Source code for kwalitee.tasks

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of kwalitee
# Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 CERN.
# kwalitee is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# kwalitee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with kwalitee; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.

"""Tasks to run on the worker."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import os
import re
import shutil
import logging
import tempfile
import requests
import yaml
from flask import json

from .kwalitee import get_options, check_message, check_file
from .models import db, BranchStatus, CommitStatus
# Worker logger
LOGGER = logging.getLogger("rq.worker")

[docs]def get_headers(repository, config): """Get the HTTP headers for the GitHub api. This is required to post comments on GitHub on your behalf. Please update your configuration accordingly. .. code-block:: python ACCESS_TOKEN = "deadbeef..." It can also be overwritten per user. .. code-block:: console $ kwalitee account add username --token=deadbeef... :return: HTTP headers :rtype: dict """ token = repository.owner.token or config["ACCESS_TOKEN"] return { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "token {token}".format(token=token) }
[docs]def push(commit_status_id, commit_url, status_url, config): """Performing all the tests on the commit. :param commit_status_id: identifier of the branch status :param commit_url: github api commit url :param status_url: github api status url :param config: configuration dictionary """ body = {} length = 0 commit_status = CommitStatus.query.filter_by(id=commit_status_id).first() if not commit_status: raise AssertionError("Unknown commit: {0} ({1})" .format(commit_status_id, commit_url)) options = get_options(config) headers = get_headers(commit_status.repository, config) check_commit_messages = config.get("CHECK_COMMIT_MESSAGES", True) check_pep8 = options["pep8"] check_pep257 = options["pep257"] check_license = options["license"] check_files = check_pep8 or check_pep257 or check_license commit = requests.get(commit_url, headers=headers) data = json.loads(commit.content) # FIXME guessing the status URL based on the commit one. statuses_url = data["url"].replace("commits", "statuses") comments_url = data["comments_url"] sha = data["sha"] files = data["files"] # Check only if the component does not contain 'wip'. component = data["commit"]["message"].split(":", 1)[0] is_wip = bool(re.match(r"\bwip\b", component, re.IGNORECASE)) check = config.get("CHECK_WIP", False) or not is_wip # This commit might have been checked in a pull request, which skipped # the files check. is_new = False checked = False if commit_status.is_pending() or commit_status.content["files"] is None: is_new = True if check and check_commit_messages: errs = _check_commit(commit_status, data, **options) length = len(errs) checked = True if check and is_new and checked and length: body = "\n".join(commit_status.content["message"]) try:, data=json.dumps(dict(body=body.strip())), headers=headers) except requests.RequestException: LOGGER.exception(comments_url) if check and is_new and check_files: tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp() filenames = _download_files_from_commit(files, sha, tmp) total, messages = _check_files(filenames, tmp, **options) shutil.rmtree(tmp) commit_status.content = dict(commit_status.content, files=messages) length += total if total: _post_file_comments(comments_url, messages, headers) if not check: commit_status.content = dict(commit_status.content, message=[]) db.session.add(commit_status) db.session.commit() state = "error" if length > 0 else "success" body = dict(state=state, target_url=status_url, description="[{0}] {1} errors".format(state, length), context=config.get("CONTEXT")) # Do not send the status if we've already seen this commit in the past. if is_new: try:, data=json.dumps(body), headers=headers) except requests.RequestException: LOGGER.exception(statuses_url) return body
[docs]def pull_request(branch_status_id, pull_request_url, status_url, config): """Performing all the tests on the pull request. Then pings back the given status_url and update the issue labels. :param branch_status_id: identifier of the branch status. :type branch_status_id: int :param pull_request_url: github api pull request :type pull_request_url: str :param status_url: github api status url :type status_url: str :param config: configuration dictionary :type config: dict :return: status body and applied labels :rtype: dict """ errors = {"message": [], "commits": [], "files": {}} length = 0 branch_status = BranchStatus.query.filter_by(id=branch_status_id).first() if not branch_status: raise AssertionError("Unknown branch: {0} ({1})" .format(branch_status_id, pull_request_url)) if not branch_status.is_pending():"Known pull request, skipping.") return branch_status.errors options = get_options(config) headers = get_headers(branch_status.commit.repository, config) pull_request = requests.get(pull_request_url, headers=headers) data = json.loads(pull_request.content) # Update config with .kwalitee.yml from git root folder options.update(_check_for_kwalitee_configuration(data)) issue_url = data["issue_url"] commits_url = data["commits_url"] files_url = data["commits_url"].replace("/commits", "/files") review_comments_url = data["review_comments_url"] # Check only if the title does not contain 'wip'. is_wip = bool(re.match(r"\bwip\b", data["title"], re.IGNORECASE)) check = config.get("CHECK_WIP", False) or not is_wip options["CHECK"] = check check_pep8 = options["pep8"] check_pep257 = options["pep257"] check_license = options["license"] check_files = check_pep8 or check_pep257 or check_license # Checking commits errs, messages = _check_commits( branch_status.commit.repository, commits_url, **options ) errors["message"] += errs length += len(errs) for msg in messages: errors["commits"].append(msg["status"]) body = "\n".join(msg["errors"]["message"]) if body is not "": if db.session.is_modified(msg["status"]): db.session.add(msg["status"]) try:["comments_url"], data=json.dumps(dict(body=body)), headers=headers) except requests.RequestException: LOGGER.exception(msg["comments_url"]) db.session.commit() # Checking the files if check and check_files: tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp() filenames = _download_files_from_pull_request(files_url, tmp) total, messages = _check_files(filenames, tmp, **options) shutil.rmtree(tmp) errors["files"].update(messages) length += total if total: _post_file_comments(review_comments_url, messages, headers) state = "error" if length > 0 else "success" body = dict(state=state, target_url=status_url, description="[{0}] {1} errors".format(state, length), context=config.get("CONTEXT")) try:["statuses_url"], data=json.dumps(body), headers=headers) except requests.RequestException: LOGGER.exception(data["statuses_url"]) branch_status.content = errors db.session.add(branch_status) db.session.commit() new_labels = set() if is_wip: new_labels = set([config.get("LABEL_WIP", "in_work")]) if not new_labels: if length == 0: new_labels = set([config.get("LABEL_READY", "in_integration")]) else: new_labels = set([config.get("LABEL_REVIEW", "in_review")]) labels = _update_labels(issue_url, new_labels, headers, config) return dict(errors, labels=list(labels))
def _update_labels(issue_url, new_labels, headers, config): """Update the labels of an issue. :param issue_url: url of the issue to read the existing labels from. :param new_labels: set of new labels to be applied. :return: set of updated labels of the issue. """ labels, labels_url = _get_issue_labels(issue_url) labels.discard(config.get("LABEL_WIP", "in_work")) labels.discard(config.get("LABEL_REVIEW", "in_review")) labels.discard(config.get("LABEL_READY", "in_integration")) labels.update(new_labels) try: requests.put(labels_url.replace("{/name}", ""), data=json.dumps(list(labels)), headers=headers) except requests.RequestException: LOGGER.exception(labels_url) return labels def _post_file_comments(comments_url, messages, headers): """Post comment on each file.""" # Sorting the filenames so the output is predictable and tests are easier. filenames = list(messages.keys()) filenames.sort() for filename in filenames: msg = messages[filename] body = "\n".join(msg["errors"]) if body is not "": # Comment on first line. position = 0 try:, data=json.dumps(dict(body=body, commit_id=msg["sha"], path=filename, position=position)), headers=headers) except requests.RequestException: LOGGER.exception(comments_url) def _download_files_from_pull_request(url, tmp): """Download the files of a pull request. :param url: pull request's list of files URL :param tmp: temporary directory to put the files into :return: filenames with their sha1 """ sha_match = re.compile(r"(?<=ref=)[^=]+") response = requests.get(url) files = json.loads(response.content) for f in files: filename = f["filename"] sha =["contents_url"]).group(0) _download_file(f["raw_url"], os.path.join(tmp, filename)) yield (sha, filename) def _download_files_from_commit(files, sha, tmp): """Download the files from the commit. :param files: list of files from the commit JSON :param tmp: temporary directory to put the files into :returns: filenames """ for f in files: if f["status"] != "removed": filename = f["filename"] if _download_file(f["raw_url"], os.path.join(tmp, filename)): yield (sha, filename) def _download_file(source, destination): """Download the given file and puts it at the desired place.""" try: response = requests.get(source) # File not found or other error. if response.status_code > 400: return requests.HTTPError(response.status_code) dirname = os.path.dirname(destination) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) with open(destination, "wb+") as fp: for block in response.iter_content(1024): if block: fp.write(block) return True except requests.RequestException: LOGGER.exception(source) return False def _get_issue_labels(issue_url): """Download the labels of the issue.""" issue = json.loads(requests.get(issue_url).content) labels = set() for label in issue["labels"]: labels.add(label["name"]) return labels, issue["labels_url"] def _check_commit(commit_status, commit, **kwargs): """Check one commit message. Does nothing if the commit has already been checked in the past. :param commit_status: commit status :type: CommitStatus :param commit: json object :type commit: dict :return: errors :rtype: list """ errs = None if commit_status.is_pending(): errs = check_message(commit["commit"]["message"], **kwargs) commit_status.content = dict(commit_status.content, message=errs) else: errs = commit_status.content["message"] return errs def _check_commits(repository, url, **kwargs): """Check the commit messages of a pull request.""" errors = [] messages = [] check = kwargs.get("CHECK") check_commit_messages = kwargs.get("CHECK_COMMIT_MESSAGES", True) response = requests.get(url) commits = json.loads(response.content) for commit in reversed(commits): errs = [] sha = commit["sha"] url = commit["html_url"] commit_status = CommitStatus.query.filter_by(, sha=sha).first() if not commit_status: raise AssertionError( "CommitStatus not found for {0.fullname} {sha}" .format(repo=repository, sha=sha)) if check and check_commit_messages: errs = _check_commit(commit_status, commit, **kwargs) # filter out the needs more reviewers e = list(filter(lambda x: not re.match(r"\d+: M100\b", x), errs)) messages.append({ "sha": sha, "status": commit_status, "comments_url": commit["comments_url"], "errors": { "message": e, "files": {} } }) errors += list(map(lambda x: "{0}: {1}".format(sha, x), errs)) return errors, messages def _check_files(files, cwd, **kwargs): """Download and runs the checks on the files of a pull request. Format of the dict returned. .. code-block:: json { "filename": { "sha": ... "errors": [...] }, "filename2": { ... } } :param files: list of files ``(sha, filename)``. :param cwd: directory where the files are located. :param kwargs: arguments for :meth:`check_file`. :return: tuple composed of the number of errors found and a dict with the files checked. """ total = 0 messages = {} for sha, filename in files: errors = check_file(os.path.join(cwd, filename), **kwargs) messages[filename] = { "sha": sha, "errors": errors } total += len(errors or []) return total, messages def _check_for_kwalitee_configuration(github_pr): """Check if a configuaration file exists in the repo. .. note:: If the `.kwalitee.yml` file has not been found it will return an empty dict will not affect the process. :param dict github_pr: responded github pull_request object :return: yaml parsed configuration :rtype: dict """ # download .kwalitee.yml if exists github_contents_api = ( "{name}/contents/.kwalitee.yml" "?ref={branch}" ).format( name=github_pr.get('base', {}).get('repo', {}).get('full_name'), branch=github_pr.get('base', {}).get('ref') ) # try to request the file request_configuration = requests.get(github_contents_api) data = {} # check if the status code is 200 if request_configuration.status_code == 200: response = request_configuration.content data_response = json.loads(response) # get the file's download url and download it download_url = data_response.get('download_url') # create a temporary file tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp() destination = os.path.join(tmp, data_response.get('name', 'temp')) # and finaly download the file into it written = _download_file(download_url, destination) # if there is an actual downloaded file try to read the yaml if written: with open(destination, 'r') as file_read: data = yaml.load( # finaly delete the tempdirectory shutil.rmtree(tmp) return data