Bulk (Re)Decoration, (Re)Decorating Imports

This chapter discusses the log_calls.decorate_* classmethods. These methods allow you to:

  • decorate or redecorate functions and classes,
  • decorate an entire class hierarchy (a class and all its subclasses), and even
  • decorate all classes and/or functions in a module.

These methods are handy in situations where altering source code is impractical (too many things to decorate) or questionable practice (third-party modules and packages). They can also help you learn a new codebase, by shedding light on its internal operations.

The decorate_* methods provide another way to dynamically change the settings of already-decorated functions and classes.

Like any decorator, log_calls is a functional — a function that takes a function argument and returns a function. The following typical use:

def f(): pass

is equivalent to:

f = log_calls()(f)

If f occurs in your own code, then no doubt you’ll prefer the former. The log_calls.decorate_* methods let you decorate f when its definition does not necessarily appear in your code.


You can’t decorate Python builtins. Attempting to do is harmless (anyway, it’s supposed to be!), and log_calls will return the builtin class or callable unchanged. For example, the following have no effect:

log_calls.decorate_class(dict, only='update')

Decorating classes programmatically

Decorating a class and optionally, all of its subclasses

classmethod log_calls.decorate_class(klass: type, decorate_subclasses=False, **setting_kwargs) → None

Decorate class klass and, optionally, all of its descendants recursively. If decorate_subclasses == True, and if any subclasses are decorated, their explicitly given settings remain unchanged by those in setting_kwargs unless override=True is in setting_kwargs.

log_calls.decorate_class(C, **kwds) is basically a syntactically sweetened version of log_calls(**kwds)(C), with the addition of the flag parameter decorate_subclasses. There’s another difference, however: log_calls.decorate_class(...) returns None, whereas log_calls(**kwds)(C) returns C.

Decorating a class and all of its subclasses

classmethod log_calls.decorate_hierarchy(baseclass: type, **setting_kwargs) → None

Decorate baseclass and, recursively, all of its descendants. If any subclasses are directly decorated, their explicitly given settings remain unchanged by those in setting_kwargs unless override=True is in setting_kwargs.

This is just a shorthand for log_calls.decorate_class(baseclass, decorate_subclasses=True, **setting_kwargs).

Decorating functions programmatically

Decorating a function in your namespace

classmethod log_calls.decorate_function(f: 'Callable', **setting_kwargs) → None

Decorate f using settings_kwds, and replace the definition of f.__name__ with the decorated function (i.e. the wrapper) in the global namespace of the caller.

  • f – a function object, with no package/module qualifier: however it would be referred to in code at the point of the call to decorate_function. f itself refers to a function which is either defined in or imported into the module of the caller.
  • setting_kwargs – settings for decorator

log_calls.decorate_function(f, **kwds) is basically a syntactically sweetened version of log_calls(**kwds)(f). However, log_calls.decorate_function(...) returns None, whereas log_calls(**kwds)(f) returns the wrapper of f.

Decorating an “external” function in a package

classmethod log_calls.decorate_package_function(f: 'Callable', **setting_kwargs) → None

Decorate f using settings in settings_kwds; replace the definition of f.__name__ with the decorated function in the __dict__ of the module of f.

  • f – a function object, qualified with a package, e.g. somepackage.somefunc, however it would be referred to in code at the point of a call to decorate_package_function.
  • setting_kwargs – settings for decorator

Decorating an “external” function in a module

classmethod log_calls.decorate_module_function(f: 'Callable', **setting_kwargs) → None

Decorate f using settings in settings_kwds; replace the definition of f.__name__ with the decorated function in the __dict__ of the module of f.

  • f – a function object, qualified with a module, e.g. thatmodule.afunc, however it would be referred to in code at the point of a call to decorate_module_function.
  • setting_kwargs – settings for decorator

Decorating all functions and/or classes in a module

decorate_module lets you decorate the functions and/or classes of an imported module:

classmethod log_calls.decorate_module(cls, mod: 'module', functions: bool=True, classes: bool=True, **setting_kwargs) → None
  • mod – module whose members are to be decorated
  • functions – decorate all functions in mod if true
  • classes – decorate all classes in mod if true
  • setting_kwargs – keyword parameters for decorator



These modules in the tests/ subdirectory contain several examples:

  • test_decorate_module.py The docstring of the function test_decorate_module() contains simple tests of decorating the module tests/some_module.py.

A few examples/tests use the Skikit-Learn package if it’s installed. (The following subsection reproduces one of them.) Those in these two modules are run by run_tests.py:

  • test_decorate_sklearn_KMeans.py
  • test_decorate_sklearn_KMeans_functions.py

The test in the following module decorates an entire module of Skikit-Learn:

  • _test_decorate_module_of_sklearn.py

As the settings it imposes mess up the other sklearn tests, it is not run by run_tests.py. It can be run separately.

Example — decorating a class in scikit-learn

This example demonstrates:

  • decorating a class that’s not part of your project (unless you’re working on scikit-learn:), and
  • using the override parameter with one of the log_calls.decorate_* functions to dynamically change the settings of (all the callables of) an already-decorated class.

Except for the log_calls.decorate_* calls, the following code is excerpted from the sklearn site, e.g. Demonstration of k-means assumptions. The double backslashes in the two added lines accommodate doctest.

>>> from log_calls import log_calls
>>> from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
>>> from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs
>>> n_samples = 1500
>>> random_state = 170
>>> X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=n_samples, random_state=random_state)

First, let’s decorate the class hierarchy, with settings that show just the call tree:

>>> log_calls.decorate_hierarchy(KMeans, log_args=False)        ### THIS LINE ADDED

Now let’s call KMeans.fit_predict:

>>> y_pred = KMeans(n_clusters=2, random_state=random_state).fit_predict(X)
KMeans.__init__ <== called by <module>
KMeans.__init__ ==> returning to <module>
KMeans.fit_predict <== called by <module>
    KMeans.fit <== called by KMeans.fit_predict
        KMeans._check_fit_data <== called by KMeans.fit
        KMeans._check_fit_data ==> returning to KMeans.fit
    KMeans.fit ==> returning to KMeans.fit_predict
KMeans.fit_predict ==> returning to <module>

MiniBatchKMeans is a subclass of KMeans so that class is decorated too:

>>> mbk = MiniBatchKMeans(init='k-means++', n_clusters=2, batch_size=45,
...                       n_init=10, max_no_improvement=10)
MiniBatchKMeans.__init__ <== called by <module>
    KMeans.__init__ <== called by MiniBatchKMeans.__init__
    KMeans.__init__ ==> returning to MiniBatchKMeans.__init__
MiniBatchKMeans.__init__ ==> returning to <module>

Now let’s call MiniBatchKMeans.fit:

>>> mbk.fit(X)           
MiniBatchKMeans.fit <== called by <module>
    MiniBatchKMeans._labels_inertia_minibatch <== called by MiniBatchKMeans.fit
    MiniBatchKMeans._labels_inertia_minibatch ==> returning to MiniBatchKMeans.fit
MiniBatchKMeans.fit ==> returning to <module>
MiniBatchKMeans(batch_size=45, compute_labels=True, init='k-means++',
        init_size=None, max_iter=100, max_no_improvement=10, n_clusters=2,
        n_init=10, random_state=None, reassignment_ratio=0.01, tol=0.0,

To view arguments as well (and trigger more output), change setting to log_args=True and use override=True. Here, we call log_calls.decorate_class for class KMeans with the parameter decorate_subclasses=True, which is equivalent to calling log_calls.decorate_hierarchy:

>>> log_calls.decorate_class(KMeans, decorate_subclasses=True,
...                          log_args=True, args_sep='\\n',
...                          override=True)
>>> mbk.fit(X)                              
MiniBatchKMeans.fit <== called by <module>
        self=MiniBatchKMeans(batch_size=45, compute_labels=True, init='k-means++',
        init_size=None, max_iter=100, max_no_improvement=10, n_clusters=2,
        n_init=10, random_state=None, reassignment_ratio=0.01, tol=0.0,
        X=array([[ -5.19811282e+00,   6.41869316e-01],
       [ -5.75229538e+00,   4.18627111e-01],
       [ -1.08448984e+01,  -7.55352273e+00],
       [  1.36105255e+00,  -9.07491863e-01],
       [ -3.54141108e-01,   7.12241630e-01],
       [  1.88577252e+00,   1.41185693e-03]])
    MiniBatchKMeans._labels_inertia_minibatch <== called by MiniBatchKMeans.fit
            self=MiniBatchKMeans(batch_size=45, compute_labels=True, init='k-means++',
            init_size=None, max_iter=100, max_no_improvement=10, n_clusters=2,
            n_init=10, random_state=None, reassignment_ratio=0.01, tol=0.0,
            X=array([[ -5.19811282e+00,   6.41869316e-01],
           [ -5.75229538e+00,   4.18627111e-01],
           [ -1.08448984e+01,  -7.55352273e+00],
           [  1.36105255e+00,  -9.07491863e-01],
           [ -3.54141108e-01,   7.12241630e-01],
           [  1.88577252e+00,   1.41185693e-03]])
    MiniBatchKMeans._labels_inertia_minibatch ==> returning to MiniBatchKMeans.fit
MiniBatchKMeans.fit ==> returning to <module>
MiniBatchKMeans(batch_size=45, compute_labels=True, init='k-means++',
        init_size=None, max_iter=100, max_no_improvement=10, n_clusters=2,
        n_init=10, random_state=None, reassignment_ratio=0.01, tol=0.0,

Note: the ellipses in the values of the numpy array X are produced by its repr.