Source code for kwalitee.kwalitee

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of kwalitee
# Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 CERN.
# kwalitee is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# kwalitee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with kwalitee; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.

"""Kwalitee checks for PEP8, PEP257, PyFlakes and License."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import codecs
import os
import re
import tokenize

from datetime import datetime

import pep257

import pep8

import pyflakes
import pyflakes.checker

SUPPORTED_FILES = '.py', '.html', '.tpl', '.js', '.jsx', '.css', '.less'
"""Supported file types."""

_re_copyright_year = re.compile(r"^Copyright\s+(?:\([Cc]\)|\xa9)\s+"
                                re.UNICODE | re.MULTILINE)

_re_program = re.compile(r"^(?P<program>.*?) is free software;",
                         re.UNICODE | re.MULTILINE)
_re_program_2 = re.compile(r"^(?P<program>.*?) is distributed in",
                           re.UNICODE | re.MULTILINE)
_re_program_3 = re.compile(r"GNU General Public License\s+along\s+with "
                           re.UNICODE | re.MULTILINE)

_re_bullet_label = re.compile(r"^\* (?P<label>[A-Z]{1,70}) ", re.UNICODE)

_messages_codes = {
    # Global
    "M100": "needs more reviewers",
    "M101": "signature is missing",
    "M102": "unrecognized bullet/signature",
    # First line
    "M110": "missing component name",
    "M111": "unrecognized component name: {0}",
    # Dots
    "M120": "missing empty line before bullet",
    "M121": "indentation of two spaces expected",
    "M122": "unrecognized bullet label: {0}",
    # Signatures
    "M130": "no bullets are allowed after signatures",
    # Generic
    "M190": "line is too long ({1} > {0})",
    "M191": "must not end with a dot '.'",

_licenses_codes = {
    "L100": "license is missing",
    "L101": "copyright is missing",
    "L102": "copyright year is outdated, expected {0} but got {1}",
    "L103": "license is not GNU GPLv2",
    "L190": "file cannot be decoded as {0}"

def _check_1st_line(line, **kwargs):
    """First line check.

    Check that the first line has a known component name followed by a colon
    and then a short description of the commit.

    :param line: first line
    :type line: str
    :param components: list of known component names
    :type line: list
    :param max_first_line: maximum length of the first line
    :type max_first_line: int
    :return: errors as in (code, line number, *args)
    :rtype: list

    components = kwargs.get("components", ())
    max_first_line = kwargs.get("max_first_line", 50)

    errors = []
    lineno = 1
    if len(line) > max_first_line:
        errors.append(("M190", lineno, max_first_line, len(line)))

    if line.endswith("."):
        errors.append(("M191", lineno))

    if ':' not in line:
        errors.append(("M110", lineno))
        component, msg = line.split(':', 1)
        if component not in components:
            errors.append(("M111", lineno, component))

    return errors

def _check_bullets(lines, **kwargs):
    """Check that the bullet point list is well formatted.

    Each bullet point shall have one space before and after it. The bullet
    character is the "*" and there is no space before it but one after it
    meaning the next line are starting with two blanks spaces to respect the

    :param lines: all the lines of the message
    :type lines: list
    :param max_lengths: maximum length of any line. (Default 72)
    :return: errors as in (code, line number, *args)
    :rtype: list

    max_length = kwargs.get("max_length", 72)
    labels = {l for l, _ in kwargs.get("commit_msg_labels", tuple())}

    errors = []
    missed_lines = []
    skipped = []

    for (i, line) in enumerate(lines[1:]):
        if line.startswith('*'):
            if len(missed_lines) > 0:
                errors.append(("M130", i + 2))
            if lines[i].strip() != '':
                errors.append(("M120", i + 2))

            label =
            if label and'label') not in labels:
                errors.append(("M122", i + 2,'label')))

            for (j, indented) in enumerate(lines[i + 2:]):
                if indented.strip() == '':
                if not"^ {2}\S", indented):
                    errors.append(("M121", i + j + 3))
                    skipped.append(i + j + 1)
        elif i not in skipped and line.strip():
            missed_lines.append((i + 2, line))

        if len(line) > max_length:
            errors.append(("M190", i + 2, max_length, len(line)))

    return errors, missed_lines

def _check_signatures(lines, **kwargs):
    """Check that the signatures are valid.

    There should be at least three signatures. If not, one of them should be a
    trusted developer/reviewer.

    Formatting supported being: [signature] full name <email@address>

    :param lines: lines (lineno, content) to verify.
    :type lines: list
    :param signatures: list of supported signature
    :type signatures: list
    :param alt_signatures: list of alternative signatures, not counted
    :type alt_signatures: list
    :param trusted: list of trusted reviewers, the e-mail address.
    :type trusted: list
    :param min_reviewers: minimal number of reviewers needed. (Default 3)
    :type min_reviewers: int
    :return: errors as in (code, line number, *args)
    :rtype: list

    trusted = kwargs.get("trusted", ())
    signatures = tuple(kwargs.get("signatures", ()))
    alt_signatures = tuple(kwargs.get("alt_signatures", ()))
    min_reviewers = kwargs.get("min_reviewers", 3)

    matching = []
    errors = []
    signatures += alt_signatures

    test_signatures = re.compile("^({0})".format("|".join(signatures)))
    test_alt_signatures = re.compile("^({0})".format("|".join(alt_signatures)))
    for i, line in lines:
        if signatures and
            if line.endswith("."):
                errors.append(("M191", i))
            if not alt_signatures or not
            errors.append(("M102", i))

    if not matching:
        errors.append(("M101", 1))
        errors.append(("M100", 1))
    elif len(matching) < min_reviewers:
        pattern = re.compile('|'.join(map(lambda x: '<' + re.escape(x) + '>',
        trusted_matching = list(filter(None, map(, matching)))
        if len(trusted_matching) == 0:
            errors.append(("M100", 1))

    return errors

[docs]def check_message(message, **kwargs): """Check the message format. Rules: - the first line must start by a component name - and a short description (52 chars), - then bullet points are expected - and finally signatures. :param components: compontents, e.g. ``('auth', 'utils', 'misc')`` :type components: `list` :param signatures: signatures, e.g. ``('Signed-off-by', 'Reviewed-by')`` :type signatures: `list` :param alt_signatures: alternative signatures, e.g. ``('Tested-by',)`` :type alt_signatures: `list` :param trusted: optional list of reviewers, e.g. ``('',)`` :type trusted: `list` :param max_length: optional maximum line length (by default: 72) :type max_length: int :param max_first_line: optional maximum first line length (by default: 50) :type max_first_line: int :param allow_empty: optional way to allow empty message (by default: False) :type allow_empty: bool :return: errors sorted by line number :rtype: `list` """ if kwargs.pop("allow_empty", False): if not message or message.isspace(): return [] lines = re.split(r"\r\n|\r|\n", message) errors = _check_1st_line(lines[0], **kwargs) err, signature_lines = _check_bullets(lines, **kwargs) errors += err errors += _check_signatures(signature_lines, **kwargs) def _format(code, lineno, args): return "{0}: {1} {2}".format(lineno, code, _messages_codes[code].format(*args)) return list(map(lambda x: _format(x[0], x[1], x[2:]), sorted(errors, key=lambda x: x[0])))
class _PyFlakesChecker(pyflakes.checker.Checker): """PEP8 compatible checker for pyFlakes (inspired by flake8).""" name = "pyflakes" version = pyflakes.__version__ def run(self): """Yield the error messages.""" for msg in self.messages: col = getattr(msg, 'col', 0) yield msg.lineno, col, (msg.tpl % msg.message_args), msg.__class__ def _register_pyflakes_check(): """Register the pyFlakes checker into PEP8 set of checks.""" from flake8_import_order.flake8_linter import Linter from flake8_blind_except import check_blind_except # Resolving conflicts between pep8 and pyflakes. codes = { "UnusedImport": "F401", "ImportShadowedByLoopVar": "F402", "ImportStarUsed": "F403", "LateFutureImport": "F404", "Redefined": "F801", "RedefinedInListComp": "F812", "UndefinedName": "F821", "UndefinedExport": "F822", "UndefinedLocal": "F823", "DuplicateArgument": "F831", "UnusedVariable": "F841", } for name, obj in vars(pyflakes.messages).items(): if name[0].isupper() and obj.message: obj.tpl = "{0} {1}".format(codes.get(name, "F999"), obj.message) pep8.register_check(_PyFlakesChecker, codes=['F']) # FIXME parser hack parser = pep8.get_parser('', '') Linter.add_options(parser) options, args = parser.parse_args([]) Linter.parse_options(options) # end of hack pep8.register_check(Linter, codes=['I']) pep8.register_check(check_blind_except, codes=['B90']) _registered_pyflakes_check = False class _Report(pep8.BaseReport): """Custom reporter. It keeps a list of errors in a sortable list and never prints. """ def __init__(self, options): """Initialize the reporter.""" super(_Report, self).__init__(options) self.errors = [] def error(self, line_number, offset, text, check): """Run the checks and collect the errors.""" code = super(_Report, self).error(line_number, offset, text, check) if code: self.errors.append((line_number, offset + 1, code, text, check))
[docs]def is_file_excluded(filename, excludes): """Check if the file should be excluded. :param filename: file name :param excludes: list of regex to match :return: True if the file should be excluded """ # check if you need to exclude this file return any([exclude and re.match(exclude, filename) is not None for exclude in excludes])
[docs]def check_pep8(filename, **kwargs): """Perform static analysis on the given file. :param filename: path of file to check. :type filename: str :param ignore: codes to ignore, e.g. ``('E111', 'E123')`` :type ignore: `list` :param select: codes to explicitly select. :type select: `list` :param pyflakes: run the pyflakes checks too (default ``True``) :type pyflakes: bool :return: errors :rtype: `list` .. seealso:: :py:class:`pep8.Checker` """ options = { "ignore": kwargs.get("ignore"), "select": kwargs.get("select"), } if not _registered_pyflakes_check and kwargs.get("pyflakes", True): _register_pyflakes_check() checker = pep8.Checker(filename, reporter=_Report, **options) checker.check_all() errors = [] for error in sorted(, key=lambda x: x[0]): errors.append("{0}:{1}: {3}".format(*error)) return errors
[docs]def check_pep257(filename, **kwargs): """Perform static analysis on the given file docstrings. :param filename: path of file to check. :type filename: str :param ignore: codes to ignore, e.g. ('D400',) :type ignore: `list` :param match: regex the filename has to match to be checked :type match: str :param match_dir: regex everydir in path should match to be checked :type match_dir: str :return: errors :rtype: `list` .. seealso:: `GreenSteam/pep257 <>`_ """ ignore = kwargs.get("ignore") match = kwargs.get("match", None) match_dir = kwargs.get("match_dir", None) errors = [] if match and not re.match(match, os.path.basename(filename)): return errors if match_dir: # FIXME here the full path is checked, be sure, if match_dir doesn't # match the path (usually temporary) before the actual application path # it may not run the checks when it should have. path = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(filename))[0] while path != "/": path, dirname = os.path.split(path) if not re.match(match_dir, dirname): return errors checker = pep257.PEP257Checker() with open(filename) as fp: try: for error in checker.check_source(, filename): if ignore is None or error.code not in ignore: # Removing the colon ':' after the error code message = re.sub("(D[0-9]{3}): ?(.*)", r"\1 \2", error.message) errors.append("{0}: {1}".format(error.line, message)) except tokenize.TokenError as e: errors.append("{1}:{2} {0}".format(e.args[0], *e.args[1])) except pep257.AllError as e: errors.append(str(e)) return errors
[docs]def check_license(filename, **kwargs): """Perform a license check on the given file. The license format should be commented using # and live at the top of the file. Also, the year should be the current one. :param filename: path of file to check. :type filename: str :param year: default current year :type year: int :param ignore: codes to ignore, e.g. ``('L100', 'L101')`` :type ignore: `list` :param python_style: False for JavaScript or CSS files :type python_style: bool :return: errors :rtype: `list` """ year = kwargs.pop("year", python_style = kwargs.pop("python_style", True) ignores = kwargs.get("ignore") template = "{0}: {1} {2}" if python_style: re_comment = re.compile(r"^#.*|\{#.*|[\r\n]+$") starter = "# " else: re_comment = re.compile(r"^/\*.*| \*.*|[\r\n]+$") starter = " *" errors = [] lines = [] file_is_empty = False license = "" lineno = 0 try: with, "r", "utf-8") as fp: line = fp.readline() blocks = [] while re_comment.match(line): if line.startswith(starter): line = line[len(starter):].lstrip() blocks.append(line) lines.append((lineno, line.strip())) lineno, line = lineno + 1, fp.readline() file_is_empty = line == "" license = "".join(blocks) except UnicodeDecodeError: errors.append((lineno + 1, "L190", "utf-8")) license = "" if file_is_empty and not license.strip(): return errors match_year = if match_year is None: errors.append((lineno + 1, "L101")) elif int("year")) != year: theline = lno = lineno for no, l in lines: if theline.strip() == l: lno = no break errors.append((lno + 1, "L102", year,"year"))) else: program_match = program_2_match = program_3_match = if program_match is None: errors.append((lineno, "L100")) elif (program_2_match is None or program_3_match is None or ("program").upper() !="program").upper() !="program").upper())): errors.append((lineno, "L103")) def _format_error(lineno, code, *args): return template.format(lineno, code, _licenses_codes[code].format(*args)) def _filter_codes(error): if not ignores or error[1] not in ignores: return error return list(map(lambda x: _format_error(*x), filter(_filter_codes, errors)))
[docs]def check_file(filename, **kwargs): """Perform static analysis on the given file. .. seealso:: - :data:`.SUPPORTED_FILES` - :func:`.check_pep8` - :func:`.check_pep257` - and :func:`.check_license` :param filename: path of file to check. :type filename: str :return: errors sorted by line number or None if file is excluded :rtype: `list` """ excludes = kwargs.get("excludes", []) errors = [] if is_file_excluded(filename, excludes): return None if filename.endswith(".py"): if kwargs.get("pep8", True): errors += check_pep8(filename, **kwargs) if kwargs.get("pep257", True): errors += check_pep257(filename, **kwargs) if kwargs.get("license", True): errors += check_license(filename, **kwargs) elif"\.(tpl|html)$", filename): errors += check_license(filename, **kwargs) elif"\.(js|jsx|css|less)$", filename): errors += check_license(filename, python_style=False, **kwargs) def try_to_int(value): try: return int(value.split(':', 1)[0]) except ValueError: return 0 return sorted(errors, key=try_to_int)
[docs]def get_options(config): """Build the options from the Flask config.""" base = { "components": config.get("COMPONENTS"), "signatures": config.get("SIGNATURES"), "commit_msg_template": config.get("COMMIT_MSG_TEMPLATE"), "commit_msg_labels": config.get("COMMIT_MSG_LABELS"), "alt_signatures": config.get("ALT_SIGNATURES"), "trusted": config.get("TRUSTED_DEVELOPERS"), "pep8": config.get("CHECK_PEP8", True), "pep257": config.get("CHECK_PEP257", True), "license": config.get("CHECK_LICENSE", True), "pyflakes": config.get("CHECK_PYFLAKES", True), "ignore": config.get("IGNORE"), "select": config.get("SELECT"), "match": config.get("PEP257_MATCH"), "match_dir": config.get("PEP257_MATCH_DIR"), "min_reviewers": config.get("MIN_REVIEWERS"), "colors": config.get("COLORS", True), "excludes": config.get("EXCLUDES", []) } options = {} for k, v in base.items(): if v is not None: options[k] = v return options