Quick Reference

This section will provide a brief explaination to all parts and functions included in lambdaJSON lib.


if used, this value returns name of the author of the lambdaJSON lib, ‘Pooya Eghbali’.


if used, this value returns the version of the lambdaJSON lib, eg: 2.0.16.


if used, this value returns the name of the json lib in use, eg: ‘ujson’. You can use this to find the json lib if you want to pass for example ujson specific arguments to the deserialization function.


this is imported from __main__. the __builtins__ included in the top level module.


actually this is the same as ast.literal_eval, used instead of builtins.eval to avoid security issues.

flatten #moved to lambdaJSON class

lambdaJSON uses this function to flatten objects and convert them to a format that json understands. if you just want to flattend an object, use this function.

restore #moved to lambdaJSON class

this is the reverse if the flatten function. restores object from the flattened one.


this function is used to flatten function objects. (imported from functions.py)


reverse function for freezef. (imported from functions.py)


this is same as functions.py.


a list of available numerical types and bool. this is different in versions of python (there is no long type in py3k)


returns the json lib in use.


this is the main serialization function.


and the main deserialize function!



this function is used to flatten function objects.


reverse function for freezef.


is a instance of lambdaJSON class with local global.