Source code for ibmdbpy.filtering

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015, IBM Corp.
# All rights reserved.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD Simplified License.
# The full license is in the LICENSE file, distributed with this software.

"""The module implement objects and functions that are used to filter IdaDataFrame objects"""

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from builtins import str
from future import standard_library

from copy import deepcopy
from numbers import Number
from ibmdbpy.exceptions import IdaDataBaseError
import six

[docs]class FilterQuery(object): """ FilterQueries are used to represent the filtering of an IdaDataFrame in ibmdbpy. The use of comparison operators, such as <, <=, ==, >=, > on an IdaDataFrame instance produces a FilterQuery instance which acts as a container for the where clause of the corresponding SQL request. Filtering is possible using a Pandas-like syntax. Applying comparison operators to IdaDataFrames produces a FilterQuery instance which contains the string embedding the corresponding where clause in the “wherestr” attribute. FilterQuery objects also contain a logic that allows them to be combined, thus allowing complex filtering. You can combine the following operators: |, &, ^ (OR, AND and XOR) Examples -------- >>> idadf[['sepal_length', 'petal_width'] < 5 >>> <ibmdbpy.filtering.FilterQuery at 0xa65ba90> >>> _.wherestr '("sepal_length" < 5 AND "petal_width" < 5)' >>> idadf[idadf[['sepal_length', 'petal_width']] < 5] <ibmdbpy.frame.IdaDataFrame at 0xa73a860> >>> _.head() # filtered IdaDataFrame sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width species 0 4.4 2.9 1.4 0.2 setosa 1 4.7 3.2 1.6 0.2 setosa 2 4.9 2.5 4.5 1.7 virginica 3 4.9 2.4 3.3 1.0 versicolor 4 4.6 3.2 1.4 0.2 setosa >>> idadf[(idadf['sepal_length'] < 5) & (idadf[petal_width'] > 1.5)] <ibmdbpy.frame.IdaDataFrame at 0xa74b9b0> >>> _.head() sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width species 0 4.9 2.5 4.5 1.7 virginica Notes ----- It is not possible to filter an IdaDataFrame by using an IdaDataFrame that is opened in a different data source in the database. This is due to the fact that, using a Pandas-like syntax, “idadf[‘petal_width’] < 5” will return a Boolean array that is used to subset the original DataFrame. This is a fundamental restriction of ibmdbpy: we cannot afford to compute and download such an array because we cannot assume that the result will fit into user’s memory. Download time can also be a performance issue. """ def __init__(self, columns, tablename, method, value): """ Constructor for filterquery objects. Parameters ---------- columns : str or list columns on which the filter operation should be applied tablename : str Name of the table to which columns belong method : str value representing the comparision operator. Admissible value: ["lt","le","eq","ne","ge,"gt"] value: str or number Value to use to filter. Attributes ---------- columns : str or list columns on which the filter operation should be applied tablename : str Name of the table to which columns belong method : str value representing the comparision operator. Admissible value: ["lt","le","eq","ne","ge,"gt"] value: str or number Value to use to filter. wherestr : str SQL where clause to be used for filtering Raises ------ IdaDataBaseError * The value for filtering is not a string or a number * The filtering method is not suppoted Notes ----- This object is considered as private, and should be called internally by IdaDataFrame instances. """ # Sanity checks if isinstance(columns, six.string_types): columns = [columns] if isinstance(value, six.string_types): value = "'" + value + "'" if not ((isinstance(value,six.string_types)|isinstance(value,Number))): raise IdaDataBaseError("Value for Filterquery is expected to be a string or a number. Type %s"%str(type(value))) dictmethod = {"lt": " < ", "le": " <= ", "eq": " = ", "ne": " != ", "ge": " >= ", "gt": " > "} if method not in dictmethod.keys(): raise IdaDataBaseError("The filtering method is not suppoted. Admissible values for method argument are %s"%list(dictmethod.keys())) self.columns = columns # TO DEPRECATE self.tablename = tablename self.method = method # TO DEPRECATE self.value = value # TO DEPRECATE self.wherestr = ("(\"" + ("\"" + str(dictmethod[method]) + str(value) + " AND \"").join(columns) + "\"" + str(dictmethod[method]) + str(value) + ")") # TO DEPRECATE @property def query(self): """ Return an SQL query like "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE <WHERESTR>", where <WHERESTR> is the value of the attribute "wherestr". """ return "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE " + self.wherestr def __and__(self, other): """ Combine two FilterQuery instances with the operator "&" (AND) For example : (idadf['sepal_length'] < 5) & (idadf[petal_width'] > 3) """ self._combine_check(other) newquery = deepcopy(self) newquery.wherestr = "(%s AND %s)"%(self.wherestr,other.wherestr) return newquery def __or__(self, other): """ Combine two FilterQuery instances with the operator "|" (OR) For example : (idadf['sepal_length'] < 5) | (idadf[petal_width'] > 3) """ self._combine_check(other) newquery = deepcopy(self) newquery.wherestr = "(%s OR %s)"%(self.wherestr,other.wherestr) return newquery def __xor__(self, other): """ Combine two FilterQuery instances with the operator "^" (XOR) For example : (idadf['sepal_length'] < 5) ^ (idadf[petal_width'] > 3) """ self._combine_check(other) newquery = deepcopy(self) newquery.wherestr = ("((NOT %s AND %s) OR (%s AND NOT %s))"%(self.wherestr,other.wherestr,self.wherestr,other.wherestr)) return newquery def _combine_check(self, other): """ Check if the name of two FilterQuery is the same. Raise an IdaDataBaseError in case it is different. This function is used before performing logical operations between FilterQuery instances. Raises ------ IdaDataBaseError """ if self.tablename != other.tablename: raise IdaDataBaseError("Combining filtering criterions from "+ "columns belongings to different tables "+ "is not possible.")