Development Workflow

This section documents the workflow that the LEAP project team follows and expects for the code contributions.

Code formatting

In one word: PEP8.

autopep8 might be your friend. or eat your code.


If you introduce a new dependency, please add it under pkg/requirements or pkg/test-requirements as appropiate, under the proper module section.

Git flow

See A successful git branching model for more information. The slight modification we make is that release tags are made in the release branch before getting merged to master, rather than getting tagged in master.

The author of the aforementioned post has also a handy pdf version of it: branching_model.pdf

A couple of tools that help to follow this process are git-flow and git-sweep.

Merge into integration branch

All code ready to be merged into the integration branch is expected to:

  • Have tests
  • Be documented
  • Pass existing tests: do and tox -v. All feature branches are automagically built by our buildbot farm. So please check your branch is green before merging it it to develop. Rebasing against the current tip of the integration when possible is preferred in order to keep a clean history.

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