Source code for kwalitee.views

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of kwalitee
# Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 CERN.
# kwalitee is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# kwalitee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with kwalitee; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
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# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.

"""Views like in MTV."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import requests
from flask import (current_app, render_template, make_response, json, jsonify,
                   request, url_for)
from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound

from .tasks import pull_request, push, get_headers
from .models import db, Account, BranchStatus, CommitStatus, Repository

[docs]def status(sha): """Show the status of a commit. **deprecated** static files aren't used anymore. To be removed at some point. :param sha: identifier of a commit. """ try: with current_app.open_instance_resource( "status_{sha}.txt".format(sha=sha), "r") as f: status = except IOError: raise NotFound("{sha} was not found.".format(sha=sha)) status = status if len(status) > 0 else sha + ": Everything OK" return render_template("status.html", status=status)
[docs]def index(): """Homepage that lists the accounts.""" accounts = Account.query.order_by(db.asc( return render_template("index.html", accounts=accounts)
[docs]def account(account): """Display the repositories linked with one account. :param account: name of the account """ acc = _get_account(account) return render_template("account.html", account=acc, repositories=acc.repositories)
[docs]def repository(account, repository, limit=50): """Display the recents commits and branches of a repository. :param account: name of the owner :param repository: name of the repository :param limit: size of the commit window """ acc = _get_account(account) repo = _get_repository(acc, repository) commits = CommitStatus.query \ .filter_by( \ .order_by(db.desc( \ .limit(limit) return render_template("repository.html", account=acc, repository=repo, commits=commits)
[docs]def commit(account, repository, sha): """Display the status of a commit. :param account: name of the owner :param repository: name of the repository :param sha: identifier of the commit """ acc = _get_account(account) repo = _get_repository(acc, repository) commit = CommitStatus.query.filter_by(, sha=sha).first_or_404() return render_template("commit.html", account=acc, repository=repo, commit=commit)
[docs]def branch(account, repository, branch): """Display the statuses of a branch. :param account: name of the owner :param repository: name of the repository :param branch: name of the branch """ acc = _get_account(account) repo = _get_repository(acc, repository) all = BranchStatus.query.join(BranchStatus.commit) \ .filter(CommitStatus.repository_id == \ .filter( == branch) \ .all() if not all: raise NotFound("{0.fullname} as no branches called {1}" .format(repo, branch)) return render_template("branches.html", account=acc, repository=repo, branches=all)
[docs]def branch_status(account, repository, branch, sha): """Display the status of a pull request. :param account: name of the owner :param repository: name of the repository :param branch: name of the branch :param sha: commit identifier of the commit related with the branch """ acc = _get_account(account) repo = _get_repository(acc, repository) branch = BranchStatus.query.join(BranchStatus.commit) \ .filter(CommitStatus.repository_id == \ .filter(CommitStatus.sha == sha) \ .filter( == branch) \ .first_or_404() return render_template("branch.html", account=acc, repository=repo, branch=branch, commit=branch.commit)
[docs]def payload(): """Handle the GitHub events. .. seealso:: `Event Types <>` """ q = current_app.config["queue"] events = ["push", "pull_request"] try: event = None if "X-GitHub-Event" in request.headers: event = request.headers["X-GitHub-Event"] else: raise ValueError("No X-GitHub-Event HTTP header found") if event == "ping": payload = {"message": "pong"} elif event in events: config = dict(current_app.config) config.pop("queue") timeout = config.pop("WORKER_TIMEOUT", None) auto_create = config.pop("AUTO_CREATE", False) data = json.loads( repository_name = data["repository"]["name"] keyname = "name" if event == "push" else "login" owner_name = data["repository"]["owner"][keyname] payload = { "state": "pending", "context": config.get("CONTEXT") } owner = Account.query.filter_by(name=owner_name).first() if owner: repository = Repository.query.filter_by( name=repository_name, if not owner or not repository: if auto_create: owner = Account.find_or_create(owner_name) repository = Repository.find_or_create(owner, repository_name) else: payload["state"] = "error" payload["description"] = "{0}/{1} is not yet registered" \ .format(owner_name, repository_name) if owner and repository: if event == "push": status_url = "" commit_url = "{owner}" \ "/{repo}/commits/{sha}" for commit in data["commits"]: cs = CommitStatus.find_or_create(repository, commit["id"], commit["url"]) status_url = url_for("commit",,, sha=cs.sha, _external=True) url = commit_url.format( commit_url,,, sha=cs.sha) q.enqueue(push,, url, status_url, config, timeout=timeout) payload["target_url"] = status_url payload["description"] = "commits queues" elif event == "pull_request": if data["action"] not in ["synchronize", "opened", "reopened"]: raise ValueError( "Pull request action {0} is not supported" .format(data["action"])) repo = data["repository"] data = data["pull_request"] pull_request_url = data["url"] commit_sha = data["head"]["sha"] commits = [] headers = get_headers(Repository.query.filter_by( name=repo["name"]).first(), config) response = requests.get(data["commits_url"], headers=headers) response.raise_for_status() # check API rate limit response_json = json.loads(response.content) for commit in response_json: cstat = CommitStatus.find_or_create(repository, commit["sha"], commit["html_url"]) commits.append(cstat) bs = BranchStatus.find_or_create(commits[-1], data["head"]["label"], data["html_url"], {"commits": commits}) status_url = url_for("branch_status",,,, sha=commit_sha, _external=True) q.enqueue(pull_request,, pull_request_url, status_url, config, timeout=timeout) payload["target_url"] = status_url payload["description"] = "pull request {0} queued" \ .format( else: raise ValueError("Event {0} is not supported".format(event)) return jsonify(payload=payload) except Exception as e: import traceback # Uncomment to help you debugging the tests # raise e return make_response(jsonify(status="failure", stacktrace=traceback.format_exc(), exception=str(e)), 500)
def _get_account(account_name): """Get the account by name. :param account_name: name of the account :raise NotFound: if the account cannot be found """ account = Account.query.filter_by(name=account_name).first() if not account: raise NotFound("{0} isn't registered yet.".format(account_name)) return account def _get_repository(account, repository_name): """Get the repository by name. :param account: account :param repository_name: name of the repository :raise NotFound: if the repository cannot be found """ repository = Repository.query.filter_by(, name=repository_name).first() if not repository: raise NotFound("{0}/{1} isn't registered yet.".format(, repository_name)) return repository