Installation and testing

Install using pip

pip install numpy
pip install javabridge

Install without pip

# Make sure numpy is installed
python install


The Javabridge requires Python 2.6 or above, NumPy, the Java Development Kit (JDK), and a C compiler.


On CentOS 6, the dependencies can be installed as follows:

yum install gcc numpy python-devel java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel
curl -O

On Fedora 19, the dependencies can be installed as follows:

yum install gcc numpy python-devel java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel python-pip openssl

On Ubuntu 13 and Debian 7, the dependencies can be installed as follows:

apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk python-pip python-numpy python-dev

On Ubuntu 14, the dependencies can be installed as follows:

apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk python-pip python-numpy python-dev

On Arch Linux, the dependencies can be installed as follows:

pacman -S jdk7-openjdk python2-pip python2-numpy base-devel


  1. Install the Xcode command-line tools. There are two ways:
    1. Install Xcode from the Mac App Store. (You can also download it from Apple’s Mac Dev Center, but that may require membership in the Apple Developer Program.) Install the Xcode command-line tools by starting Xcode, going to Preferences, click on “Downloads” in the toolbar, and click the “Install” button on the line “Command Line Tools.” For MacOS 10.9 and Xcode 5 and above, you may have to install the command-line tools by typing xcode-select --install and following the prompts.
    2. Download the Xcode command-line tools from Apple’s Mac Dev Center and install. This may require membership in the Apple Developer Program.
  2. Create and activate a virtualenv virtual environment if you don’t want to clutter up your system-wide python installation with new packages.
  3. pip install numpy
  4. pip install javabridge


If you do not have a C compiler installed, you can install the Windows SDK 7.1 and .Net Framework 4.0 to perform the compile steps.

You should install a Java Development Kit (JDK) appropriate for your Java project. The Windows build is tested with the Oracle JDK 1.7. You also need to install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Note that the bitness needs to match your python: if you use a 32-bit Python, then you need a 32-bit JDK; if you use a 64-bit Python, then you need a 64-bit JDK.

The paths to PIP and Python should be in your PATH (set PATH=%PATH%;c:\\Python27;c:\\Python27\\scripts if Python and PIP installed to the default locations). The following steps should perform the install:

  1. Open a Windows SDK command prompt (found in the Start menu under Microsoft Windows SDK). Set the path to Python and PIP if needed.

  2. Issue the commands:

    set MSSdk=1
    pip install javabridge

Running the unit tests

Running the unit tests requires Nose. Some of the tests require Python 2.7 or above.

  1. Build and install in the source code tree so that the unit tests can run:

    python develop
  2. Run the unit tests:


On Linux and MacOS X, the following should also work:

python nosetests

You must build the extensions in-place on Windows, then run nosetests if you use setup to run the tests:

python build_ext -i
python nosetests

See the section Unit testing for how to run unit tests for your own projects that use Javabridge.