Source code for ixnetwork.api.ixn_python


from sys import platform
import logging
import itertools
import posixpath
import imp

if platform == 'win32':
    py_tail = 'API/Python/'
    py_tail = 'lib/PythonApi/'

[docs]class IxnPythonWrapper(object): def __init__(self, logger, ixn_install_dir): """ Init IXN Python package. :param looger: application logger, if stream handler and log level is DEBUG -> enable IXN Python debug. :param ixn_install_dir: full path to IXN installation directory up to (including) version number. :todo: Add logger to log IXN Python package commands only to create a clean Python script for debug. """ super(self.__class__, self).__init__() ixn_python_module = posixpath.sep.join([ixn_install_dir, py_tail]) self.ixn = imp.load_source('IxNet', ixn_python_module).IxNet() stream_handler = None for handler in logger.handlers: if isinstance(handler, logging.StreamHandler): stream_handler = handler if stream_handler and logger.getEffectiveLevel() == 10: self.ixn.setDebug(True)
[docs] def getVersion(self): return self.ixn.getVersion()
[docs] def connect(self, ip, port): return self.ixn.connect(ip, '-port', port, '-version', self.getVersion())
[docs] def getRoot(self): return self.ixn.getRoot()
[docs] def commit(self): self.ixn.commit()
[docs] def execute(self, command, *arguments): return self.ixn.execute(command, *arguments)
[docs] def newConfig(self): self.execute('newConfig')
[docs] def loadConfig(self, configFileName): self.execute('loadConfig', self.ixn.readFrom(configFileName.replace('\\', '/')))
[docs] def saveConfig(self, configFileName): self.execute('saveConfig', self.ixn.writeTo(configFileName.replace('\\', '/')))
[docs] def getList(self, objRef, childList): return self.ixn.getList(objRef, childList)
[docs] def getAttribute(self, objRef, attribute): return self.ixn.getAttribute(objRef, '-' + attribute)
[docs] def getListAttribute(self, objRef, attribute): value = self.getAttribute(objRef, attribute) return [v[0] for v in value] if type(value[0]) is list else value
[docs] def help(self, objRef): return
[docs] def add(self, parent, obj_type, **attributes): """ IXN API add command @param parent: object parent - object will be created under this parent. @param object_type: object type. @param attributes: additional attributes. @return: STC object reference. """ return self.ixn.add(parent.obj_ref(), obj_type, *self._get_args_list(**attributes))
[docs] def setAttributes(self, objRef, **attributes): self.ixn.setMultiAttribute(objRef, *self._get_args_list(**attributes))
[docs] def remapIds(self, objRef): return self.ixn.remapIds(objRef)[0]
def _get_args_list(self, **attributes): keys = ['-' + attribute for attribute in attributes.keys()] return itertools.chain.from_iterable(zip(keys, attributes.values()))