #self._device = device #self._port = port #self._pin = pin #self._dir = direction #def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None): #"""Query whether the pin is configured as input, or configure it so by setting it to True.""" #print self._port, self._pin, self._dir, bin(self._device.dioConfig(self._port)) #is_input = bool((self._device.dioConfig(self._port) >> self._pin) & 1) #print is_input ##print is_input #return (is_input if self._dir else not is_input) #def __set__(self, obj, boolean): ##byte_out = self._device.dioConfig(self._port) | ((boolean if self._dir else not boolean) << self._pin) ##print bin(byte_out) #current = self._device.dioConfig(self._port) #bit_out = boolean if self._dir else not boolean #byte_out = current ^ ((not(bit_out) ^ current) & (1 << self._pin)) #self._device.dioConfig(self._port, byte_out) #class DIO_Port2(object): #"""Property descriptor for digital input-output ports.""" #def __init__(self, device, port): #""" #:param device: the :class:`USB2600_Wrapper` instance #:param int port: port index on the device #""" #self._device = device #self._port = port #def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None): #"""Read or query the port state. #:rtype: int #.. Tip:: use bin() for a binary representation of the returned value. #""" #return self._device.dioRead(self._port) #def __set__(self, obj, byte): #self._device.dioWrite(self._port, byte) #class DIO_Pin2(object): #"""Property descriptor for individual pins of the digital input-output ports.""" #def __init__(self, port, pin): #""" #:param port: a :class:`DIO_Port` instance #:param pin: the target pin on ``port`` #""" #setattr(self.__class__, '_port', port) #self._pin = pin #def __set__(self, obj, boolean): #"""Set or query the pin state.""" #self._port = self._port | (boolean << self._pin) #def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None): #return bool((self._port >> self._pin) & 1) #def config(self): #print "Configuring!" ### OLD DIO #class DIO_Port(object): #""" Each digital port is represented by one instance of this class. #:Usage: #>>> daq = usb2600.USB2600() #>>> daq.dioA.config('input') # set all pins on port A as inputs #>>> daq.dioB.config('output') # B outputs #>>> daq.dioB.write(1) # pin 0 high #>>> daq.dioB.write(2) # pin 1 high, 0 low #>>> daq.dioB.write(3) # pin 0 and 1 high #>>> daq.dioB.write(0) # all pins low #.. Tip:: #Pull-up configuration (from doc): #"Each port has 47 kohms resistors that are configurable as pull-up or pull-down (default) #using an onboard jumper (W5, W6, W7)." #""" #def __init__(self, device, port): #""" #:param device: the :class:`USB2600` instance #:param port: port index on the device #:type port: int #""" #self._device = device #self._port = port ##self.config('input') #def config(self, direction): #"""Configure the port as output or input. #:param direction: #- a string: 'input' or 'output' will set all the pins on the port #as outputs or inputs #- an integer: to mix inputs and outputs on the same port, #set bit n to 1 for input, 0 for output. #:type direction: int or string #""" #if direction == 'output': #self._direction = 0 #self._device.dioConfig(self._port, 0) #elif direction == 'input': #self._direction = 0xFF #self._device.dioConfig(self._port, 0xFF) #else: #self._direction = direction #self._device.dioConfig(self._port, direction) #@property #def direction(self): #"""Query or configure the port direction (0xFF all inputs, 0x00 all ouputs, or a mixture: 0x01, etc.)""" #return self._direction #@direction.setter #def direction(self, byte): #self._direction = byte #self._device.dioConfig(self._port, direction) #def read(self): #"""Read the port state. #Convert the returned integer to binary to identify the state of the #individual pins. #:rtype: int #""" #return self._device.dioRead(self._port) #def write(self, byte): #"""Write to the port. #The relevant pins must have been configured as output.""" #self._device.dioWrite(self._port, byte) #def __call__(self, byte=None): #if byte is None: #return #else: #self.write(byte) ### OLD TRIGGER #class _Trigger(object): #"""Represents a trigger. #Defaults to an external trigger on a rising edge. #To make an internal/software trigger, specify a digital port and pin #(which must be connected to the trigger input on the board). #""" #def __init__(self, device, port=None, pin=None, diopin=None, retrigger=1, mode='Edge', polarity='Rising'): #""" #:param mode: 'Edge' or 'Level'. #:param polarity: in 'Edge' mode: 'Rising' or 'Falling'. #In 'Level' mode : 'Low' or 'High'. #:param retrigger: NOT IMPLEMENTED #:param port: a :class:`DIO_Port` instance #:param pin: a pin on this port. #If ``port`` and ``pin`` are specified, use as an internal trigger. #If not, it's an external trigger #""" #self._device = device #self.port = port = pin #self.retrigger = retrigger #self.mode_string = mode #self.polarity_string = polarity #if mode == 'Edge': #self.mode = 1 #elif mode == 'Level': #self.mode = 0 #else: #raise ValueError('Trigger mode must be "Edge" or "Level".') #if polarity in ('Rising', 'High'): #self.polarity = 1 #elif polarity in ('Falling', 'Low'): #self.polarity = 0 #else: #raise ValueError('Trigger polarity should be "Rising" or "Falling", or "High" or "Low".') #self.config() #def __repr__(self): #return "USB2600 trigger: " + self.polarity_string + ' ' + self.mode_string #def config(self): #"""Apply configuration. #This is normally done automatically when creating the Trigger instance.""" #self._device.TriggerConfig(mode = self.mode_string, polarity = self.polarity_string) #if self.port is not None: #self.port.config('output') #def trigger(self): #"""Fire the trigger.""" #assert self.port is not None, 'Internal trigger port not assigned' #assert is not None, 'Internal trigger pin not assigned' #self.port.write(self.polarity << #def reset(self): #"""Reset the trigger so it can be fired again.""" ## initialise digital output to 0 (Low) if polarity is 1 (Rising) ## or to 1 (High) 0 (Falling) #assert self.port is not None, 'Internal trigger not assigned' #self.port.write(1-self.polarity) ## Consider a ContextManager to avoid reconfiguring the trigger in SyncAIO?