Source code for juju.utils

import asyncio
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path

[docs]async def execute_process(*cmd, log=None, loop=None): ''' Wrapper around asyncio.create_subprocess_exec. ''' p = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( *cmd, stdin=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, loop=loop) stdout, stderr = await p.communicate() if log: log.debug("Exec %s -> %d", cmd, p.returncode) if stdout: log.debug(stdout.decode('utf-8')) if stderr: log.debug(stderr.decode('utf-8')) return p.returncode == 0
def _read_ssh_key(): ''' Inner function for read_ssh_key, suitable for passing to our Executor. ''' default_data_dir = Path(Path.home(), ".local", "share", "juju") juju_data = os.environ.get("JUJU_DATA", default_data_dir) ssh_key_path = Path(juju_data, 'ssh', '') with'r') as ssh_key_file: ssh_key = ssh_key_file.readlines()[0].strip() return ssh_key
[docs]async def read_ssh_key(loop): ''' Attempt to read the local juju admin's public ssh key, so that it can be passed on to a model. ''' return await loop.run_in_executor(None, _read_ssh_key)
[docs]class IdQueue: """ Wrapper around asyncio.Queue that maintains a separate queue for each ID. """ def __init__(self, maxsize=0, *, loop=None): self._queues = defaultdict(partial(asyncio.Queue, maxsize, loop=loop))
[docs] async def get(self, id): value = await self._queues[id].get() del self._queues[id] if isinstance(value, Exception): raise value return value
[docs] async def put(self, id, value): await self._queues[id].put(value)
[docs] async def put_all(self, value): for queue in self._queues.values(): await queue.put(value)
[docs]async def run_with_interrupt(task, event, loop=None): """ Awaits a task while allowing it to be interrupted by an `asyncio.Event`. If the task finishes without the event becoming set, the results of the task will be returned. If the event becomes set, the task will be cancelled ``None`` will be returned. :param task: Task to run :param event: An `asyncio.Event` which, if set, will interrupt `task` and cause it to be cancelled. :param loop: Optional event loop to use other than the default. """ loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() event_task = loop.create_task(event.wait()) done, pending = await asyncio.wait([task, event_task], loop=loop, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) for f in pending: f.cancel() result = [f.result() for f in done if f is not event_task] if result: return result[0] else: return None