Source code for ixnetwork.test.ixn_samples

Stand alone samples for IXN package functionality.

Two IXN ports connected back to back.


import sys
from os import path
import unittest
import logging
import time

from ixnetwork.api.ixn_tcl import IxnTclWrapper
from ixnetwork.api.ixn_python import IxnPythonWrapper
from ixnetwork.ixn_app import IxnApp
from ixnetwork.ixn_statistics_view import IxnPortStatistics, IxnTrafficItemStatistics

# API type = tcl or python. The default is tcl with DEBUG log messages (see bellow) because it gives best visibility.
api = 'tcl'
install_dir = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Ixia/IxNetwork/8.01-GA'

ixn_config_file = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'configs/test_config.ixncfg')

port1_location = ''
port2_location = ''

[docs]class IxnTestBase(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): super(IxnTestBase, self).setUp() logger = logging.getLogger('log') logger.setLevel('DEBUG') logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)) if api == 'tcl': api_wrapper = IxnTclWrapper(logger, install_dir) else: api_wrapper = IxnPythonWrapper(logger, install_dir) self.ixn = IxnApp(logger, api_wrapper=api_wrapper) self.ixn.connect()
[docs] def tearDown(self): super(IxnTestBase, self).tearDown()
[docs] def load_config(self): self.ixn.new_config() self.ixn.load_config(ixn_config_file) self.ixn.commit()
[docs] def objects_access(self): self.load_config() # You can read all objects by calling the general method get_children ports = self.ixn.root.get_children('vport') assert(len(ports) == 2) # After the objects have been read from IXN you can retrieve them from memory (much faster) ports = self.ixn.root.get_objects_by_type('vport') assert(len(ports) == 2) # If you are not sure if objects have been read from IXN yet (best method for static configurations) ports = self.ixn.root.get_objects_or_children_by_type('vport') assert(len(ports) == 2) # Now we can iterate and print all objects: print('Name\tObject Reference\tPython Object') for port in ports: print('{}\t{}\t{}'.format(port.obj_name(), port.obj_ref(), port)) # But... frequently used objects (like ports...) can be accessed specifically: ports = self.ixn.root.get_ports() assert(len(ports) == 2) # Now we can iterate and print all objects: print('Name\tObject Reference\tPython Object') for name, obj in ports.items(): print('{}\t{}\t{}'.format(name, obj.obj_ref(), obj))
[docs] def get_set_attribute(self): self.load_config() interface = self.ixn.root.get_ports()['Port 1'].get_interfaces()['Int 1-1'] # Get all attributes print(interface.get_attributes()) # Get group of attributes print(interface.get_attributes('type', 'mtu')) # Get specific attribute print('mtu: ' + interface.get_attribute('mtu')) # Special cases - name and enabled: print('name: ' + interface.get_name()) print('enabled: ' + str(interface.get_enabled())) # Set attribute interface.set_attributes(mtu=1234) assert(int(interface.get_attribute('mtu')) == 1234) # And again, special case for enabled interface.set_enabled(False) assert(not interface.get_enabled())
[docs] def reserve_ports(self): self.load_config() self.ports = self.ixn.root.get_children('vport') self.ixn.root.get_object_by_name('Port 1').reserve(port1_location) self.ixn.root.get_object_by_name('Port 2').reserve(port2_location)
[docs] def protocols(self): self.reserve_ports() self.ixn.send_arp_ns() self.ixn.protocols_start()
[docs] def traffic(self): self.reserve_ports() self.ixn.traffic_apply() self.ixn.l23_traffic_start() time.sleep(8) self.ixn.l23_traffic_stop() port_stats = IxnPortStatistics() port_stats.read_stats() ti_stats = IxnTrafficItemStatistics() ti_stats.read_stats() print(port_stats.get_object_stats('Port 1')) print(port_stats.get_counters('Frames Tx.')) assert(ti_stats.get_counter('Traffic Item 1', 'Rx Frames') == 1600)
[docs] def inventory(self): chassis = self.ixn.root.hw.get_chassis(port1_location.split('/')[0]) chassis.get_inventory() print('Full Inventory') print('=' * len('Full Inventory')) for module_name, module in chassis.modules.items(): print(module_name) for port_name in module.ports: print(port_name)