=================== NEWS for flufl.enum =================== 3.0.1 (2010-06-07) ================== * Fixed typo which caused the package to break. 3.0 (2010-04-24) ================ * Package renamed to flufl.enum. 2.0.2 (2010-01-29) ================== * Fixed some test failures when running under 2to3. 2.0.1 (2010-01-08) ================== * Fix the manifest and clarify license. 2.0 (2010-01-07) ================ * Use Sphinx to build the documentation. * Updates to better package Debian/Ubuntu. * Use distribute_setup instead of ez_setup. * Rename pep-xxxx.txt; this won't be submitted as a PEP. * Remove dependencies on nose and setuptools_bzr * Support Python 3 via 2to3. Earlier ======= Try `bzr log` for details.