Getting informationΒΆ

You can get information about Mailman’s environment by using the command line script mailman info. By default, the info is printed to standard output.

>>> from mailman.commands.cli_info import Info
>>> command = Info()

>>> class FakeArgs:
...     output = None
...     verbose = None
>>> args = FakeArgs()

>>> command.process(args)
GNU Mailman 3...
Python ...
config file: .../test.cfg
db url: ...
REST root url: http://localhost:9001/3.0/
REST credentials: restadmin:restpass

By passing in the -o/--output option, you can print the info to a file.

>>> from mailman.config import config
>>> import os
>>> output_path = os.path.join(config.VAR_DIR, 'output.txt')
>>> args.output = output_path
>>> command.process(args)
>>> with open(output_path) as fp:
...     print(
GNU Mailman 3...
Python ...
config file: .../test.cfg
db url: ...
devmode: DISABLED
REST root url: http://localhost:9001/3.0/
REST credentials: restadmin:restpass

You can also get more verbose information, which contains a list of the file system paths that Mailman is using.

>>> args.output = None
>>> args.verbose = True
>>> config.create_paths = False
>>> config.push('fhs', """
... [mailman]
... layout: fhs
... """)
>>> cleanups.append((config.pop, 'fhs'))
>>> config.create_paths = True

The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard layout is the same everywhere by definition.

>>> command.process(args)
GNU Mailman 3...
Python ...
File system paths:
    ARCHIVE_DIR     = /var/lib/mailman/archives
    BIN_DIR         = /sbin
    CFG_FILE        = .../test.cfg
    DATA_DIR        = /var/lib/mailman/data
    ETC_DIR         = /etc
    EXT_DIR         = /etc/mailman.d
    LIST_DATA_DIR   = /var/lib/mailman/lists
    LOCK_DIR        = /var/lock/mailman
    LOCK_FILE       = /var/lock/mailman/master.lck
    LOG_DIR         = /var/log/mailman
    MESSAGES_DIR    = /var/lib/mailman/messages
    PID_FILE        = /var/run/mailman/
    QUEUE_DIR       = /var/spool/mailman
    TEMPLATE_DIR    = .../mailman/templates
    VAR_DIR         = /var/lib/mailman

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